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हिन्दुओं को एएसआई संरक्षित मंदिरों में फिर से पूजा का अवसर मिलेगा? केंद्र सरकार शीघ्र ही कर सकती है आवश्यक कानूनी संशोधन!

Picture Source - Teamgsquare

भारत अनेकों विरोधाभासों से भरा हुआ देश है, सैंकड़ों वर्षो से आक्रमणकारियों ने हम पर कई हमले किये, हमारी संस्कृति और मंदिरो को तहस नहस करने का प्रयत्न किया, लेकिन इन सबके पश्चात भी हमने पूरी महिमा के साथ हमारी सभ्यता को संरक्षित करके रखा, और साथ ही आधुनिकता के साथ उसका समागम भी करते रहे। आरम्भिक काल से ही भारतीय अपनी संस्कृति का समृद्ध पोषण करने में सक्षम थे, क्योंकि उन्होंने कभी भी अपनी परम्पराओं का पालन बाधित नहीं किया एवं हर उस अवधारणा तथा वस्तु पर विश्वास बनाए रखा जो उनके अनुसार सत्य थी।

हमारी संस्कृति के संचार के सबसे बड़े उत्प्रेरक हमारे मंदिर ही रहे हैं, और यही कारण था कि विदेशी और इस्लामिक आक्रांताओ ने हमेशा हमारे मंदिरो को ही निशाना बनाया। आज भी हजारो ऐसे मंदिर हैं जो टूटे हुए हैं, कई आज तक आक्रांताओ के ‘आधुनिक उत्तराधिकारियों’ के कब्जे में हैं। हजारों मंदिर ऐसे हैं जो भारतीय पुरातत्व सर्वेक्षण के संरक्षण में हैं और हिन्दुओ को आज भी उन मंदिरो में पूजा करने का अधिकार नहीं है।

भारतीय सरकार अब इस विषय पर बड़ा कदम उठाने जा रही है, भारतीय पुरातत्व सर्वेक्षण (ASI) विभाग द्वारा संरक्षित मंदिरों में धार्मिक गतिविधियां पुन: आरम्भ करने की अनुमति शीघ्र ही मिलने जा रही है। ऐसे संरक्षित मंदिरों में पूजा-पाठ की अनुमति देने के लिए 1958 के कानून में संशोधन किया जा सकता है। सरकार शीतकालीन सत्र में इससे संबंधित संशोधन विधेयक प्रस्तुत कर सकती है। इसके पीछे सरकार की सोच यह है कि इससे हिन्दुओ को उनके प्राचीन मंदिरो में पूजा पाठ करने का अवसर मिलेगा और साथ ही इन मंदिरों का रख-रखाव भी आसान होगा।

सरकारी सूत्रों के अनुसार, इस समय देश में एएसआइ के संरक्षण में लगभग 3,800 धरोहर हैं, इनमें एक हजार से अधिक हिन्दुओ के मंदिर हैं। इनमें से उत्तराखंड के जागेश्वर धाम और केरल के श्री पद्मनाभस्वामी मंदिर जैसे बहुत ही सीमित संख्या में मंदिर हैं जहां हिन्दुओ को पूजा अर्चना करने की अनुमति है। अधिकांश मंदिर या तो बंद किये गए हैं, या उनमे किसी भी तरह की धार्मिक गतिविधि की अनुमति नहीं है ।

पिछले ही दिनों हमने देखा था, जम्मू-कश्मीर में ऐतिहासिक रूप से महत्वपूर्ण मार्तण्ड सूर्य मंदिर में 800 वर्षों पश्चात नवगृह पूजन किया गया था। यह पूजन जम्मू-कश्मीर के उपराज्यपाल मनोज सिन्हा द्वारा किया गया था, उसके पश्चात एएसआइ ने स्थानीय प्रशासन को पत्र लिखकर कड़ी आपत्ति दर्ज कराई थी और बताया था कि पूजन करने के लिए कोई अनुमति नहीं दी गयी थी।

इस घटना के पश्चात ही हिन्दुओ ने इस विषय पर मंत्रणा शुरू कर दी, और यह प्रश्न पूछा जाने लगा कि हिन्दुओं को उनके ही मंदिरों में पूजन करने से क्यों वंचित रखा जा रहा है। मार्तण्ड मंदिर जैसे सैंकड़ों मंदिर हैं, जिनके अब खंडहर के रूप में अवशेष मात्र ही बचे हैं, इनमे पूजा पाठ नहीं होता और ना ही इनका सही तरीके से रख रखाव ही हो पाता है। ऐसे में हमारी प्राचीन धरोहर पर संकट के बादल मंडरा रहे हैं, और इन्हे संरक्षित करने के प्रयास हमे करने ही चाहिए।

क्या है प्राचीन स्मारक तथा पुरातत्वीय स्थल और अवशेष अधिनियम, 1958?

