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Saturday, June 29, 2024



Best time to tame China militarily

Treacherous and hegemonic China needs to be dealt with militarily rather than diplomatically as it only understands the language of muscle power. The Doklam...

Exposing the China Communist Party leadership

Ever since the recent attempt of the China Communist Party (CCP) leadership to pressure Bharat militarily along the Line of Actual Control in East...

When Siachen was on the verge of being compromised by Dr. Manmohan Singh & UPA

As the political slugfest is on between political parties as to who ceded what to China more skeletons are tumbling out of the Congress...

Modi’s visit to Ladakh shows that Bharat has set the priorities right

In the early hours of Friday, 03.07.2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Leh, the capital of Union Territory of Ladakh, along with this Chief...

Play along with US but don’t take Russia for granted

Foreign policy has always been Bharat’s Achilles Heel. We are infamous for taking loyal friends for granted. Our self-righteousness invariably comes in the way...

Bharatiya news publishers and ISPs ask govt to ban China-backed news apps, websites

After the Government banned 59 Chinese mobile apps, print and digital news associations in Bharat have asked the Government to ban all China-backed news...

Localisation catches on, youth suggest replacements for banned Chinese apps

Following the ban on Chinese apps, the call for localisation and Swadeshi has grown louder. Bharatiyas have not just started to shun Chinese apps...

Chinese BAT and American FAANG : Bharat’s fight for digital sovereignty

Recently, the Government of Bharat notified an order banning 59 Chinese apps on Google Play store and on App Store of Apple. Many commentators...

Blunders of 1962 should not be forgotten against treacherous China

Xi Jin ping's treachery & deceit hit a new low when unarmed Bharatiya soldiers were attacked by the PLA (People's Liberation Army) with iron...

59 Chinese apps, including TikTok, banned by Bharat

The Government of Bharat has decided to block and ban 59 Chinese mobile apps as they were considered prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity, defence,...

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