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Yearly Archives: 2020

Revisiting the Marichjhapi Massacre, a mass-slaughter of Hindus by CPI(M)

Though they love to call it ‘Shonar Bangla’, in the 35 years of their tyrannical rule the communists swamped the land of Bengal with...

How Pakistan’s blasphemy laws trigger violence

On September 15, 2019, a mob vandalised a Hindu community in the town of Ghotki, Pakistan, after a student accused his school principal, Notan...

Kolkata’s missionary school principals, teachers, church priests ‘protest’ against CAA

After the violent rioting in name of protests against CAA and proposed nation-wide NRC, we saw student protests in 'woke' humanities departments of select...

Nitish’s put down of Pavan has lessons for eggheads in politics

H. H. Asquith’s eventful tenure as British prime minister (1908-16) in the high noon of the Liberal Party was rendered colorful by the devastatingly...

Why Bharat has been a Rashtra for times immemorial?

Idam Rashtraya Idam Na Mama Shree Gurubhyo Namaha (Obeisance to the guru, the one who handholds me from darkness towards light). “Rashtra”, the vibrations generated by...

When do JNU & Jamia protest and when do they celebrate?

Since its inception in 1969, this august institution called JNU, named after our first Prime Minister, has had a leftist leaning and has been...

China’s new regulations rolled out to culturally oppress Tibet

A new law passed by China's leaders in Tibet that systemizes ethnic unity in the region has drawn concerns about the future of Tibetan...

Pakistani Sikh leader forced to flee after threats

A Pakistani Sikh politician Radesh Singh Tony from Peshawar is looking to flee Pakistan after he received death threats and was tortured by some...

Pro-CAA Hindu shop owner faces Islamist lynch mob in Chennai, TN

Close on the heels of the news of Kerala Hindus facing economic boycott & intimidation for supporting CAA, comes an even more shocking news...

Ayaz Ahmad strangulates wife Naina Manglani over social media popularity

In yet another shocking incident of a Muslim man - Hindu woman relationship going horribly wrong, 25-year-old Ayaz Ahmad from Jaipur has been arrested...

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