NCPCR (National Commission for Protection of Child Rights) Chief Priyank Kanoongo accused the Jharkhand government of being complicit with the conversion mafia. In a tweet dated 13 February, the chief of the child rights organisation highlighted that the conversion mafia had total control over the Jharkhand government.
In the post, the NCPCR chief adds that the President of the state child rights organisation, Shrimati Kajal Yadav, and member Shri Sunil Varma were removed from their posts in the state child rights body on 12 February. He says the Women and Child Welfare minister is present in meetings where such decisions are made. Priyank Kanoongo says the Jharkhand government targeted the two because they were gathering information regarding the illegal conversion of children. The actions of the Jharkhand government indicate they are complicit with the conversion mafia. Further information in the matter is awaited.