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First private spacecraft manufacturing facility launched in Bengaluru


Ananth Technologies Private Limited (ANANTH), the leading aerospace and defence manufacturer in India, launched their new spacecraft manufacturing facility in Bengaluru on Wednesday.

This is the first spacecraft assembly, integration and testing facility in the private sector.

The state-of-the-art facility was inaugurated by S.Somanath, Chairman and Secretary, Department of Space at Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

Located at Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board Aerospace Park, Bengaluru, the new establishment is equipped with clean rooms for spacecraft sub-systems manufacturing and is large enough to cater to four spacecraft simultaneously.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, S.Somanath said, “At ISRO, our objective is not just to pursue space science research and planetary exploration, it is also to harness space technology for the nation’s development.”

“India has earned worldwide recognition for their space programmes and we feel that the collaboration between government and private players can further boost the growth of this sector. We congratulate ANANTH on the inauguration of their new space manufacturing facility which will open new frontiers of development in space research and help scale up high-tech space manufacturing in the country.”

Speaking at the launch, Subba Rao Pavuluri, Chairman and Managing Director, ANANTH, said, “Since its inception, ANANTH has been an active partner in India’s space journey. We have always strived to indigenize cutting-edge aerospace technologies to support the country’s security and development.”

This new spacecraft manufacturing facility furthers ANANTH’s contribution to the growth of India’s space economy and Indian government’s ‘Make in India’ vision.

“We are proud of our long-term growth story in India and believe that the opening of this facility will underscore ANANTH’s strengths in manufacturing of critical aerospace systems and high-value geospatial services for domestic and global customers.”

The inaugural ceremony was also attended by distinguished aerospace scientists of India, including former ISRO chairpersons, senior executives from foreign aerospace companies, diplomats of foreign missions in India and veterans of Indian space programmes.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed.)

प्रभु श्री राम की भक्ति की अद्भुत कहानी: शबरी


रामकथा में एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण पड़ाव उन महिला का है, जिन्होनें भक्ति की धारा को एक नया आयाम दिया है। उन्होंने भक्ति को एक परिभाषा दी, उन्होंने बताया कि भक्त की प्रतीक्षा क्या होती है. वह स्त्री शक्ति की एक ऐसी परिभाषा हैं, जिन्हें सहज कोई भी व्यक्ति न ही लिख सकता है और न ही समझ सकता है. वह राम कथा का महत्वपूर्ण पड़ाव है, इतना महत्वपूर्ण कि उसके बिना राम कथा पूर्ण नहीं हो सकती। राम कथा ही क्यों, उसके बिना भक्ति पूर्ण नहीं हो सकती। वह अपने राम की प्रतीक्षा में नित आश्रम में बाट जोहती थी। नित मार्ग बुहारती, नित सोचती “आज आएँगे क्या राम?”

वह राम कथा में ऐसा पात्र है जिसके स्मरण मात्र से भक्ति के एक नए रूप से आपका परिचय होता है। जिसकी भक्ति के सम्मुख विश्व के समस्त सुख तुच्छ प्रतीत होती है। जहाँ हम देखते हैं कि सुग्रीव अपने राज्य छिन जाने से व्याकुल हैं, दुखी हैं, परन्तु शबरी जीवन का तो एक ही आधार है कि राम उसकी कुटिया में आए और वह उनके दर्शन कर स्वर्ग में जाए। यद्यपि वाल्मीकि रामायण में यह नहीं है कि उन्होंने शबरी के झूठे बेर खाए। हाँ यह अवश्य है कि शबरी ने उनके लिए कंदमूल एकत्र कर रखे थे।

यह कहा जा सकता है कि राम की प्रतीक्षा में प्रतीक्षारत शबरी के साथ कई कथाएँ जुड़ती गईं और भक्ति की जो सूक्ष्म धारा थी वह मात्र झूठे फलों की कहानी में दब गयी? जिस शबरी को श्रमणी की संज्ञा प्राप्त हुई है, जिस श्रमणी ने योग और तपबल से स्वयं को विकसित किया है, जिस शबरी ने इतने वर्ष मात्र इस प्रतीक्षा में व्यतीत कर दिए कि एक दिन राम उसकी कुटिया में आएँगे, अत: उसे रुकना है, रुकना ही नहीं है अपितु राम और लक्ष्मण के आने तक वन को भी उसी प्रकार रखना है, जैसा ऋषि छोड़ गए हैं। शबरी भक्ति का वह अध्याय है जिसका अध्ययन प्रत्येक भक्त को करना चाहिए।

राम ने शबरी के बेर खाए या नहीं, यह तो नहीं पता परन्तु राम ने शबरी से उसकी तपस्या के विषय में अवश्य पूछा जो यह प्रमाणित करता है कि शबरी एक ज्ञानी स्त्री थी।

परन्तु राम कहते हैं न कि भक्त और ज्ञानी में से भक्त महान होता है, इसी प्रकार शबरी का तपस्या वाला रूप भक्ति के रूप के कहीं पीछे दब जाता है।  राम उनसे पूछते हैं:

कच्चिते निर्जिता विघ्ना कच्चिते वर्धते तप:

कच्चिते नियत: क्रोध आहाराश्च तपोधने।

(वाल्मीकि रामायण अरण्य काण्ड 74/8)

अर्थात कामादि छ: रिपुओं को जो तपस्या में विघ्न डाला करते हैं वह तुमने जीत तो लिया है? तुम्हारी तपस्या उत्तरोत्तर बढ़ती तो जाती है? तुमने क्रोध को वश में कर रखा है? हे तपोधने, तुम आहार में संभल कर तो रहती हो?

