“Exclusive: ‘Hit polytheists with cars, cut stomachs with knives, burn Temples’ – ISIS calls for genocide of ‘cow-worshippers’, targets Ram Mandir, PM Modi, Nupur Sharma”, Opindia, June 15, 2024:
“In the latest edition of the ISIS-backed magazine “Voice of Khurasan”, there is a section targeting India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Hindus, and Hindu leaders. The magazine openly called for Hindu genocide and accused Indian Hindu leaders of being anti-Muslim.
The cover page article titled “O Polytheist Indian Kings! Be ready to face Mahmud Ghaznavi again!”, called for Hindu genocide and urged Islamists to launch violent jihad against India and its leaders. The article attempted to invoke historical Islamic conquest to call for genocide against Hindus.
The article read, “Hit the Indian polytheists with cars, cut their stomachs with knives, burn temples, houses, cars, property, and crops, target crowded places, and show them that the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad is still alive.” It further called out Islamists living worldwide to attack India if Indian Muslims are unable to attack Hindus. It read, “If the Muslims in India are not able to overcome these polytheists, the gates of all the Wilayat of the Islamic State are yours to advance……”
Read the full article at Opindia.com
A very alarming situation. India is steadily sliding into the grip of ISIS. Only God can save the Hindus.