प्राचीन स्मारक और पुरातात्विक स्थल और अवशेष अधिनियम प्राचीन और ऐतिहासिक स्मारकों और पुरातात्विक स्थलों और राष्ट्रीय महत्व के अवशेषों के संरक्षण के लिए, पुरातात्विक खुदाई के विनियमन के लिए और मूर्तियों, नक्काशी और अन्य जैसी वस्तुओं के संरक्षण के लिए प्रदान करता है। इसे 1958 में पारित किया गया था।

भारतीय पुरातत्व सर्वेक्षण इस अधिनियम के प्रावधानों के अंतर्गत कार्य करता है। नियमों के अनुसार किसी भी प्राचीन स्मारक के 100 मीटर आसपास का क्षेत्र निषिद्ध माना जाता है। स्मारक के 200 मीटर के भीतर का क्षेत्र विनियमित श्रेणी में माना जाता है, इस क्षेत्र में किसी भी मरम्मत या संशोधन के लिए पूर्व अनुमति की आवश्यकता होती है।

क्यों यह कानून अपने उद्देश्यों को पूरा करने में असफल है?

प्राचीन मंदिरों को संरक्षित करने के जिस उद्देश्य से यह कानून लाया गया था, वह पूरा नहीं हो रहा है। उल्टे लोगों का प्रवेश प्रतिबंधित होने के कारण मंदिरों की स्थिति दिन-प्रतिदिन खराब होती जा रही है। इन मंदिरों की देखभाल के लिए विभाग के पास उपयुक्त मात्रा में कर्मचारी भी नहीं हैं। कई मंदिर तो ऐसे हैं जहां वर्ष में एक ही बार साफ-सफाई की जाती है, अन्यथा पूरे वर्ष उन पर ताले ही जड़े रहते हैं।

संस्कृति मंत्रालय के अनुसार एएसआइ संरक्षण में बंद पड़े मंदिरों की स्थिति अलग-अलग है। कई मंदिरों में मूर्तियां हैं ही नहीं, वहीं कई मंदिरों में मूर्तियां खंडित अवस्था में हैं। कई हिंदू शासकों के किलों में ऐसे मंदिर हैं जो अत्यंत ही दयनीय स्थिति में हैं, विभाग ऐसे सभी मंदिरों का वर्गीकरण कर रहा है। जिन मंदिरों में मूर्तियां ठीक स्थिति में हैं और भवन की स्थिति भी ठीक है, वहां तत्काल पूजा-पाठ की अनुमति देने पर विचार चल रहा है। पूजा-पाठ व अन्य धार्मिक गतिविधियों की अनुमति देने से न सिर्फ उन स्थानों की देखरेख सुनिश्चित हो सकेगी, बल्कि इनके संरक्षण के लिए स्थानीय लोगों का जुड़ाव भी बढ़ेगा।

यहाँ यह जानना भी आवश्यक है कि विभाग ने खंडित मूर्तियों वाले मंदिरों में नयी मूर्तियों की प्राण-प्रतिष्ठा करने का भी निर्णय किया है। इसके अतिरिक्त खंडहर में बदल गए मंदिरों का पुनर्निर्माण कर वहां भी पूजा पाठ करने की अनुमति दी जायेगी, इसका लाभ आम जनता को भी होगा, वहीं मंदिर भी फिर से पुनर्जीवित हो जाएंगे। ऐसा सरकार की योजना बताई गयी है!

The Places of Worship Act violates fundamental principle of Hindu Law

Featured Image Source: The Republic

It is well settled that places of worship and pilgrimage cannot be taken by the carrot and the stick. Any illegal encroachment by other faiths doesn’t yield any right and equity in favor of the usurper.

The Places of Worship (special provisions) Act, 1991, title read, “An Act to prohibit conversion of any place of worship and to provide for the maintenance of the religious character of any place of worship as it existed on the 15th day of August 1947, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto”. This Act is at the center row over a videographic survey at Gyanvapi mosque, where a “Shiva Lingam” was discovered.

According to Hindu Law, property once vested will continue to be the deity’s property, and likewise, on the creation of waqf, the property vests in ‘Allah’. The question is whether a waqf can be created over deity property and can such property be assumed to be waqf by the user.

