Imagine pouring your life savings into buying a house in a nice colony and looking forward to enjoying life as one happy community. Isn’t that the dream most Bharatiya families have? Well, the dream has turned sour for 81 Hindu families of Shiv Mandir colony, Lajpat Nagar, Moradabad, UP.
These Hindus have been driven to such depths of despair that they are now planning to sell their houses and migrate somewhere else, as per a TV9 Hindi report. They say that life became miserable for them ever since some Muslim anti-socials purchased one house in the colony by paying thrice the market rate. Since then, tactics like throwing meat/bones and other animal waste in front of the Hindu houses are being used to drive them out. The problem became especially unbearable during the Muslim festival of Bakr-Eid where animals like goat, cows, camels etc are slaughtered in public as a sacrificial offering to Allah.
Now, having exhausted all other means to resolve the issue, the Hindu families have put up banners at the entrance of the society declaring their intent to sell the houses. They say that the only other option in front of them is to convert their religion, and that is just unthinkable.
News 18 Hindi presents the Hindu families as vegetarian bigots!
Interestingly, this same issue has been covered by News18 Hindi too, but reporter Farid Shamshi has given a different spin altogether. He projects the beleaguered Hindus as vegetarian bigots who are protesting as they don’t want meat-eating Muslims to live amongst them! Btw, he uses the Hindi euphemism ‘samuday vishesh‘ preferred by ‘secular’ journalists when they want to avoid naming Muslims as perpetrators of some crime or atrocity.
The Hindus families have been pushed to this course of action after having suffered the sustained harassment of meat and animal waste being strewn in front of their houses, but Shamshi’s report would have you believe that this harassment is something the Hindu claims will happen – but hasn’t actually occurred yet!
Shamshi further adds something which is missing from the TV9 report. As per him, the protesting Hindus said, “We maintain cleanliness unlike the other community people. We are all vegetarian while they eat non-vegetarian.” Firstly, meat-eating is not that rare among Hindus of West UP as it would be in some other parts; so it is highly improbable that all 81 families would be fully vegetarian or ready to sell their houses just because a non-veg eating family moved in. Even assuming this were true, why would the protesting Hindus weaken their case by talking about differences in dietary habits when the real issue facing them is one of targeted harassment by anti-social elements who are throwing meat remains in front of their houses instead of garbage dumps?
Clearly, Farid Shamshi’s reporting doesn’t add up, and News 18 editors and owners would do well to double-check his version of events. Just imagine the tone journalists like Shamshi would use to file their reports if Muslim families claimed that Hindus were throwing pork in front of their houses? That the anguish of Hindu citizens means nothing to them shows how indoctrinated Islamist journalists like Farid Shamshi, Rana Ayyub, Arfa Khanum Sherwani etc. are a disgrace to their profession.
And the final line in Shamshi’s report makes his leaning amply clear: “One hopes that these for-sale posters in a Moradabad colony do not end up becoming an election issue for the upcoming 2022 UP assembly elections“, he writes. This is a time-tested tactic of ‘secular’ journalists: to paint any grievance raised by Hindus as a political ploy cooked up by BJP-RSS to ‘polarize’ upcoming elections. And as the country is forever caught in a 24×7 election cycle, this tactic can be applied anytime and gullible HINOs just lap it up.
The Hindus of Shiv Mandir colony want that the government cancel the sale of the house which has allowed these anti-social Islamists to disrupt their colony. One of the protestors is Gaurav Chadda, a Pakistani Hindu refugee, who is now seeing history repeat in the country where he thought Hindus could live in peace.
The TV9 report adds that Hindus were recently forced to put up similar ‘for sale’ posters in a posh colony of Lucknow too. Lucknow University Professor Ravi Shankar told them that young men from nearby areas would gather in their colony in the evening and sexually harass Hindu girls. If someone opposed this, they were physically assaulted. A similar issue had been reported from Hapur as well.
This phenomenon of Hindu exodus is repeating itself all over Bharat, particularly in Delhi-NCR and Western UP, and with increasing frequency; the presence of a ‘fascist, RW’ governement at the center notwithstanding. Kairana was the most prominent example of Hindu exodus due to similar factors – sexual harassment and assaults on women, intimidation, extortion etc. But even though an NHRC team found that the Hindu claims were absolutely true, the ‘secular’ ecosystem managed to gaslight Hindu society and bury the entire episode.
The list is endless – Babri Mandi area of Aligarh, Lisadi Gate area of Meerut, and multiple areas of Delhi – Sundar Nagari, Brahmapuri, to name just a few. Other parts of the country are not immune from this troubling pattern as we witnessed recently in Malvani area of Mumbai. And apart from this gradual, insidious ethno-religious cleansing, we have periodic episodes of outright mass violence like Kashmir 1990 and West Bengal 2021.
Clearly, the secular state with its inherent Hinduphobia is just not designed to protect Hindus from internal threats. The state, inadvertently or otherwise, incentivizes and strengthens those who wish to eliminate Hindus and their civilization. All political parties operate within this framework controlled by Nehruvian elites.
This doesn’t mean that we become apolitical and stop voting in elections, or vote for rabid anti-Hindu outfits like Congress, TMC, YSRCP etc. When the game is so rigged against you, being pragmatic, patient and persevering is key. “Cope with affairs calmly and bide your time” – Hindus would do well to heed the wise words of Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping. There is no 2-minutes-noodles solution here or something that a simple shift of votes will achieve. Yogi Adityanath is the best CM UP has seen in a long-long time, and if Islamists are acting with such impunity even with him at the helm, it just shows the deep abyss into which Hindus have fallen.
There are no easy answers to this existential threat confronting Hindus. In the short term, we have to organize ourselves locally, regionally, and nationally for self-defence – both physically and legally. We have to deal unsparingly with the elements within Hindu society who gaslight us into shutting our eyes towards this threat. Campaigning for a Disturbed Area Act in all mixed-population areas, or ‘communally sensitive’ areas is a must. And in the medium to long run, we have to look to fundamentally reform the Bharatiya state so that Hindus and other Dharmics are given the state recognition and protection that they deserve in their homeland.
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