फिर उसके उपरान्त वह लिखते हैं:

कच्चिते नियम: प्राप्त: कच्चिते मनस: सुखम

कच्चिते गुरुशुश्रषा सफला चारुभाषिणी

(वाल्मीकि रामायण अरण्य काण्ड 74/9)

अर्थात  हे चारुभाषिणी, तुम्हार सभी व्रत तो ठीक ठाक चले जाते हैं? तुम्हारा मन संतुष्ट तो रहता है? क्या तुम्हारी सेवा शुश्रुषा सफल हुई?

राम के इन प्रश्नों का शबरी उत्तर देते हुए कहती हैं

अद्य प्राप्ता तप: सिद्धिस्तव संदर्शनानम्या

अद्य में सफलं तप्तं गुरुवश्च सपूजिता:

(वाल्मीकि रामायण अरण्य काण्ड 74/11)

अर्थात आपके दर्शन करके मुझे आज तप करने का फल मिल गया। आज मेरा तप करना और गुरु की सेवा करना सफल हुआ।

वाल्मीकि रामायण में आगे लिखा है कि जब शबरी राम से कहती हैं कि उन्होंने पम्पा सरोवर के निकटवर्ती वन से वन में उत्पन्न होने वाले अनेक कंदमूल फलों को इकट्ठा कर रखा है।

वाल्मीकि रामायण में आदि  कवि वाल्मीकि शबरी को अति दुर्लभ परमात्मा का ज्ञान रखने वाली की संज्ञा देते हैं।

शबरी कोई बेचारी वृद्ध स्त्री नहीं है जो राम की प्रतीक्षा में है, अपितु वह तो इतनी मजबूत स्त्री है कि वह इतने बड़े आश्रम का रखरखाव एवं देखभाल कर रही है, अकेली। इसीके साथ वह तप और जप भी कर रही है।

राम और लक्ष्मण को भली भांति आश्रम दिखाने के उपरान्त वह आज्ञा मांगती है और स्वयं को अग्नि में समर्पित कर इस देह को त्याग देती है।

अब प्रश्न यह है कि जिस शबरी को श्रमणी कहकर संबोधित किया गया है एवं जिस शबरी को तप जप एवं यज्ञ का ज्ञान है उसे मात्र झूठे बेर खिलाने तक ही सीमित क्यों किया गया? वह अध्यात्म की वह गंगा है जो कईयों को राह दिखा सकती है। शबरी को तप के समस्त नियमों का ज्ञान है, अर्थात वह शिक्षित है। वह महानारी है जो अपने गुरु के आदेश का पालन कर रही है। मतंग ऋषि का आश्रम अत्यंत ही सुन्दर है, अत: राम के आने पर वह निराश न हो जाएं, इसलिए शबरी का रहना आवश्यक है।

क्योंकि वह स्त्री ही है जो प्रतीक्षा कर सकती है? वह स्त्री ही है जो किसी की प्रतीक्षा में जन्मों तक तपस्या कर सकती है। वह स्त्री ही है जो प्रतीक्षा करना जानती है, इसलिए ऋषि मतंग एक स्त्री पर यह दायित्व सौंप गए। सत्य है स्त्री कभी किसी को निराश करती है भला! वह तो शबरी है है जो राम की प्रतीक्षा में आश्रम सजाए रखती है, राम अपनी पत्नी को खोजने की यात्रा पर निकले हैं, राम निराश न हों, ऐसी व्यवस्था मात्र एक स्त्री ही कर सकती है।

Heat waves, preference for mustard over wheat trigger acute fodder crisis in Rajasthan


Fodder prices in Rajasthan’s Hanumangarh district have risen many times over, forcing those who own animals that do not provide milk, or very little milk, to release their cattle to roam the streets. Similarly, those with milch cattle, they cannot feed have also started selling the animals they once cared for like family.

Hanumangarh has always been known as a bumper producer of wheat. Dry fodder made out of the remnants of the wheat crop is termed “tudi”. Of late, low production of wheat has resulted in the skyrocketing of tudi prices. This is because farmers opted to grow mustard instead of wheat due to the high rates it fetched last year. Therefore, in comparison to the 2,70,000 hectares of wheat planted last year, only 1,90,000 hectares of wheat was sown this year, whereas in the case of mustard, the land under cultivation rose from 1,35,000 hectares last year to 2,25,000 hectares this year.

