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Hindu Post is the voice of Hindus. Support us. Protect Dharma
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Sunday, June 30, 2024


Dear Virat, can you please speak up for persecuted Kohlis of Sindh, Pakistan?

Dear Virat, we want to bring your attention to a matter where you can make a huge difference to the lives of poor persecuted...

“You are lucky to be born in Bharat…do not copy the West”: a German Hindu’s message to youth

Smt. Maria Wirth is a renowned name for followers of the budding Hindu renaissance. A German who came to Bharat on a stop over...

Jadavpur University communists harass female student, take casteist jibes at SC/STs

The once prestigious public state university in Kolkata has relegated itself to being the nexus of propaganda and treacherous Communist politics. The university finds...

Mainstream Indian media : 8 Hinduphobic Dirty Tricks

Recently, many news portals of mainstream Bharatiya Media reported about a ‘Baba’ in MP. Apparently, this ‘Baba’ claimed to cure Coronavirus by kissing hands...

Left-Liberal media gives caste spin to two recent crimes

In the past few days, a deliberate attempt has been made by several media houses, journalists, Social Media (SM) activists, and others to give...

Holi Against Hindutva – South Asian Activism And The Peddling Of Hinduphobia

About a month or so ago, a friend of mine sent me a Twitter message from Holi Against Hindutva, a campaign started by students at...

Why the Jamia shooting incident feels like another staged liberal production

On the anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's assassination, a minor Hindu youth (some reports claim he is 19) walks with anti-CAA protestors near Delhi's Jamia...

Dalit man thrashed by 2 Muslims for wearing ‘Pathani’ suit in Gujarat

Two Muslim men were booked by police for attacking a Dalit man, Jayanti Bhati (27), for wearing a ‘Pathani’ suit in Gandhidham town of...

Are liberals protecting “dear secularism” by normalizing rapes of Hindu girls by Muslim men?

After the Kathua rape & murder case came to light, all platforms of social media were deluged with deplorable art-pieces on Sri Ram. Paintings...

“Pakistan is a Nazi state…forced conversion of Hindu girls is not a crime for average Muslim” – Sindhi Muslim Activist

The outbreak of violence against Pakistani Hindus in Ghotki, Sindh, after a false blasphemy allegation, has at least woken up some urban Hindus in...

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