Christianity, Islam and Judaism have numerous news stations, media outlets, and media analysts both in countries where they are in a majority and in those where they are minorities. In addition, they influence and pressure the so-called secular media at political and financial levels to their advantage. Unfortunately, Hindus do not have much comparable in the mass media, even in Bharat, which puts them at a severe disadvantage in this information era.
There is in Bharat, based on years of anti-Hindu propaganda, the idea that it is communal for majority Hindus to express any Hindu political identity, though minority religious vote banks are promoted by groups claiming to be secular. A Hindu point of view is regarded as a violation of the principle of secularism, but not that of other religions.
Hindus are supposed to be spiritual only and not comment on current affairs, much less encourage any voting patterns based upon Hindu concerns. A Hindu point of view is consigned for the religious pages, never for the Editorial pages, which however will at times offer an Islamic or Christian point of view by way of tolerance.
Bharat’s media is dominated by leftist groups, including well known members of Bharat’s communist parties, who have formed an extensive network with anti-Hindu groups, religious and political, extending to foreign media and academia. As Bharat is the main country in the world that has a Hindu majority, the lack of a clear Hindu voice in Bharat’s media inhibits any significant Hindu political voice worldwide.
Pakistan is very different in its media approach combining a nationalist and Islamic view together and promoting both as one. State and religion aligned control the media. While not recommending such a dictatorial approach in Bharat, it is odd to see that the world has come to accept this inherent religious bias in the Pakistani and Islamic media. Yet as Hindus do not have a similar strong voice, they are attacked and denigrated for expressing any political opinions and concerns when they dare to do so.
The result is that a Hindu point of view on social and political issues is rarely found, seemingly discredited on principle. If a Hindu view is offered to the media it is rejected as inaccurate, prejudiced or irrelevant, rarely published. A blatant religious prejudice bordering on racism greets Hindus who try to express a political point of view, not only in the West but also in Bharat.
Broader Educational Concerns
There are no Hindu studies departments in any major universities in Bharat or the West save one ironically at Oxford run by non-Hindus. Yet other groups do not feel this wrong and efforts to bring in a Hindu point of view into academia have been rejected, even in countries like the US where Pro-Islamic based educational projects are now common.
This lack of a Hindu media challenge emboldens anti-Hindu forces, which use their media advantage to promote conversion, often under the pretext of social development and political progress. Hindus are accused of intolerance, sometimes for as simple a matter as being vegetarian, while Islam is excused of Islamic terrorism, as well as cruel anti-blasphemy and anti-apostasy laws.
In Bharat, the Marxists, failing at the polls, aimed at taking over media and academia. The Congress Party made a devil’s pact with the communists decades ago giving them power over the academia in exchange for political support and propaganda. The Marxists in turn dismantled the older nationalistic view of history and created a view of history that would makes students favorable to leftist thought and anti-Hindu.
Today some Indian leftists are now proclaiming, particularly to the foreign media, that they are also Hindus, particularly when they are criticising Hindu practices. That is a new media ploy to avoid being called anti-religious and should be exposed when possible.
A New Hindu Media
A new Hindu media is important to counter this ongoing array of distortions, and one that is self-consciously and assertively Hindu, not defensive or compromising. Yet the Hindu view must be presented cogently, rationally and with facts, clearly exposing the anti-Hindu prejudices and the Hinduphobia involved behind the scenes, revealing their biases.
We now see a strong Hindu presence in India’s social media and a number of good new Hindu writers steadily coming up. Several new social and political publications are now willing to present the concerns of Hindus and a recognition of the value of the world’s Hindu heritage. This effort is bound to grow but needs to be strongly encouraged for a new generation. The battle is only in its early stages.