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Wednesday, July 3, 2024


How Swachh Bharat changed India and became a global inspiration

When John F Kennedy made an announcement in 1961 that the US would put a man on the moon by the end of the...

Indian Journalists Accused of Secretly Helping Politicians, Businesses

Changing ideologies is not the prerogative of the politicians. However, when journalists and columnists do it, the harm to the society is greater...

India A Sacred Geography, by Diana Eck – Review

This is a review by Mr. Abhinav Agarwal, of the book "India A Sacred Geography" written by Diana Eck. Diana L. Eck "is professor of...

Caste Barrier Issue at Vadayambadi Temple – Mischief by Breaking India Forces to Manufacture Caste Issues

Recently the Vadayambadi temple in Kerala had burst into the limelight with many media outlets speaking about a "caste wall" around the temple to...

Islamic Invasion of India and Refuting the Whitewashing of The Destruction of Hindus

One of the favorite hobbies of the anti-Hindu authors is to whitewash the Muslim invasion of the civilization of Bharatavarsha which resulted in destruction...

The Supreme Court of India Celebrates the 350th Anniversary of Aurangzeb’s Banning of Diwali Fireworks

Recently the SCI banned the sale of crackers in the Delhi-NCR region citing air pollution as being against the human right to health, and...

How Nations Confront Their History

The gates itself were intimidating. We were led through a Jewish prisoner's arrival & life at Dachau. First, the rail wagons on which the prisoners...

“The Emergency — Indian Democracy’s Darkest Hour”

At the stroke of midnight on June 25, 1975, the idea of Bharat was dealt a lethal blow when a presidential proclamation, at the behest of...

Historical novels on indentureship in the Caribbean – commemorating ‘Indian Arrival Day’ (May 30th) in Trinidad and Tobago

A historical novel is a detailed story which has been set in the past. It is a blend of history and fiction which sometimes...

Myths about Kashmir #2: The accession of J&K to India is “conditional” or as yet “incomplete”

This is perhaps the myth that separatists use most frequently to justify their movement.  It will therefore be crucial to understand the argument, and...

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