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Wednesday, June 26, 2024



Raghav Chopra’s Apology Not Enough – Punitive Action Needed To Cure Media

Under fire CNN IBN News Editor Raghav Chopra who was caught yesterday spreading a morphed image of PM Modi, today offered an apology after...

CNN IBN News Editor Spreads Doctored Image To Defame PM Modi

National media of Bharat plumbed new depths when a senior news editor with mainstream news TV channel CNN IBN was caught spreading a doctored...

Media Starts Cover Up In Pankaj Narang Lynching

The shocking incident which occurred on the night of Holi, where 40 year old dentist Dr. Pankaj Narang was beaten to death by a...

The Battle for Polytheisms’ Soul?

Polytheisms today are religions under siege. We live in a very different world from our polytheistic ancestors. We are an occupied people. Our world is doggedly, demonstrably, and sometimes violently monotheistic.

Ex-Tehelka ‘Journalist’ Fakes RTI Reply to Claim Government Discriminates Against Muslims

Yet another media hit-job on the NDA Government, this time by an ex-Tehelka 'journalist' writing for Milli Gazette (which claims to be 'Indian Muslim's...

The Need for a Strong Hindu Voice

Christianity, Islam and Judaism have numerous news stations, media outlets, and media analysts both in countries where they are in a majority and in...

Did Students and Journos Abuse Lawyers, Instigate Violence During JNU Case Court Hearing?

Our national media, and especially the English language media, is up in arms over an altercation involving journalists, JNU students, and lawyers at the Patiala High...

Asked Him If He Was Hindu – And Then They Burned Sawan Alive

In a shocking incident in Pune, 17-year-old rag-picker, Sawan Rathod, was set on fire by Ibrahim Shaikh, Imran Tamboli and Zuber Tamboli in broad...

Marxists And Media Manufacture Caste Angle To Milk Tragic Death Of Young Scholar

The recent tragic suicide of a young research scholar, Rohith Vemula, at University of Hyderabad (UoH) has shown the depths to which Marxist groups,...

The Truth Is Under Siege – Will You Protect It?

The news media is often referred to as the fourth estate in a functioning democracy. Brazenness and partisanship of the news media neither astonishes...

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