Wheat was further affected by the countrywide heat wave in March 2022. Even as India witnessed the hottest March in 122 years, Rajasthan was one of the worst affected states with 25 heat waves and the highest number of heat wave days, with temperatures soaring past 40 degrees. This extreme climate adversely affected the crop, with grains being rendered very light and small. Thus, yields dropped from an average of 12 to 16 quintal per bigha to 6 to 9 quintals per bigha this year, which in turn affected tudi production, too.

Moreover, due to heightened demand, farmers are earning a lot more than the minimum support price of Rs 2,015 per quintal for their wheat, while prices prevail around Rs 2,100 to Rs 2,350 in the local agricultural markets (mandis). By the same token, the price of tudi has risen manifold.

“Last year, we bought tudi at Rs 200 per quintal. But this year, we cannot access tudi at even Rs 1,000 per quintal. Not just tudi, green fodder and animal feed are also very expensive this year,” pastoralist Bhola Singh of Sangaria told 101Reporters.

According to farmers, 1 bigha of land yields as much tudi as wheat. But this time, there’s been a drop in both wheat and tudi production, with the slump being as much as 40 per cent to 50 per cent. Not only has this made things difficult for those who rear cattle, but it’s posing a huge problem for the 220 gaushaalas (cow sheds) in the district. Owing to the high prices of fodder, farmers who normally donate fodder have ceased donations.

Lamenting the plight faced by dairy farms, Shri Goshala Seva Samiti (Hanumangarh) Chairman Indra Hisariya told 101Reporters: “We need nearly 15,000 quintals of tudi every year for our 2,300 cattle. But this year, we could only collect 6,000 quintals. There’s no means to collect the deficit fodder either. We’ll have to make do with what we have. By the time the crisis is over, it’ll be time for the next harvest, which will yield ample crop stubble.”

Ruing the restrictions imposed on bringing fodder from Haryana, Hisariya said that goshaalas in Nohar and Bhadra were facing a major problem.

Huge losses for pastoralists

“For a full-grown animal, one needs 10 kg of fodder per day. This means a daily expense of Rs 100. Green fodder and cattle feed are an additional expense. Pastoralism today is a losing prospect,” said pastoralist Bhola Singh.

“I have 18 cows and buffaloes. Of these, 11 animals yield milk, while seven are calves. I get 35 litres of milk from my buffaloes, and 15 litres from my cows, earning Rs 3,000 daily. I have to spend an average of Rs 200 on fodder, cattle feed and cotton seed husk per animal. With the prices of all these inputs having increased of late, I end up spending Rs 3,600, making losses.”

Pastoralists and dairy owners have raised the price of milk, with cow milk now selling at Rs 40 to Rs 45 a litre and buffalo milk priced at Rs 60 to Rs 65 a litre.

Dairy owner Vicki Bishnoi said: “Even at high prices, it is difficult to get tudi. I had to get it from Punjab at Rs 800 per quintal. But if you include the transport expense, it ended up costing me more than its price in Rajasthan.”

What caused the fodder crisis?

The primary reason behind the fodder crisis is the lower acreage under wheat. This has caused a shortage of fodder. To make matters worse, the Haryana government, has imposed restrictions on transporting fodder out of Sirsa and Hisar districts of the state.

Hanumangarh has a total of 8,65,000 milch animals that need 13.13 lakh metric tonnes of fodder annually. Normally, Hanumangarh supplies fodder to other districts of Rajasthan. But due to drought conditions prevailing in the districts of Barmer, Bikaner, Dungarpur, Jaisalmer, Jalore, Pali, Sirohi, Nagaur and Churu, there’s been a surge in the demand for fodder, with traders sending huge quantities of fodder there, bringing down stocks in Hanumangarh.

Agriculture Department Deputy Director (Extension) Danaram Godara says: “Farmers are also selling tudi to be transported to drought-hit districts, after keeping aside adequate stocks for their own animals.”

This has resulted in a big shortfall in the district, with animals in gaushaalas being the worst-affected.

Why have farmers opted out of growing wheat?

Explaining why farmers opted out of sowing wheat this year, farmer Raghuvir Singh from Lambi Dhav village told 101Reporters: “Last year, I had planted wheat on 10 bighas of land. But this year, the canals had very little water for irrigation. Meanwhile, mustard was fetching good prices. So I sowed mustard on 5 bighas, and wheat on another 5 bighas. The mustard crop was good, but the wheat crop was not. Anyway, I’m not complaining since in spite of not having to spend on fertiliser, pesticide or irrigation for my mustard, I could earn well from the crop. One has to spend a lot on wheat.”

Besides, while wheat fetched a little higher than the government’s MSP, mustard commanded a lot more. As against the MSP of Rs 5,050 per quintal fixed by the government, farmers sold their crop for Rs 7,250 to Rs 7,300 per quintal in the open market.

Administrative moves to tackle the crisis

District Collector Nathmal Didail recently organised a workshop, wherein 129 farmers pledged 168 bighas of land to grow green fodder for dairy farms. The Forest Department has also decided to grow green fodder on 100 bighas at the Kohla farm.