Another question is as to whether Hindu Law will be applicable to the properties, which had been encroached upon during invaders’ rule or even after Independence, the ghost of slavery will continue to haunt the sentiments of Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs and they would consider themselves helpless to remedy the wrong through the legal process after enforcement of Constitution.

Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, and Sikhs have the right to remedy the subjects depressed/oppressed during the slavery period through legal means. It is also essential to give the message that the power of the pen, not the sword, is mighty and will prevail. As a matter of reference, recently the Taliban demolished the Buddha statues on the line of their predecessor invaders, during the Medieval Age.

Invasion and invaders destroyed hundreds of places of worship and pilgrimage to show the might of Islam to realize the Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, and Sikhs that they have been conquered and are being ruled and had to follow the dictum of the ruler. Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists, and the natives of the country were deprived of their right to life, liberty, and dignity from 1192 to 1947.

The question is as to whether even after the Independence, they cannot seek judicial remedy to undo the historical wrong through judicial proceedings to establish that law is mightier than the sword.

Hindu law prescribes that deity never dies and property once vested in deity shall continue its property and even King cannot take over possession. According to Katyayan (P.V. Kane Vol. III, 327-328):

“Temple property is never lost even if it is enjoyed by strangers for hundreds of years. Even kings cannot deprive temples of their properties.

“Timelessness, thus, abounding in Hindu Deity, there cannot be any question of the Deity losing its rights by lapse of time. Jurisprudentially also, there is no essential impediment in the provision, which protects the property rights of minors, like a deity, to remain outside the vicissitudes of human frailties for ensuring permanent sustenance to it, therefore to keep it out of reach of human beings, including King.

“Every law is designed to serve some social purpose; the vesting of rights in Deity, which serve the social purpose indicated above since ancient times, is quite in order to serve social good.”

In Ramareddy v. Ranga, the top court held that “managers and even purchasers from them for consideration could never hold endowed properties adversely to the deity and there could be no adverse possession leading to the acquisition of title in such cases”.

The deity which is an embodiment of the supreme god and is a juristic person represents the ‘infinite- the timeless’ and cannot be confined by the shackles of time.

Brihadaranakya Upanishad (Mulla’s Principles of Hindu Law, page 8) lays down: “Om Purnamadah, purnamidam, purnatpurnamudachyate; purnasayapurnamadaya, purnamevavasisyate (That is Full, this is Full. From the Full does the Full proceed. After the coming of the Full from the Full, the Full alone remains).

In the Mahant Ram Saroop Das Case, the top court recognized that a deity is immortal and it is difficult to visualize that a Hindu private debutter will fail. Even if the idol gets broken, or is lost, or stolen, another image may be consecrated, and it cannot be said that the original object has ceased to exist. In Thakurji Govind Deoji Maharaj Jaipur (1965), the court held: “An idol which a juridical person is not subject to death, because the Hindu concept is that the Idol lives forever”.

Thus, The Places of Worship Act, 1991, violates the concept of Hindu law. The deity which is an embodiment of supreme God and is a juristic person, represents the ‘infinite- the timeless’ cannot be confined by the shackles of time and the Hindu Law recognized the principle that once deity property, will continue to be deity property, and nobody’s possession will be valid.

The doctrine of Hindu Law is that “temple property is never lost even if enjoyed by strangers for years and even the king cannot take away property as the deity is the embodiment of God and is juristic person, represents ‘Infinite the timeless’ and cannot be confined by the shackles of time.”

It’s well settled that deity property will continue to be deity property and others’ possession will be invalid. This is a serious jolt on the rights of Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs to worship and profess their religion and restore their religious places even through the court. It is necessary to state that members of other faiths have occupied those places taking advantage of the pitiable condition of Hindus during Mughal and British Rule.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed.)

अफगानिस्तान में न्यूज़ एंकर्स को पर्दे में स्वीकारने से लेकर नाइजीरिया में ईसाई लड़की को इस्लामी कट्टरपंथियों द्वारा जलाए जाने पर भारत के “लेफ्ट-इस्लामिस्ट” फेमिनिज्म वर्ग की चुप्पी


उनकी पीड़ा और संवेदना असीम है। सुदूर एलेन कुर्दी का शव देखते ही उनकी पीड़ा इतनी हिलोरे मारती है कि कविताओं पर कविताएँ रच जाती हैं। वह एलेन कुर्दी स्वयं बन जाती हैं। और न जाने कितनी उपमाएं दे जाती हैं। उन्हें सीरिया में तब से प्रेम जागृत होना आरम्भ हुआ जब से एलेन कुर्दी समुद्र तट पर मिला। उससे पहले यजीदी लड़कियों के साथ ईराक में जो कुछ किया इससे वह अछूती थीं।

