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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Hindus under attack: a weekly roundup of hate crimes, persecution, and discrimination against Hindus

Attacks on Hindus and Hindu Dharma, both in Bharat and overseas, are frequent and unrelenting. In many regions of the world, this persecution is like a genocide slowly unfolding before our eyes. For decades, the world has ignored the actual depth and breadth of these attacks, driven by disturbing anti-Hindu bigotry. From murders, forced conversions, land grabs, assault on festivals, desecration of temples and murtis, hate speech, and sexual violence to institutionalized & legal discrimination, Hindus are facing an increasing assault on their very existence along with an unprecedented Hindu hatred.

In this weekly summary for the period from 09 June to 15 June 2024, we hope to provide a snapshot of such crimes and hopefully awaken more people around the world to this human rights crisis:


1) Twitter user Subham said that TMC dumped garbage outside their housing society to vote in favour of the BJP. TMC’s General Secretary Nilanjan Das called it ‘revenge’.

2) An uproar erupted in UP’s Jaunpur district over objectionable remarks against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, and the BJP. Around a dozen people have suffered injuries after a dispute broke out between the Muslim and the Dalit communities in the district. Among the injured, six persons are in serious condition and receiving hospital treatment.

3) In UP, a disturbing case has come to light involving a young Muslim man who deceived a Hindu girl from Bihar. The man, pretending to be Hindu, started a romantic relationship with the girl and later took her to Bareilly’s Dargah-e-Aala Hazrat, where he pressured her to convert to Islam. After their Islamic wedding (Nikah), he made her eat beef, which is against her religious beliefs.

4) A dreadful case of love jihad has come to the fore from UP’s Hamirpur region, where Khalil posed as Anil to trap a woman. He forced the victim to embrace Islam and eat beef.

5) BJP workers nationwide were jubilant in the backdrop of Narendra Modi’s oath as Prime Minister for the third time. But the joyous moment turned violent in Mangaluru, where an Islamist mob stabbed three BJP workers.

6) Islamist Mohammad Imtiaz (26) befriended a married woman named Sarita (39) while playing an online Ludo game. According to reports, Sarita conspired with her Islamist lover Imtiaz and his brother Aslam to murder her husband, Pawan Namdev. The police have arrested the woman and the two Islamist brothers involved in the murder.

7) The missing hands and legs of a woman whose body was found at Indore railway station have been discovered by the police. These body parts were found on a train about 1000 kilometres away in Rishikesh, Haridwar. The victim was subsequently identified as Meera Ben.

8) A chemist named Amarjeet Sharma was brutally murdered in the Kathua district of Jammu and Kashmir. The murderer slit his throat. His bloodied body was found a short distance from his house, causing shock and outrage in the entire area.

9) An audio clip has surfaced in Uttarkhand’s Rudraprayag, featuring an obscene conversation between Islamist Wasim Ahmed and his friend about a Hindu girl working in a local clothing shop. The audio clip captures Ahmed and a friend making inappropriate and obscene comments about the girl.

10) A tragic incident unfolded in Rajasthan’s Alwar, where Akhilesh Sharma, a temple pujari, reportedly committed suicide. His family claims that the Pujari took this drastic step after a suspended policeman, Dhaniram Khatik, filed a false case against him under the SC-ST Act and then blackmailed him for money.

11) Posters appeared in Jaipur’s Shivaji Nagar area of Bhatta Basti, asking people not to sell their houses to non-Hindus. The posters, signed by a group called Sarv Hindu Samaj,’ urge Sanatani (Hindu) people to stop the migration of community members from the area.

12) Massive protests erupted on the streets of Ratlam’s Jaora area in Madhya Pradesh after a severed head of a cow was found in the premises of Bhagwan Jagannath temple. Police arrested two accused, Zakir and Shakir, in the case and their houses were demolished.

