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Wednesday, January 15, 2025


FCRA Fraud

SIA chargesheet nails Rs 40 lakh illegal foreign funding to Kashmir editor

The Jammu and Kashmir Police's State Investigation Agency (SIA) has claimed in a chargesheet that the detained Kashmiri journalist and editor of the online...

Another Soros clone: Know how billionaire Pierre Omidyar runs ‘philanthropy’ operations in Bharat

Last week CBI busted an illegal FCRA clearance bribe racket consisting of promoters of Omidyar Network India (ONI), brokers, NGOs, and officers in MHA's...

Bharat’s critics popped up after govt cut off foreign NGO funding in 2016-17

The Bharatiya government cancelled the registration of 18,868 NGOs between 2011-17 for the violation of various provisions of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010,...

Mentally challenged 15 year old boy beaten to death and woman sexually abused in home run by a Maulana

In a shocking incident remains of a 15 year old boy who was beaten to death were found in a Muslim run home. The...

ED attaches Amnesty International properties worth 17.66 crores

Amnesty International (AI) India shut its operations in Bharat in September 2020. This decision came after the Enforcement Directorate (ED) froze the organization’s accounts....

Letter to Home Ministry seeking cancellation of Jan Vikas NGO’s FCRA license

Legal rights body LRPF has written a letter to the Union Home Ministry Home seeking immediate cancellation of FCRA registration of NGO Jan Vikas....

Badruddin Ajmal’s charity arm received FCRA funds from terror-linked Islamist orgs

An FIR has been lodged with Assam police against Ajmal Foundation, an organisation run by Assam MP Maulana Badruddin Ajmal, for receiving FCRA funds...

पंजाब में ईसाई रूपांतरण : अंकुर नरूला का रूपांतरण साम्राज्य और उसकी फंडिंग

पंजाब के जालंधर जिले में एक छोटा सा गांव है, खंभरा। आध्यात्मिक कल्याण समाज नामक एक गैर सरकारी संगठन का मुख्यालय खंभरा में है।...

Christian conversion in Punjab : the conversion empire of Ankur Narula and its funding

In the Jalandhar district of Punjab, there is a small village called Khambra. A non-government organisation named Spiritual Welfare Society is headquartered in Khambra....

FCRA-NGO recipients of foreign contributions from Association for India’s Development-USA

In this Post, we shall examine the recipients of FCRA ‘donations’ from Association for India’s Development (AID)-USA. AID-USA, given its moorings, is headquartered in...

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