उनकी सम्वेदना का दायरा युगों पीछे के कथित झूठे हिन्दू समाज के झूठे ग्रंथों में लिखी बातों तक है, मगर उनका दायरा मुस्लिम शासकों को सबसे महान बताने पर है। लेफ्ट गुलाम फेमिनिस्ट इस बात पर एक भी शब्द बोलने के लिए तैयार नहीं हैं कि कैसे आईएसआईएस के आतंकियों ने यजीदी लड़कियों को सेक्स स्लेव ही नहीं बनाया था, बल्कि ऐसे ऐसे अत्याचार किये थे कि लोग सुनकर दहल जाते हैं।

कश्मीर की गिरिजा टिक्कू तो कथित फेमिनिस्ट इसलिए नहीं देख पाईं क्योंकि वह हिन्दू और वह भी पंडित समुदाय की थी, जिसे नष्ट करने का वह नारा लगाती हैं। ब्राह्मणवादी मानसिकता का नाश करने के लिए हमेशा तैयार रहती हैं, और उनकी दृष्टि में पंडित या ब्राह्मण सबसे बड़े पापी हैं तो उनकी स्त्रियों के लिए क्या आवाज उठाना। इसलिए कश्मीरी पंडित स्त्रियों के लिए उनका कलेजा उस तरह नहीं कांपता है, परतु वह यजीदी महिलाओं के लिए भी कुछ नहीं कहती हैं, जो आईएसआईएस से पीड़ित थीं।

अभी हाल ही में ईराक की एक सांसद ने एक यजीदी पीड़िता की कहानी साझा करते हुए दिल दहला दिया था कि एक यजीदी महिला को उसके एक वर्षीय बेटे को ही पकाकर खिला दिया था। परन्तु फिर भी हमारे देश में एक भी लेफ्ट इस्लामिक फेमिनिस्ट लेखिकाओं की यह आवाज नहीं आई कि यहाँ कुछ गलत हुआ है। परन्तु हां एलेन कुर्दी उन्हें दिख गया, वह एक साल का बच्चा जिसे आईएसआईएस ने काट दिया, मार डाला और पका दिया, उस बच्चे की पीड़ा इन औरतों के कानों में नहीं पड़ती है।

खैर, अब आते हैं कुछ और बातों पर। पड़ोस में अफगानिस्तान में जब तालिबान सत्ता में आया था, तो वहां से स्वतंत्र विचारों वाली स्त्रियाँ भाग आई थीं, क्योंकि उन्हें पता था कि उनका जीवन अफगानिस्तान में सुरक्षित नहीं है। वह एक एक करके भाग गयी थीं, और फिर उन्होंने जो डर व्यक्त किये थे, वह किसी से छिपे नहीं हैं।

धीरे धीरे वही हुआ और पहले स्वतंत्र विचारों वाली लड़कियों की उन्होंने हत्या कराई और फिर लड़कियों के लिए स्कूल ही बंद कर दिया। हालांकि इसी तालिबान के आने पर भारत का लेफ्ट इस्लामिक फेमिनिस्ट वर्ग बहुत प्रसन्न हुआ था। उसे यह आशा उत्पन्न हुई थी कि चलो कोई तो है जो इस कथित हिन्दुओं की सरकार से छुटकारा दिला सकता है।

और फिर उन्होंने इस बात की प्रशंसा आरम्भ कर दी कि कम से कम वह प्रेस कांफ्रेंस कर रहे हैं, और उसके बाद यही वर्ग इस बात पर प्रशंसा के साथ आया कि कम से कम वह लड़कियों और लड़कों को अलग अलग ही सही पढने की इजाजत दे रहे हैं। परन्तु इनकी सभी तारीफें हर उस आजाद आम मुस्लिम लड़की की आवाज की कातिल हैं, जो इन तालिबान का शिकार हुई और जब तालिबान ने लड़कियों के लिए स्कूल बंद कर दिए, तब भी यह मौन रहीं!

तालिबान ने महिलाओं के लिए दिन प्रतिदिन नए नए प्रतिबन्ध लगा दिए हैं, परन्तु न जाने कहाँ कहाँ का दर्द देखने वाली ये फेमिनिस्ट मादाएं कुछ नहीं बोली हैं, फिर चाहे उनका बिना बुर्के के घर से बाहर न निकलने देने का हो, या फिर यह सलाह कि वह हो सके तो बाहर ही न निकलें, और उनका और आदमियों का पार्क जाने का अलग अलग दिन बनाना और फ्लाइट में अकेले न जाना, एवं साथ ही पति और पत्नी भी रेस्टोरेंट में एकसाथ खाना खाने नहीं जा सकते!