Limits have also been fixed to maintain fodder stocks; no trader can now stock more than 100 metric tonnes of fodder. Immediate relief to the tune of Rs 34 crore has also been announced to all 220 goshaalas in the district.

Meanwhile, Agriculture Technology Management Agency Project Director Balbir Khati has mooted the idea of growing azolla (duckweed fern) as an alternative fodder in every dairy farm. Easily propagated and highly nutritious, with just one hectare capable of yielding 70 to 80 tonnes, azolla is being viewed as the best solution possible.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed.)

Talibanization of Kashmir: ‘Shia Kafir’ slogans spring up, Sufi shrine burnt

"SHIA KAFIR" threatening slogan scrawled on a Shia home in Srinagar (Source: Twitter)

The Islamic radicalization of the Kashmir valley is taking the predictable route that history has shown time and again. First, the non-Muslim kafirs are targeted. Once they are eliminated, then the Islamic fundamentalists turn on each other. The fault-line could be anything – a different sect, school of Islam jurisprudence, ethnicity, region.

Anyone not deemed ‘pure’ or orthodox enough can be declared a munafiq (outward Muslims who inwardly conceal disbelief) or even worse, kafir, which makes them wajib-ul-qatl (deserving death).

Now that the Taliban has come back to power in Afghanistan and the extra attention IS (Islamic State aka ISIS) and Al-Qaeda are focusing on the subcontinent, their sympathizers have been emboldened.

In recent days, ‘SHIA KAFIR’ slogans have appeared on walls of Shia Muslim houses in Srinagar.

As per Census 2011, Muslims constitute 68.3% of the erstwhile state of Jammu & Kashmir’s total population of 1.25 crore. The state was split into two union territories of J&K and Ladakh after revocation of Article 370. Out of this Shias constitute around 15 lakhs and Sunnis are around 70 lakhs.

Most aspects of the Kashmir conflict and Indian Muslim society have been hidden from ordinary Indians by our Hinduphobic, left-liberal intelligentsia. Shias see Sunnis as oppressors and thus have mixed feelings about the terrorist movement for ‘Azadi’ that rages in Kashmir.

That being said, we must not forget that Shias too have extra-territorial loyalties – in their case towards Iran and groups like Hezbollah. It would also be prudent to remember that both Shias and Ahmadis were as fierce advocates of partition as Sunnis. In fact, Jinnah himself was a Shia, although some claim that he converted to Sunni Islam before his death.

But the fate that Shias and Ahmadis are facing today in Afghanistan and Pakistan, awaits them in Kashmir and the rest of Bharat if the Sunni fanatics prevail in their Dar-ul-Islam goals.

Another Islamic school that is on the radar of Sunni extremists are the Sufis.

Touted as the moderate face of Islam, Sufism is said to be the inspiration behind the much-talked about Kashmiriyat. Of course, when it comes to kafirs like ‘idol worshipping’ Hindus, Sufi Islam is no different from Sunni Deobandi or Wahhabi Islam. Sufis played a key role in the Islamization of Bharat, often in the wake of bloodshed, temple destruction and intolerance.

Yet, for fundamentalist Muslims (both Sunni and Shia), certain Sufi practises like celebrating a Sufi saint’s death anniversary (urs) or venerating a saint’s mausoleum (dargah) are forbidden as they are deemed bid’ah or shirk (un-Islamic practises). So when Sufi shrines start getting burnt down, be sure that its a signal that Talibanization of Kashmiri Muslim society is underway.

The conflict in Kashmir is religious, it is Islamic jihad. Young, intelligent and objective Muslims can also see that clearly –

Yet, Lutyens’ elites keep ignoring the elephant in the room and keep repeating cliches of a ‘political solution’ and ‘talks with Pakistan’.

Even Arab countries like Saudi Arabia and UAE know that keeping the Islamic fundamentalists and mullahs on a tight leash is the only way to ensure peace and stability in their country. So why is ‘Hindu majority’ Bharat living in the delusion that it can negotiate and reason with Islamists like Mahmood Madani or Maulana S’aad?

‘Blasphemy’ virus: Muslim mob goes berserk after Friday namaz in Kanpur, UP

Pic Credit: India Today

A Muslim mob went berserk today in Kanpur, UP while forcefully shutting down a major market. The frenzied Muslim mob indulged in vandalism and physical assault while forcing Hindus to close their shops, and soon Hindus gathered in self-defense. At least 8 people were injured, some seriously, in the deadly stone pelting, and firing that ensued.

Violence raged for almost 4 hours in an urban warfare-type situation which saw use of stones, firearms and crude bombs like petrol bombs. Police was also attacked and had to resort to tear gas firing and lathi charge to control the situation. Names of those injured are – Police inspector ASI Kailash Dube, Chandreshwar Hata, Sanjay Shukla, Amar Batham, Ashish, Anil Gaur, Mukesh Devgowda, Raju Singh. Public and private property was destroyed, including over half a dozen vehicles.

