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Hindu Post is the voice of Hindus. Support us. Protect Dharma
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Monday, July 1, 2024



Marxists And Media Manufacture Caste Angle To Milk Tragic Death Of Young Scholar

The recent tragic suicide of a young research scholar, Rohith Vemula, at University of Hyderabad (UoH) has shown the depths to which Marxist groups,...

The Genocide That Wasn’t – Remembering Kashmiri Pandit’s Exodus Day #KPExodusDay

January 19, 1990- a day chiseled in their collective memories - is the day of exodus of the Kashmiri Pandit community. The name of ‘Kashmir' valley is derived...

Mamta Banerjee Has Given Free Reign To Islamists In West Bengal

Muslim extremist mobs are now functioning with complete impunity in West Bengal. They fear no one, not the police, nor BSF, and definitely not...

Hold Pakistan Accountable For The Way It Treats Its Hindu Population

Pakistani Hindus are arguably the most persecuted minority community in the world, but strangely their plight is hardly noticed across the world, including in...

Constitutional Interventions Have Created An Uneven Playing Field in Education

Political literacy plays a vital role in the sustenance and growth of any democracy. Unfortunately, even after almost 70 years of the commencement of...

Islamist mobs erupt in violence over Kamlesh Tiwari: Do They Wish to impose Sharia upon Bharat?

Islamic apologists says that comments by a non-descript person are behind a storm of violent protests and rioting unleashed by Islamic mobs in places...

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