मगर इसके बाद अब जो आदेश आया, वह महिला स्वतंत्रता पर सबसे बड़ा आघात और हमला था। यह आदेश आया कि महिला एंकर्स टीवी पर अपना चेहरा ढककर आएं।

और अब इसका पालन भी आरम्भ हो गया है। परन्तु हिन्दुओं को कोसने वाली और तालिबान को सराहने वाली लेफ्ट फेमिनिस्ट ब्रिगेड का अभी तक कोई भी आलोचनात्मक वाक्य इस निर्णय के विरुद्ध नहीं आया है। उनका कहना है कि हमें हिन्दुओं का विरोध इसलिए करना है क्योंकि वह देश में हिन्दू तालिबान नहीं चाहती हैं, और यही कारण हैं कि वह कर्नाटक में बुर्के का समर्थन करने के लिए तैयार हो जाती हैं और इस आड़ में इस्लामी कट्टरता को और बढ़ाती हैं।

इतना ही नहीं ये लेफ्ट फेमिनिस्ट अश्वेत कवयित्री माया एंजेलो की कविताओं को खूब भुनाती हैं, परन्तु वह अश्वेत डेबोरा सैम्युअल के साथ खड़ी नहीं होतीं है जिसे कट्टर इस्लामी भीड़ ने कथित रूप से पैगम्बर निंदा के आरोप में पीट पीट कर मार डाला।

नाइजीरिया में एक ईसाई विद्यार्थी ने कथित रूप से कुछ ऐसा लिख दिया जो वहां के मुस्लिम वर्ग को पसंद नहीं आया और उन्होंने उसे पहले पकड़ पकड़ कर पीटा और फिर उसे मार डाला और कुछ लोगों के अनुसार उसके शरीर को जला दिया

मगर भारत में बैठा लेफ्ट इस्लामिस्ट फेमिनिस्ट वर्ग कट्टर मुस्लिमों द्वारा ईसाइयों की हत्याओं पर या फिर कट्टर मुस्लिम संगठन तालिबान द्वारा उन्हीं की औरतों पर किए जा रहे एक भी अत्याचार पर अपना मुंह नहीं खोलता है, वह कट्टर इस्लाम के खतरों को हिन्दू लडकियों को नहीं बताता है बल्कि वह भारत में हिन्दू धर्म के खिलाफ लगातार जहर उगलता हुआ हिन्दू लड़कियों को हिन्दू धर्म से विमुख करता रहता है।

जबकि आवश्यकता है कि कट्टर इस्लाम औरतों के लिए दुनिया कैसी बना रहा है, इस विषय में बात की जाए? कैसे वह अपने ही समुदाय की औरतों को पर्दों में बंद कर रहा है, कैसे वह दूसरे समुदाय की औरतों को भी घेर घेर कर मार रहा है? इस विषय में सभी को जानकारी प्रदान की जाए! परन्तु अत्यंत खेद एवं क्षोभ की बात है कि भारत का लेफ्ट इस्लामिस्ट फेमिनिस्ट समुदाय ऐसी किसी भी जानकारी को देने से बचता है!

Perumpidugu Mutharaiyar, the forgotten king of valour

Perumpidugu Mutharaiyar

Today is the jayanthi of one of the greatest Tamil kings, Perumpidugu Mutharaiyar who was born on Sadaya nakshatra in the 7th century. He is believed to have ruled the Thanjavur-Trichy-Pudukkottai region in the period between 7th to 8th century CE. The inscriptions in the temples built and patronised by him sing his glories as a king who never faced defeat in the 12 wars he fought.

Some historians put him on the same pedestal as the great Raja Raja Chola I and Maravarman Sundara Pandian both of whom are considered the greatest of their dynasties. He ruled from Vallam in Thanjavur and so went by the name Thanjai Kon and Valla Kon (Kon means king in Tamil). An 8th-century stone inscription in a temple in Thanjavur hails him with these names. Perumpidugu is his title and Mutharaiyar is the dynasty name. His actual name was Suvaran Maran.

The inscriptions on the 4 pillars of the Meenakshi Sundareswarar temple in Senthalai, a village in Thanjavur, give details about his ancestors and the temples he built. They say that he was born to Elangovathiaraiyan alias Maran Parameshwaran and succeeded him as the king at the beginning of 8th century. These pillars are believed to be originally from a temple he built for Pidari Amman, his Kula Devi. He is believed to have been a Shaivite, but Mutharaiyars patronized Vaishnavism and Buddhism as well. He also patronized Tamil poets to a great extent. Inscriptions tell us that poets Pachilvel Namban, Acharya Aniruddha, Kottatru Ilam Perumanar, and Kuvavan Kanjan graced his darbar.

