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Saturday, June 1, 2024


Abrahamia: A new religion on the horizon?

News reports about a new religion to be implemented globally, has caused consternation amongst the people and also raised questions about its validity and...

Monson Mavunkal saga – how Communists tried to distort Hindu identity of Sabarimala

In Kerala, the arrest of a fraudster named Monson Mavunkal sheds light on a conspiracy to destroy the Hindu traditions and rituals at Sabarimala...

Islamist brutalities on the hapless Hindus of Bangladesh: June 2021

Survival has never been easy for the Hindus of Bangladesh. They are surrounded by Islamist barbarians who enjoy targeting the minorities and are looking...

Ghaziabad: Hindu convert to Islam involved in Dasna Devi Swami Yati Narsinghanand murder conspiracy

The involvement of a Hindu convert to Islam in the Swami Yati Narsinghanand murder conspiracy has come to light. He has been identified as...

Muslim teacher takes Hindu minor as 4th wife, crematorium occupied, newspaper office attacked: Bangladesh

Bangladeshi Hindus continue to face almost daily attacks from Islamists. The Sheikh Hasina led Bangladeshi government might be cracking down on Hefazat-e-Islam for their...

150 Bangladeshi Hindu families protest eviction from ancestral homes for ‘Development’

In the name of 'development', attempts are being made to evict more than 150 minority Hindu families from Patiya upazila of Chittagong, Bangladesh and...

Food delivery agent Nazir Mohammad arrested for putting up graffitis threatening Hindus and hailing Islamic terror

Mangaluru Police have arrested food delivery agent Nazir Mohammad for painting graffitis supporting Islamic terror groups Lashkar-e-Taiba and Taliban. Reports state that the 26-year-old...

Iran – Eranshahr’s encounter with Christianity

Christianity is certainly not the first thing that comes to one's mind when Iran is mentioned. But the cult has had a long history...

Veer Savarkar: a true son of Bharat Mata

Maharashtra has been the land of warriors, saints and revolutionaries who fought for the freedom of Bharat Mata from foreign yoke, be it Islamic...

Post independence Hindu renaissance in Indonesia

In the previous post, we covered an overview of Indonesia’s ancient and medieval Hindu past as well as how the Hindu kingdoms collapsed and made...

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