Lucy Kalappura, one of the nuns who protested in support of the nun raped by Bishop Franco Mullakkal, has been dismissed by the Catholic church. Franciscan Clarist Congregation(FCC) to which she belonged, has asked her to leave the convent. According to the congregation, she has been dismissed for violating its ‘rules of living’ and ‘the vows of obedience and poverty’.
After exhausting all three highest forms of appeal in the Catholic legal system, nun Lucy has been served the dismissal notice. The highest judicial authority in the Catholic Church in the Vatican, the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura rejected her third appeal against her dismissal last year. The dismissal notice said that despite repeated ‘canonical warnings’, she didn’t show remorse.
She has been accused of violating the ‘rules of living’ by publishing books and songs, and earning money from that act, buying and registering a car in her name, and for publicly speaking and protesting in support of the nun who accused Bishop Franco Mulakkal of raping her and forcing her to have unnatural sex. Apart from writing books, nun Lucy worked and retired as a teacher in a government-aided school in Wayanad. The congregation accused her of not sharing her government salary with them.
However, nun Lucy has refused to vacate the convent hoping that the Bharatiya judiciary will grant her justice. She had petitioned against her dismissal in a local court which is pending investigation. Earlier the court had issued an interim stay on the congregation’s order asking Lucy to vacate the convent. She is also trying to meet Pope Francis directly and seek justice from him.
The church not only chose to support the rapist Bishop, but is relentlessly crushing the voice of anyone who stands in support of the victim effectively scaring it’s sexual abuse victims from coming out.
(Featured Image Source: The Indian Express)
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