These four poets have sung paeans about his valor which are inscribed on the four pillars. Inscriptions say that he fought 12 wars in Kodumbalur, Manalur, Thingalur, Kanthalur, Azhunthiyur, Karai, Marangur, Pugazhi, Annalvayil, Sempon Mari, Venkodal, and Kannanur. Many of these are historic places and are known by the same name even today. An epigraph in Kanchipuram Vaikuntha Perumal temple says that a Mutharaiyar king was received by Nandivarman II during the latter’s coronation. It is believed that it was Perumpidugu Mutharaiyar II.

He is believed to have fought against Pandyas and Cheras alongside Pallava general Udayachandra. He went by the epithets Chatru Kesari, Abhimana Dheeran, Chatru Mallan, Kalvar Kallan, Athi Sahasan, Cheru Maran, Vel Maran, Chatthan Maran, etc. The usage of Maran points to Mutharaiyar’s association or perhaps origination from Pandyas, historians think. The origination of Mutharaiyars and the details of other rulers of the dynasty are not clear. But Perumpidugu Mutharaiyar II has left ample evidence in the form of inscriptions informing about his valor.

The inscriptions in the Senthalai Meenakshi Sundareswarar temple talk about the wars he fought. One of them says that his flag was Vel (lance, also the divine weapon of Skanda) and that as a result of the war he fought in Azhinthiyur, the earth turned red and he used elephants to plow the blood-drenched land. Another one talks about Perumpidugu Mutharaiyar II defeating a Pandya king whose wife entered the fire with him.

In the 9th century, the Mutharaiyar dynasty was thrown out of power by Vijayalaya Chola who brought back the glory of Cholas and established what is now known as the medieval Chola dynasty. Now the great Muthuraiyar dynasty and the great king are remembered only for their caste vote bank.

Despite being revered as great as Raja Raja I, Perumpidugu Mutharaiyar doesn’t even find a mention in the history books. When no one except his own community knows about him, instead of spreading his glory by including him in the curriculum, political parties build statues to show their opportunistic respect. They bank on him to garner votes of the community and pay respects to him on his Jayanthi as mere symbolism.

Khalistanis asked to target goods trains in Punjab by ISI warn Intel agencies


Intelligence agencies have warned that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is planning to entail serious damage to Bharat by directing Khalistani terrorists or sleeper cells to target railway tracks in Punjab and surrounding states, according to sources in the security network.

Quoting intelligence inputs, the sources said that ISI has been contemplating targeting Railway tracks especially when the goods trains are passing.

The ISI has been offering huge funds to the sleeper cells and terrorists of Khalistan with terrorist Harvinder Singh Rinda, hiding in Lahore, coordinating with these elements in Punjab, the sources further said.

While the state government and the Railway Protection Forces have been asked to increase the surveillance of the rail network in Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan, the divisional offices of the Indian Railway of the states have been directed to increase patrolling of the tracks with immediate effect.

Evidence gathered by the security agencies proves that Anti-India Elements (AIE) has been trying to disrupt the peace and harmony in Punjab.

“When they (ISI) could not get success in Jammu and Kashmir, they diverted their focus on Punjab to restore militancy in the border state. And in this task, Sikh militant organizations like Sikh for Justice (SFJ) Babbar Khalsa and others, working from abroad, are helping the misguided youths of Punjab to raise arms and execute terror incidents in the state,” a senior official in the security set-up said.

He also said that the recent arrest of four Sikh terrorists from Haryana’s Karnal district along with a huge cache of arms, ammunition, and IEDs shows that they (Khalistani militants) have been expanding their network in other states as well.

The rocket-propelled grenade attack at the Intelligence Headquarters of Punjab Police at Mohali also testified that arms, ammunition, and narcotics have been pushed into Bharat by drones provided by ISI to these terrorists in Punjab, the officials said.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed with a modified headline and minor edits to conform to the HinduPost style guide)

Assam locals claim Bangladeshi infiltration bid foiled


A group of people from Bangladesh allegedly tried to enter Bharat by crossing the Kushiyara river on a boat in South Assam’s Karimganj district. However, the “alert” local residents claimed that they foiled the infiltration attempt.

Bharat and Bangladesh share the transboundary water of Kushiyara, with the Bharatiya riverside without any fencing in many places alongside the land border.