President Kovind and PM Modi were in Kanpur district for an official program today, so it is evident that this violence was well-planned to send a larger threat to the nation.

Muslim organizations such as the Maulana Mohammad Ali (MMA) Jauhar Fans Association had made the call to shut down shops at the Parade Market, one of the biggest wholesale markets in the city. As is the pattern in such incidents, the violence erupted when Muslims came out after their weekly Friday congregational namaz in which they are often addressed by a maulvi/imam.

Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar (1878 – 1931) was a product of the Aligarh Movement. He was a leading figure of the Khilafat movement, one of the founders of the Muslim League and of the Jamia Millia Islamia university. He even served as the President of the Congress in 1923, but later turned a bitter critic of Gandhi/Congress and supported Jinnah’s maximalist demands.

Islamists have taken offence to comments made by BJP leader Nupur Sharma about Islam’s Prophet during a news debate over the disputed Gyanvapi structure in the temple town of Kashi. While Nupur had merely quoted what is written in Islamic hadith, the entire Muslim community has been whipped into a mad frenzy ever since an edited clip of the discussion was made viral by Md. Zubair of propaganda site AltNews which masquerades as a fact-checker. Multiple FIRs have been filed against Nupur and she has been inundated with rape and death threats.

Disturbing images have emerged of people with head injuries being taken for treatment.

Pic credit: India Today

Around 18 people have been detained. Police has slapped the Gangster Act on the accused and plans to confiscate their property to recover damages. Three companies of riot police have been deployed to the area to restore normalcy.

Multiple FIRs against youth Nikhil Bhamre for ‘defaming’ NCP chief Pawar, MVA fascism continues


Ever since MVA (Maha Vikas Aghadi) has come to power, Maharashtra has descended into anarchy. Silencing political opponents and even common citizens whose opinions may not be to their liking. The secular cabal that always champions free speech never applies the same rule to itself. The MVA appears to have mastered the art of fascism.

Nashik youth Nikhil Bhamre is the latest victim of the MVA government’s fascism. Last month, NCP leader Jitendra Awhad had Nashik youth Nikhil Bhamre arrested for his social media post. Awhad had demanded action against Nikhil for allegedly criticizing Pawar. “It is time to create a Nathuram Godse of Baramati for a ‘Gandhi’ of Baramati. Uncle, do apologize”, Nikhil had tweeted. Following this, Awhad tagged police officials and demanded strict action against the youth.

Not satisfied having gotten the youngster arrested, the NCP is leaving no stone unturned to keep him behind bars. It has now come to light that NCP members have filed multiple FIRs against the 21-year-old pharmacy student. These cases have been filed in different cities for the same crime in a bid to keep Nikhil engaged in court cases and make him run from one police station to other.

“Multiple FIRs were lodged against him at various places in the state after Jitendra Awhad incited his party workers to do so. The counsels of the youth may urge the court to club all the cases together and direct the police not to register any further cases in the same regard in order to avoid the unnecessary harassment of the youth who has no prior criminal record”, reported OpIndia.

Nikhil comes from a farmer’s family in Dindori and was residing in a rented accommodation in Nashik where he was pursuing his studies. He was targeted by MVA minister Awhad even though he hadn’t named anyone in his tweet.

“Filing multiple FIRs for the same offense is a violation of the Supreme Court order. Troubling someone with a pure political vendetta is simply a violation of human rights”, noted Nikhil’s lawyer Advocate Suresh Kolte. But such violations of human rights have become the norm under the Uddhav Thackeray-led MVA government.

On May 14, NCP hooligans bashed up BJP spokesperson Vinayak Ambekar for allegedly putting up a Facebook post that criticized Pawar. Pawar had made a remark derogating Hindu deities by calling himself ‘father’ of Hindu deities. He conveniently used poetry by Jawahar Rathod to make the comment.

Marathi actress Ketaki Chitale was arrested on May 14 and sent to judicial custody till May 18 on charges of posting ‘derogatory’ remarks against Sharad Pawar. A case was filed against her under sections 500 (defamation), 501 (printing or engraving matter known to be defamatory), 505 (2) (making, publishing, or circulating any statement, rumor, or report promoting enmity, hatred, or ill will between classes), 153 A (spreading disharmony among people), of the Indian Penal Code.

Readers may recall how MVA minister Awhad had Thane resident Anant Karmuse abducted and beaten black and blue in April 2020. Last September, Abhijeet Limaye, the admin of FB (Facebook) page Lakhoba Lokhande, was arrested by the Pune Police Cyber cell on the basis of the complaint by NCP workers for supposedly posting ‘offensive’ comments against MVA leaders. MVA workers blackened his face as Pune police brought him to the court and forced him to issue an apology stating he wouldn’t comment against MVA.

The harassment of social media user Sameet Thakkar is another case in point. In October 2020, a video had surfaced showing Sameet being brought to the court led by men with a rope and his face covered in a black cloth.

“In the video, it can be seen that a man with a black cloth wrapped around his head is being led by a man with a rope. The video has been captured from a distance and there are policemen clearly visible. Sneha Singhvi, the person who shared the video on Twitter, confirmed to us that the man with a black face cover is indeed Sameet Thakkar”, reported OpIndia.

