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Sunday, June 2, 2024


Colonialism to Star Dot Star Colonialism: A Contracting Universe

Colonialism is Dead. Long Live Star-Dot-Star Colonialism? Unguarded slips reveal an inner mindset. The Queen of England’s comment on Chinese rudeness was one such. And then there was one from Marc Andreessen...

Two Shiv Temples Desecrated in Jammu Within 3 Days

In two separate instances this week, two Shiv temples in Jammu city were vandalized, desecrated and devotees abused and attacked. The first incident occurred on Tuesday...

I hate Indians, they are a beastly people with a beastly religion: Winston Churchill

The story that British schoolbooks tell children about Churchill is of a British Bulldog, with unprecedented moral bravery and patriotism. He, who defeated the...

Media Sophistry over Jihadi Threat to Bharat 

The recent ISIS propaganda video showing Bharat born jihadis threatening to attack the country, and the way it has been covered by sections of media...

Another Academic Hacked To Death By Islamists in Bangladesh

A university professor on his way to work in northwestern Bangladesh, a 91% Muslim majority nation, was hacked to death today in an attack similar...

Is ISIS Closing in on Europe?

In October 1993, I was in Brussels attending the Socialist Group of European Parliament’s seminar on Kashmir. Dr. Farooq Abdullah and Prof. Bhim Singh...

Nuclear Security Summit and South Asia

In his speech in Prague in 2009, President Obama touched on an important subject for the first time. He talked about security against nuclear...

The Need for a Strong Hindu Voice

Christianity, Islam and Judaism have numerous news stations, media outlets, and media analysts both in countries where they are in a majority and in...

How Sonia’s Henchmen Compromised National Security

The Home Minister of Bharat is responsible for the nation’s internal security, and is the man that our security agencies like IB, NIA and...

Did Congress Set Haryana on Fire?

There is mounting evidence which shows that the Congress party and ex-CM Bhupinder Hooda is behind the violent Jat quota stir that has rocked...

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