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Hindu Post is the voice of Hindus. Support us. Protect Dharma
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Monday, June 24, 2024



Masarat Alam – Inside a prison or out?

Yesterday, Masarat Alam was a free man yet again, even if for a short while. He was promptly rearrested for a crime in another...

Love Jihad: An Ignored Crime

Love Jihad is an activity under which young Muslim boys and men reportedly target young girls belonging to non-Muslim communities (mainly Hindus as they...

What the #IndiaWithAleppo Trend Tells Us About Spread of Sunni Extremism in Indian Muslims

A battle has been raging in Aleppo, the largest city in war-torn Syria, as part of the ongoing Syrian civil war for over 4...

Pakistani Refugee Behind Berlin Truck Attack on Christmas Market?

In an apparent terror attack, at least 12 people have died and up to 50 injured after a lorry ploughed into a crowded Christmas market...

Muslim Mob Loots and Burns Hindu TMC Leader’s House, Despite Mamta’s Muslim Appeasement

The attacks on Hindus in West Bengal following Eid-e-Milad festival have not spared even a local Hindu TMC leader's house in Dhulagarh, Howrah. We had...

Eid-e-Milad Triggers Rioting Against Hindus in West Bengal, Maharashtra, Karnataka

Incidents of looting of Hindu shops, attack on Hindus with choppers, heavy stone pelting and arson during Eid-e-Milad 'celebrations' have been reported from at...

‘Global War Against Kaffirs: Rise of The Islamic State’ – Book Release

Ram Ohri’s latest book, Global War Against Kaffirs: Rise of The Islamic State, deals with the threat posed by the ISIS and assorted Islamic...

भारत में इस्लामी बैंकिंग: इस्लामीकरण और इस्लामिक आतंकवाद जैसे खतरनाक परिणामों की शुरुआत

इस साल जनवरी में भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक (आरबीआई) ने वित्तीय समावेशन के नाम पर इस्लामी बैंकिंग की अनुमति दी थी। दीपक मोहंती की...

RSS Activist’s Murderers had Indian Mujahideen, PFI Links

The 4 Muslim men arrested for the murder of RSS activist Rudresh R have been found to have links with terrorist organization Indian Mujahideen, Islamic...

Time to Snap Ties With Islamic Republic of Pakistan – Plot its Destruction

If ever a nation has come to epitomize evil since Hitler's Nazi Germany, it is the Islamic republic of Pakistan. And the only way...

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