These are merely some instances of MVA fascism. Despite numerous such instances of high-handedness, freedom of speech champions are yet to remove their heads from the sand. Maybe we are expecting too much from the Hindudveshi (Hindumisia) cabal that believes only pseudo-seculars have freedom of speech and expression. The MVA hooliganism keeps plumbing new lows each passing day.

(Featured Image Source: OpIndia)

Migrant laborers attacked by terrorists, one killed: Budgam, J&K


One non-local labourer was killed and another injured in a terrorist attack in J&K’s Budgam district on Thursday, police said.

Police sources said that terrorists fired at the two non-local brick kiln labourers, identified as Dilshad from Uttar Pradesh and Goria from Punjab, in Magraypora village of Chadoora tehsil in Budgam.

“Both the injured labourers were shifted to hospital where doctors said one had reported with a shoulder gunshot and the other with a bullet injury in his hand. Dilshad succumbed to his injuries and the condition of Goria is stable,” a source said.

The area has been surrounded for searches, sources said.

Earlier on Thursday, terrorists killed a rural bank manager in Areah Mohanpora village of Kulgam district.

The manager, identified as Vijay Kumar of Rajasthan and working as the manager of a regional rural bank (Ellaquai Dehati Bank) in Areah village branch, was attacked in the morning as he was entering the office.

He was taken to a hospital where doctors pronounced him dead.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed with a modified headline and minor edits to conform to HinduPost style-guide.)

‘नेशनल हेराल्ड केस’ में ईडी का समन मिलते ही सोनिया गाँधी हुईं कोरोना पीड़ित, क्या यह जांच को प्रभावित करने का षड्यंत्र है?

Source - ANI

भारत में पिछले कुछ दिनों में राजनीतिक परिदृश्य बड़ी तेजी से बदल रहा है, जहां एक तरफ विपक्षी दल सरकार पर केंद्रीय जांच एजेंसियों के दुरूपयोग का आरोप लगा रहे हैं, वहीं दूसरी ओर सरकारी एजेंसियां भी कड़ी कार्यवाही करने से पीछे नहीं हट रही हैं। ताजा मामले में प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी) ने बड़ी कार्रवाई करते हुए कांग्रेस की अंतरिम अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी और पार्टी सांसद राहुल गांधी को समन भेजा है, यह समन नेशनल हेराल्ड से जुड़े धन के अवैध लेन देन के विषय में भेजा गया है।

ऐसा प्रचारित किया जा रहा है कि सीबीआई ने इस विषय की जांच बंद कर दी थी, लेकिन फिर भी कांग्रेस नेतृत्व को परेशान करने के लिए ये समन भेजा गया है। कांग्रेस ने इस कार्रवाई पर कड़ी प्रतिक्रिया दी है और केंद्र सरकार पर निशाना साधा है। कांग्रेस के नेता रणदीप सुरजेवाला ने कहा कि हमारी अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी और राहुल गांधी को नोटिस दिया गया है। 1942 में जब नेशनल हेराल्ड अखबार शुरू हुआ था, उस समय अंग्रेजों ने इसे दबाने की कोशिश की, आज भी यही किया जा रहा है और इसके लिए ईडी का इस्तेमाल किया जा रहा है।

कांग्रेस प्रवक्ता सुरजेवाला ने सरकार पर बदले की कार्रवाई का आरोप लगाया। उन्‍होंने कहा, ‘ना हम डरेंगे और ना झुकेंगे नहीं, डटकर लड़ेंगे, यह एक राजनीतिक लड़ाई है। समन कुछ दिन पहले भेजा गया था, जरूरत हुई तो सोनिया गांधी निश्चित रूप से जाएंगी और राहुल गांधी के लिए हम कुछ समय मांगेंगे। ईडी ने उन्‍हें 8 जून से पहले पूछताछ के लिए बुलाया है।’ सुरजेवाला ने दावा किया कि न तो मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग और न ही मनी एक्‍सजेंच का कोई सुबूत है।

वहीं कांग्रेस नेता के वरिष्ठ नेता अभिषेक मनु सिंघवी ने सरकार पर आरोप लगाया कि वह बदले की भावना में अंधी हो गई है। हमें डराने के लिए ऐसा किया जा रहा है, लेकिन हम न डरेंगे और न झुकगें, डटकर इसका सामना करेंगे। कांग्रेस नेता सिंघवी ने कहा कि ED ने 8 जून को राहुल गांधी और सोनिया गांधी को पूछताछ के लिए बुलाया है, सोनिया इस पूछताछ में जरूर शामिल होंगी, राहुल गाँधी फिलहाल विदेश गए हैं, अगर वह तबतक वापस आ गए तो जाएंगे, वरना ईडी से और वक्त मांगा जाएगा।

सोनिया गांधी हुईं कोरोना पॉजिटिव – ईडी की पूछताछ से बचने का बहाना?

