The Tamil Nadu Hindu Religious and Endowments(HRCE) department put up a banner saying that “only Hindus are allowed” inside the Palani temple but removed it in a few hours for reasons unknown. The banner was put up after some Muslims tried to enter the temple as tourists. Hindu activists protested against the removal of the notice.
A few days ago there were reports that some non-Hindus purchased tickets at the winch station in Palani to reach the Bala Dhandayuthapani temple at the hilltop. A Malai Murasu report says, “Five days ago, Sahul who runs a fruit shop near Palani bus stand brought his relatives to buy winch tickets. His relatives wore burqas after buying tickets. Seeing this ticket issuing authority told them that non-Hindus are not allowed and retrieved the tickets”.
Sahul reportedly argued with the employees present in the winch station saying, “This is a tourist place. Why would we visit it if you put up banners? Should I get some banners for you using my money?”. As Hindu outfits got wind of the incident their cadre gathered in the winch station and argued in support of the temple employees. They also condemned HRCE for failing to put up banners saying that non-Hindus were not allowed which were removed earlier during renovation work for the consecration.
Following this, HRCE placed the banners at the entrance but removed them again in a few hours. It is speculated that they were under pressure from some quarters to do so. Social media posts from the usual suspects like Dravidianists and Islamists give credence to the speculation. Bala Murugan, a lawyer member of the People’s Union for Civil Liberties(PUCL) NGO, had posted on Facebook that it is illegal and against the Madras High Court ruling that anyone who believes in the deity can enter temples.
Manithaneya Makkal Katchi, founded by MH Jawahirullah who founded the dreaded terror outfit Al Ummah, has ‘condemned’ HRCE’s move and announced that it will invite Hindus to masjids and plan an event #Welcome_Our_Masjid for the same. There have been many incidents of Muslims treating sacred Hindu spaces as tourist spots in the past.
A group of Muslims were found consuming non-vegetarian food inside the Brihadeeswara temple in Thanjavur. Another group was caught eating meat in the Hampi temple complex. A Muslim youngster was arrested after he offered namaz in a Hindu temple in Uttar Pradesh.
There is nothing wrong for any tourist after a security check to enter any temple provided he/ she follows the rule of the temple and has a free mind.
People of the book who are taught that ‘idol worship’ is the worse sin a human being can do, have no business entering a temple. We have seen in the past how Islamist ‘tourists’ have treated our temples. And then if Hindu devotees find them doing something unwanted and discipline them, secular humanists (are you one of those?) will be all over those devotees like a rash.
Dear Pankaj, A Hindu temple by definition is a religious place not a secular or a tourist place. So shut the f up and let the temple authorities dictate terms not the circus HRCE or people with other religious interests like the f king mullah.
How can people eat Briyani in Brihadeeswarar Temple, Thanjavur. Were they not stopped and chased out by devotees? If they were not then I call Tamil devotees are cowards.
TN govt is non Hindu…
Muslims have no faith in idols. So how can we believe their words of Prayer. No regard for other religion, faith, . Donot quote President, PM, and other ministers visiting temples or Masjids, etc. They have responsibility.
Hindus should avoid visiting Masjids or Churches. And they should never be allowed inside any temple.
TTD devastated allowed non hindu VIPs to enter the temple premises after declaring about faith in Hinduism in a register maintained by the temple authorities should be followed in other Temples also to avoid unnecessary friction between different faith communities. Late President Abdul Kalam visited TTD Temple after signing register maintained for non Hindus.