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Saturday, June 22, 2024


Cricket racism: how Pujara’s Yorkshire team-mates slighted him; will Kohli speak up?

Racism within the cricketing world has been systematically exposed over the last 12-18 months. It started with Black and other cricketers of color in...

‘Armed and Dangerous’: New Afghan Interior Minister Haqqani bears $5mn US bounty

Named new Interior Minister of the Taliban government in Afghanistan under acting Prime Minister Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund, Sirajuddin Haqqani of the infamous Haqqani...

In the NYTimes, only white leaders stand out

The New York Times recently published a list of ‘true leaders’ in the fight against COVID-19. They spend exactly one sentence on Asia and...

American website shows Hindu priest’s photo in news about Maulvi castrated by wife for wanting to marry again

American news website New York Post displayed its Hinduphobia by using the pic of a Hindu priest in a news pertaining to a Maulvi being castrated...

BDS and the Islamic Lobby in US Have Found a New Target after Israel — Democratic India

The worldwide Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel now appears to have found a new target: democratic India. The BDS has been widely...

Big Tech is already censoring our news and meddling in our elections : where do we draw the line?

The censorship by big technology companies has generated a lot of discussion last week. The New York Post newspaper published certain emails that indicated...

Police complaint against Wall Street Journal for fake news on IB staffer Ankit Sharma’s murder

A police complaint has been filed with the Delhi Police as well as the Maharashtra Police against the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) for "defaming...

Hindus shocked as Times of India covers Pak Hindu girl’s abduction from wedding venue on front page

Yet another shocking incident of preying on a Hindu girl by a Muslim man has come to light from Pakistan. This time a teenager...

Hindu Pujari brutally attacked in New York City, USA

A Hindu pujari, Swami Ji Harish Chander Puri, was brutally attacked on Thursday morning in Queens borough of New York city, USA. 52-year old...

New York’s Disastrous Grant for Organizations Linked to Islamic Extremism

On Aug. 21, the New York City Council announced $250,000 in grants made to 14 Muslim community organizations in collaboration with the New York Immigration Coalition....

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