कांग्रेस पार्टी ईडी का समन मिलते ही केंद्र सरकार पर आक्रामक हो गयी थी, लेकिन यह कुछ ही घंटो में उनका गुस्सा शांत हो गया, क्योंकि सोनिया गाँधी कोरोना वायरस से संक्रमित हो गयी। कांग्रेस प्रवक्ता रणदीप सुरजेवाला ने बताया, ‘‘कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी पिछले सप्ताह से नेताओं और कार्यकर्ताओं के साथ मुलाकात कर रही थीं। इनमें से कुछ लोग कोरोना वायरस से संक्रमित पाए गए, कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष को भी बुधवार की शाम हल्का बुखार आया और कोविड के कुछ अन्य लक्षण दिखे जिसके बाद जांच कराई गई, जांच में उनके कोरोना वायरस से संक्रमित होने का पता चला।’’

सुरजेवाला के अनुसार पार्टी के संगठन महासचिव केसी वेणुगोपाल भी कोरोना वायरस से संक्रमित हैं। सभी नेता चिकित्सीय परामर्श ले कर पृथकवास में चले गए हैं। बड़ी संख्या में कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ताओं और शुभचिंतकों ने चिंता जताई है, ऐसे में हम यह कहना चाहते हैं कि वह ठीक हैं और उनकी सेहत में सुधार हो रहा है, हम शुभकामनाओं के लिए आभार प्रकट करते हैं। कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष आठ जून को ईडी के समक्ष पेश होंगी, जैसा कि हमने पहले सूचित किया था। कांग्रेस पार्टी भविष्य के घटनाक्रमों के बारे में सूचना देती रहेगी।’’

हम यहाँ यह तो नहीं कहेंगे कि कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष सोनिया गाँधी कोई बहाना बना रही होंगी, लेकिन भारतीय राजनीति में ऐसा देखा जाता है, कि जब भी कोई नेता या नेत्री किसी गंभीर मामले में फंसता है, या उन पर कोई कानूनी कार्यवाही होती है, तो सबसे पहले उनकी तबियत खराब हो जाती है। ऐसे कई उदाहरण हैं, जहां गिरफ्तार होने या कोर्ट के समक्ष पेश होने से पहले नेताओं की तबियत बिगड़ने लगती है। यहाँ प्रश्न उठता है कि क्या कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष कोरोना का बहाना बना कर ईडी से बचना चाह रही हैं? या वह थोड़ा समय लेना चाहती हैं, ताकि केंद्र सरकार पर राजनीतिक दबाव डाल कर इस जांच को प्रभावित कर सकें? खैर, यह तो समय ही बताएगा।

समझिए क्या है नेशनल हेराल्ड केस

नेशनल हेराल्ड एक समाचार पत्र है, जिस पर कांग्रेस पार्टी का स्वामित्व है और वही इसका संचालन इतने दशकों से करती आ रही है। वर्ष 1937 में जवाहरलाल नेहरू ने एसोसिएटेड जर्नल लिमिटेड का गठन किया था, जिसके अंतर्गत उन्होंने तीन समाचार पत्र प्रकाशित करने आरम्भ किए थे। हिंदी में नवजीवन, उर्दू में कौमी आवाज़ और अंग्रेज़ी में नेशनल हेराल्ड नाम से यह समाचार पत्र छापे जाते थे। वर्ष 2008 में एसोसिएटेड जर्नल लिमिटेड ने निर्णय किया कि अब वह समाचार पत्र छापने की स्थिति में नहीं है, क्योंकि उनकी आर्थिक स्थिति अच्छी नहीं रह गयी थी, उन पर 90 करोड़ का ऋण चढ़ चुका था।

ऐसे आरोप लगाए गए हैं कि वर्ष 2010 में कांग्रेस ने 50 लाख के निवेश से यंग इंडियन प्राइवेट लिमिटेड नाम की एक नॉट-फॉर-प्रॉफिट कंपनी बनाई, जिसमें 76% हिस्सेदारी राहुल गांधी और उनकी मां सोनिया गांधी की थी। बाकी 24% की हिस्सेदारी मोतीलाल वोरा और ऑस्कर फर्नांडिस की थी, जो अब इस दुनिया में नहीं हैं। वित्तीय चुनौतियों से त्रस्त एजेएल का अधिग्रहण यंग इंडियन प्राइवेट लिमिटेड ने बहुत ही कम दामों पर कर लिया था। प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार गाँधी परिवार के मित्र सुमन दुबे और सैम पित्रोदा यंग इंडियन प्राइवेट लिमिटेड के निदेशक थे।

वर्ष 2012 में बीजेपी नेता सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी ने अदालत में एक जनहित याचिका प्रस्तुत की, जिसमे उन्होंने कांग्रेस पर नेशनल हेराल्ड का प्रकाशन करने वाली कंपनी एसोसिएटेड जर्नल लिमिटेड के अधिग्रहण में धोखाधड़ी का आरोप लगाया था। सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी ने जनहित याचिका में कहा था कि मात्र 50 लाख रुपये खर्च करके 90 करोड़ रुपयों की वसूली कर ली गई।