The SP of Karimganj district said, “We have taken the matter with the BSF. I also visited the spot and spoke with the residents there. A few locals had claimed that they have seen a boat carrying a group of twenty people trying to enter from the Bangladesh side. The locals raised an alarm and lit torches following which the boat turned back. We are still investigating the matter.”

The IG of Mizoram and Cachar Frontier of BSF, Mridul Sonowal informed that they took note of the incident. He said, “We have camps in that area. Though the guards patrol there regularly, we have stepped up the vigil further following that incident.”

There are different opinions behind the alleged incident which took place on Friday night. Some locals are saying that the Bangladeshis planned to cross the riverine border side with the motive of committing theft and dacoity.

The police and BSF authorities refused to comment on this claim.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed with minor edits to conform to the HinduPost style guide)

Pattina Pravesam conducted amid tight security in TN

pattina pravesam

The traditional ‘Pattina Pravesam’ of Dharmapuram Adheenam was conducted amid tight security in Tamil Nadu.

The Pattina Pravesam was mired in controversy after the Tamil Nadu government banned it following protests from several organisations and later revoked the curb and allowed the Adheenam to conduct the ritual.

Masilamani Desika Gnanasambadha Paramacharya Swamigal, the seer of Dharmapuram Adheenam, was carried by his disciples on a palanquin around the streets near the mutt and received with ‘Poorna Kumbham’ honour late on Sunday night. The ‘Pattina Pravesam’ is a culmination of the 11-day Vaigasi Peruvizha of the Dharmapuram Adheenam mutt’s Gnanapureeswar temple on May 12.

Notably, the Dravida Kazhagam, Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi, and some Tamil movements had opposed people carrying a person in a palanquin citing that this amounts to a violation of human rights.

Activists of Dravidar Kazhagam and Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi (VCK) had staged a protest against the disciples carrying the seer in a palanquin as part of the tradition. Police rounded up 97 activists and arrested them who were later let off under stain bail.

A heavy contingent of police was deployed to prevent any untoward incident in the area.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed.)

TMC leader who contested 2021 elections is a Bangladeshi national, lied about being Bharatiya and voted in elections; EC to take action


In the recent development reported from West Bengal, Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader Alo Rani Sarkar has turned out to be a Bangladeshi national. Sarkar had unsuccessfully contested the 2021 West Bengal State Legislative polls from the Bangaon Dakshin constituency, where BJP leader Swapan Majumdar had registered electoral victory. The discrepancy in Sarkar’s citizenship came to the fore after she challenged Majumdar’s victory in the Calcutta High Court. Justice Bibek Chaudhuri heard her petition. During the proceedings, the court observed that the TMC candidate was a Bangladeshi national when she filed the nomination on Election Day and the day of the declaration of the result. “From the face of the petitioner’s document, it is found that the petitioner had no right to contest the assembly election of 2021,” observed the court.

It further emphasized, “As she is not a citizen of India, she shall not be qualified to be chosen to fill a seat in the legislature of a State in terms of Article 173 of the Constitution read with Section 16 of the Representation of People Act, 1950.” 

The Calcutta High Court observed that Sarkar was married to a Bangladeshi citizen named Harendra Nath Sarkar in 1980. Dr. Harendra Nath Sarkar is a professor of medicine at Barishal’s Sher-e-Bangla Medical College. The petitioner had stayed with her husband in the Islamic country for some years. However, owing to marital discord, she moved to India permanently.

As per her affidavit, on November 5, 2020, she had tendered an application for the revocation of her name from Bangladesh’s electoral roll and submitted the National Identity Card (NIC) of Bangladesh. However, the Senior District Election Officer (Barisal) actioned the obliteration of Sarkar’s name from Bangladesh’s electoral rolls only on June 29, 2021,

The TMC candidate had filed her nomination to contest from the Bangaon Dakshin constituency on March 31, 2021. The elections were held on April 22, 2021, and the results were announced on May 2.

These findings imply that Alo Rani Sarkar was a Bangladeshi citizen while filing her nomination and casting her vote during the 2021 polls. Because Bharat does not recognize dual citizenship, the TMC leaders contesting elections and casting votes were both illegal. She was not a Bharatiya citizen has had no rights to vote or contest in West Bengal. 

Defending herself, Alo Rani Sarkar claimed that her name had erroneously appeared in the voter list of Harendra Nath Sarkar’s native place in Bangladesh. However, it was marked that Sarkar had ‘voluntarily’ submitted her SSC certificate to the authorities and opted to be included in the electoral rolls in Bangladesh. 

