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Friday, June 28, 2024


Censor, Distort, Spin: How #NITSrinagar Is Covered by Media

Ignoring the cries for help and appeals to be rescued by non-Kashmiri students, who are now cooped up in NIT Srinagar like prisoners of...

This Is How Media Foments Caste Hatred, Divides Hindu Society

A Times Of India (TOI) reporter Shoeb Khan was caught spreading falsehoods, with an intent to foment caste hatred, over a shocking incident in...

Non-Kashmiri Students At NIT Srinagar Thrashed By J&K Police, Hounded For Hoisting Tricolor

There has been a brutal assault by J&K Police on non-Kashmiri students at NIT (National Instititue of Technology) Srinagar. This crackdown came after non-Kashmiri students hoisted the...

God’s Own Country? Minor Hindu Dalit Girl Gang Raped For Months in Attingal, Kerala

A minor Hindu Dalit girl in Thiruvananthapuram rural district was brutally raped and repeatedly abused for over two months after the assailants blackmailed the...

‘Eminent Historian’ Irfan Habib And Darul Uloom Deoband Say No To ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’

'Eminent historian' Irfan Habib's contention that the idea of  'Bharat Mata' (Motherland Bharat) is a foreign import was  backed up by fundamentalist Islamic seminary Darul...

Vedic Culture: As Relevant Today as Ever

By investigating the knowledge and viewpoints in the many topics found in Vedic culture, we can certainly see that the practice and utilization of...

RSS Workers And Children Attacked in UP

There has been a spurt in attacks on Hindu activists associated with Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in the last few months. After the series of...

Hindu View of Christian Salvation

Christian conversion is based upon the promise of forgiveness of all sins and everlasting salvation by belief in Jesus. It is important that Hindus...

Media Starts Cover Up In Pankaj Narang Lynching

The shocking incident which occurred on the night of Holi, where 40 year old dentist Dr. Pankaj Narang was beaten to death by a...

Congress Wants Muslim IAS To Preside Over Temple Festivities

Not content with controlling 50,000 Hindu temples in Karnataka which come under the Muzrai or the Religious Affairs Department, the Congress Government in Karnataka now...

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