Hindus finally talking about and consistently reporting the sickening stream of daily cases of Hindu girls being groomed, stalked, raped and killed by indoctrinated Islamists seems to have hit a raw nerve with fake news peddler Md. Zubai, a self-styled ‘fact checker’ who dog-whistled jihadi mobs to bay for Nupur Sharma’s blood, leading to gory murders of at least two Hindus and attacks/threats on several others.
So when a recent case came up about the murder of Ruksaar, a divorced/separated Muslim business and live-in partner of a hardened criminal Vipal Tailor involved in 10 cases, including attempted murder and violations of NDPS Act, Zubair posted a flurry of tweets demanding why nationalist news portals and news agencies like ANI (branded ‘Godi media’ by Left-secular-Islamist propagandists like him) aren’t highlighting this case the way they do Love Jihad and other attacks on Hindu women by Islamist men.
Here are some questions for Zubair and others of his ilk:
1. Did Vipal Tailor assume a fake Muslim identity to lure Ruksaar?
2. Or did he murder Ruksaar because she was refusing to convert to Hinduism?
3. Or was Vipal Tailor told by Hindu religious leaders that he would receive spiritual rewards if he had s*x with a non-Hindu woman, or heaven in the afterlife if he converted Ruksaar to Hinduism?
4. Did Vipal Tailor form a relation with Ruksaar thinking that she was a sub-human non-Hindu, and hence someone to be used and disposed?
We all know the answer to the above questions – a resounding NO. But in case after case involving targeting of Hindu women, we see such sick indoctrination is the root cause for brutal crimes – see this, this, this, this, these, this, this.
Hindus do not defend brutal criminals who commit hate crimes like the barber Sajid who slaughtered 2 Hindu minors in cold blood yet was defended by fellow Muslims. Our Dharma doesn’t say that criminal Hindus will go to heaven, while even good non-Hindus will burn in eternal hellfire.
Gangster Vikas Dubey’s parents refused to do his last rite, while thousands turned out during funeral processions of mafia-politician Mukhtar Ansari and terrorist Yakub Memon.
Hindus do not defend clerics like Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui who run conversion rackets and prey on girls from other communities.
Hindus don’t mock minor rape victims of other communities and demand they be married off to their rapists, like we saw Isl@mists call a 10-year-old Hindu girl raped inside a Ghaziabad madrasa by a juvenile and a maulvi as ‘bhabhi’ and demanded she be married to her rapist.
Hindu society is not perfect but our moral compass and humanity is vastly superior to that of fanatical Abrahamics like Islamists and Evangelists. We accept that degeneracy has set in among a large chunk of Hindu society due to lack of Dharmic teaching and discipline, and perversion bred by Urduwood, OTT and social media …but we just don’t see the kind of sick predation on women of other communities that Islamists exhibit.
Hence, the exclusive focus on Love Jihad, Rape Jihad, stalking, molestation and other forms of sexual violence by Islamists on non-Muslim girls needs special focus, as it is a pattern of crime that is not only being overlooked but actually whitewashed by the secular-liberal cabal.