13) A case of religious coercion surfaced at a local law college in Uttarakhand’s Dehradun. Based on the reports from OpIndia, an Islamist girl, Mubina Yusuf, befriended a Hindu girl and, over time, began pressuring her to convert to Islam. The coercion involved persistent demands and claims that Islam is the only true religion, and the incident closely mirrors the plot of the movie “The Kerala Story.”

14) In UP’s Mirzapur, an Islamist named Mohd Sameer entered the house of a Hindu family. He had a gun in his hand and put it on the head of a 14-year-old minor girl of the family and started forcing her to say ‘Assalamu Aleikum‘ along with ‘Allahu Akbar‘. Not only this, he has been after the minor girl for 2 years, keeps harassing her and has been forcing her to convert to Islam.

15) Raghunathganj Girls’ High School is situated in Raghunathganj block of West Bengal’s Murshidabad district. A teacher of the school forbade Hindu girls from wearing Tilak and Mala. 


Abduction, rape, forced conversion, and marriage of minor Hindu girls are common occurrences in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. At least 1000 minority girls suffer such sex slavery every year in Sindh province alone. Apart from this, Pakistani Hindus face systemic and institutionalized discrimination and neglect, such as frequent attacks on Hindu temples, demonization of education curriculum, police and judicial antipathy, denial of fundamental rights, and even untouchability. This latest instance of the brutal rape and murder of a Bheel woman in Pakistan is yet another proof of the pitiable condition of Hindu minorities in Pakistan.

1) Islamists vandalised the dilapidated Ram Temple in Sindh and desecrated it. They also stole the murtis of the deities and tore several copies of the Holy Geeta despite the locked temple doors.

2) A 16-year-old Hindu girl was kidnapped, forcefully converted to Islam, and married by her abductor, Sameer Ali, claiming she was 19. Sameer Ali is the son of Gul Hassan, belonging to Shahdabkot town


Attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh are relentless and designed to cleanse the religious minority from the country gradually. According to a study by Prof. Abul Barakat of Dhaka University, no Hindus will be left in Bangladesh by 2050 due to systemic and institutionalized persecution. Temple desecration, land grabbing, mob attacks after false blasphemy charges, rape/forced conversion of women, and hate speech are tools used to intimidate and drive Hindus out.

1) Islamist Muhammad Munna and his friends reportedly abducted Athai Majumder(13) from Gaiyarchar village under the jurisdiction of Raypur Police Station of the Laxmipur district.

2) The Bangladeshi administration demolished the homes of hundreds of minorities. Authorities from the Dhaka South City Corporation(DSC) issued an order to clear the Miranjilla area, and without any warning, the authorities started to bulldoze the homes of the minorities. The victims couldn’t even remove their essential things from their homes. Many women cried in front of the authorities but in vain. 

3) A top cop in Bangladesh illicitly seized Hindu properties, all under Prime Minister Hasina’s administration, without any significant repercussions. The big news from Bangladesh is about a former police chief, Benazir Ahmed, accused of amassing properties worth hundreds of crores of Bangladeshi Taka.


1) In the latest edition of the ISIS-backed magazine “Voice of Khurasan”, there is a section targeting Bharat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Hindus, and Hindu leaders. The magazine openly called for Hindu genocide and accused Bharatiya Hindu leaders of being anti-Muslim.

Most hate crimes are driven by anti-Hindu bigotry encoded in certain religious teachings and political ideologies. While the anti-Hindu hate in Islamic countries is evident, there is another subtler form of anti-Hindu sentiment within institutions and the public sphere of ostensibly secular states (like India) that provides an enabling environment for Hinduphobia and hate crimes. This subtle, everyday discrimination can be missed unless one studies prevailing laws and patterns. The gradual ban on firecrackers during Diwali is a good example – it might seem pollution-related on the surface. Still, the double standards at play become apparent when one looks at the larger picture of restrictions on Hindu festivals and the lack of sound reasoning behind the ban.

We request all readers to share other anti-Hindu hate crimes that we might have missed in this period in the comments below or by emailing [email protected]. We also solicit support in maintaining the Hindu human rights tracker database.

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