यह आयकर अधिनियम का सीधा सीधा उल्लंघन था, क्योंकि कोई भी राजनीतिक पार्टी किसी तीसरे पक्ष के साथ ऐसे धन का लेन-देन नहीं कर सकती। स्वामी के अनुसार कांग्रेस ने पहले यंग इंडिया प्राइवेट लिमिटेड को 90 करोड़ का लोन दिया, जिस पैसे से इस कंपनी एजेएल का अधिग्रहण किया, फिर अकाउंट बुक्स में हेर-फेर करके उस रकम को 50 लाख दिखा दिया यानी 89 करोड़ 50 लाख रुपये माफ कर दिए गए।

फिलहाल तो ईडी को सोनिया गांधी और राहुल गाँधी से जल्द ही पूछताछ कर इस विषय पर गहन जांच करनी चाहिए। जो आरोप लगाए गए हैं वह अत्यंत गंभीर हैं, और पूरे देश की आँखें इस केस पर लगी हुई हैं, यह देखना आश्चर्जनक होगा कि इस मामले में क्या कार्यवाही होती है। प्रश्न यह भी है कि क्या कभी बड़े लोगों पर कोई कार्यवाही हो सकेगी कभी?

Imran Khan says Pakistan will split into three


Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Thursday hit back at his ousted predecessor Imran Khan for making “naked threats against the country”.

In an interview, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman warned that if the establishment did not take the right decision then the country would split into three and quoted that as his reason for “putting pressure” on the powers that be, The Express Tribune reported.

In a reference to the interview, Sharif, who is on a three-day visit to Turkey, asked Khan to rein his threats in and called him “unfit” to hold any public office.

“Do your politics but don’t dare to cross limits and talk about division of Pakistan,” he warned.

In an interview with Bol TV, Khan had said: “If the establishment doesn’t make the right decisions then I can assure in writing that they and the army will be destroyed because what will become of the country if it goes bankrupt.

“Pakistan is going towards a default. If that happens then which institution will be (worst) hit? The army. After it is hit, what concession will be taken from us? Denuclearisation.

“If the right decisions aren’t made at this time then the country is going towards suicide.”

“Indian think tanks abroad are mulling to separate Balochistan, they have plans, this is why I am putting pressure,” the ousted premier said, without mentioning who he is pressuring.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed with a modified headline.)

Kerala Police books Durga Yuva Vahini based on PFI’s complaint

Durga Vahini march in Kerala (Images courtsey

Following complaints from none other than the radical Islamist organization Popular Front of India (PFI), Kerala police registered a case against 200 Durga Yuva Vahini workers for displaying swords during a march. PFI is the same Islamist radicals who scold young Muslim girls who ran to the stage to receive an award and use young minors to raise slogans calling for Hindu genocide in Kerala. ‘Banned’ channel Media one was at the forefront of the protests against the Hindu ladies.

Local media tried hard to shield the PFI and unleashed fake propaganda that Kerala Police registered a voluntary case. Even BJP Rajya Sabha Rajeev Chandrasekhar owned Asianet used the same fake news and tried to create unrest in Kerala. Incidentally, BJP leaders preferred to stay away from the controversy.

The Kerala police comfortably forgot that the Hindu ladies used dummy swords and that the Kerala Police themselves provided security for the march. That the Kerala police registered the case using non-bailable sections under the arms act a week after the actual march in Thiruvananthapuram has provoked Hindus. This radical Islamist appeasement has not gone down well with local Hindus.

Hindupost spoke to a few Hindu ladies who took part in the procession. They reminded us that they are nationalists above everything else. They said that Kerala is in the grip of Muslim terrorists, and the green communists are actively helping them. The situation has become so bad that Jihadis are now stalking their prey openly. Kerala police officials are handing over ‘lists’ containing the details and addresses of critical Hindu leaders in Kerala to the PFI.

The ladies reminded us that Hindus are on their own. They are fed up with the so-called nationalist government in Delhi has done nothing to save their vote bank, as is evident from the mass jihadi murders of BJP workers and leaders in Kerala and West Bengal.

Hindu Vahini workers also accepted that, unlike the PFI, they do not have an ecosystem that will support them when the police register cases against them. They are on their own and have to face the consequences alone.

Most of them are pretty young and are ready to lay down their lives for Bharat. For them, the nation comes first and then their families. Deeply religious, they said that they volunteered on their own. They noted that jihadi police cases and communists do not intimidate them.

Some police officials privately admitted that the case would be rejected when it reached the court. The court would blame none other than the police, who provided security if the swords used were real. Police are supposed to confiscate them then and there.

The controversy has given birth to a massive social media campaign. Hindu nationalists uploaded images and videos of Islamists supporting rabid terrorists like Tipu Sultan, carrying actual swords and shouting anti-Hindu slogans. Even Pinarayi Vijayan, MK Stalin, Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi were seen wielding swords and threatening the majority in Bharat.