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Monday, June 17, 2024


Persecution of Hindus

Maulana accused of forcing woman to bath naked publicly; Shethepeople’s deceptive article dubs him Tantrik

In an immoral but common attempt to pass off crimes committed by Muslims to Hindus, the self-styled "feminist website", Shethepeople, presented a Muslim cleric...

Hindu man Arjun Kohli fished out dead with hands & feet tied: Sindh, Pakistan

A Hindu man identified as Arjun Kohli appears to be the latest victim (Tweet archived here) of persecution of minority Hindus in Islamic Pakistan....

UP: Irfan, Irshad, and Israr held for murdering Hindu SC teenager Ankit for alleged affair with their sister

Days after 17-year-old Ankita’s brutal death at the hands of Shahrukh Hussain, three brothers, Irfan, Irshad, and Israr, have been held for murdering 19-year-old...

इंडिया टुडे: झारखण्ड में अंकिता को जिन्दा जलाने वाला शाहरुख बना अभिषेक, सोशल मीडिया पर विरोध के बाद किया परिवर्तन, परन्तु खेल नया नहीं...

झारखंड की अंकिता की मृत्यु के मामले में भी मीडिया ने कई खेल कर दिए हैं, परन्तु यह मामला मीडिया ही नहीं कथित बुद्धिजीवियों...

Former J&K DGP slams Jharkhand govt and our criminal justice system over Ankita murder

Teenager Ankita Singh's brutal murder by her stalker Shahrukh Hussain, who was demanding that she convert to Islam and marry him, has shaken the...

Decomposed body of Hindu girl recovered; “lover” Md Yameen Ahmed confessed slitting her throat, arrested

While the discussions and outrage surrounding 17-year-old Ankita's brutal killing by Islamist molester Shahrukh Hossain has not even subsided, another heart-rendering story of grooming...

8-year-old Kavita Bheel gang-raped, eyes gouged: Sindh, Pakistan

In a shocking incident from Dec 2021 that went virtually unnoticed, an 8-year-old Hindu girl Kavita was brutally gang raped in Umarkot, Sindh province...

Hindus under attack: a weekly roundup of hate crimes, persecution, and discrimination against Hindus

Attacks on Hindus and Hindu Dharma, both in Bharat and overseas, are frequent and unrelenting. In many regions of the world, this persecution is...

200 रूपए का फटा नोट और नदीम की गोली से हुई डिलीवरी बॉय सचिन कश्यप की देह छलनी!

क्या कभी ऐसा हो सकता है कि मात्र दो सौ रूपए के लिए कोई इतना भड़क जाए कि वह जान लेने के लिए उतारू...

मनसे प्रमुख राज ठाकरे आए नूपुर शर्मा के साथ, ओवैसी बंधुओं और अन्य मजहबी तत्वों पर उठाये कड़े प्रश्न

भारत में इन दिनों एक नया चलन दिख रहा है, जहाँ हिन्दुओं के देवी देवता और उनकी संस्कृति पर अशोभनीय टिप्पणियां की जाती हैं,...

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