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Friday, June 28, 2024


Web Desk

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Content from other publications, blogs and internet sources is reproduced under the head 'Web Desk'. Original source attribution and additional HinduPost commentary, if any, can be seen at the bottom of the article. Opinions expressed within these articles are those of the author and/or external sources. HinduPost does not bear any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any content or information provided.

Tulsi Gabbard calls out Hinduphobia in US, gets branded ‘fascist’ to prove her point

Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the sole remaining woman in the Democratic presidential primaries, has been accused of “fascism” and pressured to drop out of...

Gurugram cops arrest 2 for posting abusive video threatening to rape ‘daughters of Hindus’

The Gurugram police has arrested two Muslim youths for posting inflammatory comments on social media on Sunday. Farman and Salman, both residents of Jaipur's Shastri...

Islamic reformers and apologists

In the years since 9/11, the Islamic reform movement has advanced sufficiently that two distinct camps have emerged: reformers and bridge-builders. Genuine reformers seek...

South Korea seeks criminal charges against Christian sect over coronavirus spread

Investigators in South Korea are seeking to establish the extent to which 12 executives of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus can be held criminally...

Police complaint against Wall Street Journal for fake news on IB staffer Ankit Sharma’s murder

A police complaint has been filed with the Delhi Police as well as the Maharashtra Police against the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) for "defaming...

Afghanistan- Sikh woman hacked to death

Unknown men broke into a Sikh woman’s house at late night last Thursday and brutally murdered her and cut off her body parts. Reportedly,...

In viral video, Muslim youths tell Hindus “I will come and rape your daughters anywhere in Gurgaon”

A chilling video of Muslim youth casually giving threats of raping Hindu girls and heaping filthy abuses on all Hindus living in Gurugram, which...

Wikipedia refuses to include violence by Muslims in its article on the Delhi riots

Maybe one day it will all be revealed. Maybe one day we will find out why the entire media establishment is in the tank...

Babar’s demolition of the Ram Janmbhoomi temple complex: The gloating Muslim accounts

To the western world, an iconic image of Islamic aggression is the conversion of the Hagia Sophia - Eastern Christendom's greatest church - into...

Chilarai – The Mighty Warrior of Koch Kingdom

Chilarai, the Great General of Koch Kingdom is a symbol of the might and valour of great Koch Dynasty. Perhaps, Chilarai was the greatest...

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