The TMC candidate subsequently claims that she was born in West Bengal’s Baidyabati on March 22, 1969. Hence, she is a Bharatiya citizen as per the Indian citizen by birth under the Citizenship Act of 1955. However, she failed to provide any document establishing that she was born in West Bengal. Justice Bibek Chaudhuri also noted discrepancies in the date of birth provided by Sarkar. While her DOB as per Bharat’s Aadhar/ Pan Card has been mentioned as March 22, 1969, the National Identity Card issued by Bangladeshi authorities reflects it as of January 15, 1967.

Alo Rani Sarkar has admitted that her ancestors hailed from the Pirojpur district of Bangladesh. She has also accepted that her brother and mother still reside in Necharabad. Sarkar claimed during an inquiry that she lived in West Bengal with her uncle.

However, after hearing the claims and scrutinizing the documents, the court held, “It is needless to say that the petitioner has claimed to be a citizen of this country by birth. But from the inquiry report on which she relies in her written objection against the application under Order VII Rule 11(d) of the CPC it is ascertained that her parents used to live in Bangladesh and she came to India with her uncle in her childhood, meaning thereby that the petitioner was born in Bangladesh.”

The justice cited the disparities in the election affidavit and inquiry report and questioned, “It is not clear even on this date as to whether her name has been deleted from the electoral roll of Bangladesh.” 

Another observation by the justice stated, “The petitioner has not claimed acquisition of citizenship under Section 3 or 4 of the Citizenship Act, 1955. She has not acquired citizenship by registration under Section 5 of the Citizenship Act of 1955.”

The Calcutta High Court thus ruled that the petitioner does not fall within the purview of the 2019 Citizenship (Amendment) Act either. Therefore, even if the petitioner has procured an Aadhar Card, voter identity card, and passport, these documents do not establish her citizenship in this country.

It has been clear that Alo Rani Sarkar was not a Bharatiya Citizen, and despite being a Bangladeshi, she contested in the Bharatiya election process and voted also. In a democracy, every vote counts; Sarkar’s vote was one of those that helped TMC form government in the border state. Sarkar is perhaps not just one Bangladeshi national; she is just the one who has been caught. We will never know how many more such Bangladeshis have voted in the 2021 West Bengal elections to assure TMC’s victory. 

Goa to promote spiritual, cultural tourism by restoration of temples: CM


Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Sunday reiterated that the restoration of temples destroyed during the Portuguese colonial era will help the state to promote cultural and spiritual tourism.

“The factors of ‘sun, sand and sea’ will remain with tourism (promotion), but apart from this we are promoting cultural tourism, hinterland tourism, and also spiritual,” Sawant said in the ‘Media Mahamanthan’ program held in Delhi.

Sawant in his budget speech had allocated Rs 20 crore for the restoration of temples, demolished during the Portuguese colonial era.

According to him, in the future along with beach tourism, other aspects of the tourism area will be explored.

Sawant had earlier said that restoration of such temples would help the state to bolster its tourism potential.

Several temples were destroyed in Goa by the Portuguese, who ruled Goa for a period of 451 years, until the region which was a part of the Portuguese’s Estado da India, was liberated by the Indian armed forces in 1961.

The opposition and section of civil society have slammed the ruling government’s initiative to restore such temples while accusing the ruling BJP of trying to create a communal rift between Hindus and Catholics in the state.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed.)

Tikait brothers to be probed for grabbing govt land


After facing a split in the Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU), the Tikait brothers are now facing a probe on allegations of grabbing government land.

Rahul Mukhiya, one of the residents of Sisauli village in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar district, has alleged that BKU chief Naresh and his brother Rakesh Tikait have “illegally occupied” government land.

“The land parcel was allotted by the government to build a pond in Sisauli a decade ago. However, the Tikait brothers have filled the pond with soil and illegally constructed residential properties on it. I had informed the district level officers about the issue in writing and the Union Minister of State Dr. Sanjeev Baliyan was also apprised of the situation but no action was taken,” he said.

Sub-Divisional Magistrate of Budhana area, Arun Kumar said: “The investigation will be conducted accordingly in the case as the complaint has been filed. We will investigate the matter and take action accordingly.”

Rahul Mukhiya also warned that if no action is taken by the district administration in this matter, he will go to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to plead for justice.

Meanwhile, Naresh Tikait said that the allegations were “baseless” and he was “ready for any inquiry”.

“I don’t know why these people are accusing us. We didn’t capture any government land, all allegations are baseless,” he said.

(The story has been published via a syndicated feed with a modified headline)