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Monday, July 8, 2024


Desecration of Hindu temples and Traditions: Puri – A live example

The systematic destruction of Hindu religious institutions which has happened under the secular raj – which is nothing but continuation of the British raj...

Janam TV: A story of groupism and hijacking

The liberal and leftist thoughts promoted by the Malayalam media, which also appeases minorities, are known to many. The communist influence on Malayalam media...

Rajdeep Sardesai makes a fool of himself, again

This article is not about Rajdeep Sardesai, per se, but about a whole ecosystem, primarily in Lutyen’s Delhi, that he is a part of. ...

New CNN show with Muslim host presents Varanasi as ‘City of the Dead’

You thought Varanasi was a symbol of Bharat's ancient civilization, something cherished by the whole world like we Hindus cherish the symbols of other great...

Journey of a Slogan From Pakistan to JNU

After importing a fiery slogan from Pakistan and planting it in JNU, the Subversion League formed by leftists and Islamists is now in fast...

Steve Bannon, the World and US

It wouldn’t be misplaced to remark that other than Donald Trump, the current president of United States of America, the other person most talked...

Assault on Kerala Hindus – Part 1

The decline of Hindus in Kerala needs no introduction. From 56% in 2001, the Hindu population has came down to 54% in 2011, a...

All over the world, liberals live in their own echo chamber

This recent article by Minhaz Merchant is the type of hard hitting article on the ‘liberal’ media all over the world that is really needed. ...

History of Tamils – An analysis exposing the lies of Dravidianists

The Dravidian movement of south Bharat, especially Tamil Nadu needs no lengthy introduction. It is based on the false notion that Brahmins and other...

Ram Is Equally Worshipped And Venerated Among Tamils

  "Ram Leela in the North, now Ravan Leela to be celebrated in the South” screamed media headlines on 10th and 11th October last year. To...

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