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Sunday, June 23, 2024


Web Desk

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Like in Europe, America’s Broken Asylum System Enables Islamist Infiltration

On September 30, 2017, a Somali immigrant who initially had himself smuggled over the Mexico-California border conducted a double vehicle ramming and stabbing attack, carrying...

American Islamism Flourishes under Trump

On the campaign trail, presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke clearly and forcefully of the threat posed by radical Islam. During a speech in Youngstown,...

Bharat’s Independence 2.0 : Exorcising the Ghost of Babar from Ayodhya is a Civilisational Shift for Bharat

Bharat gained its independence in 1947 through a transfer of power from the British. The transfer of power was unique in the sense that...

In August, leading Western media failed in their coverage of Kashmir

In the days and weeks following the Government of Bharat’s decision to repeal Articles 370 and 35A of Bharat’s constitution — ending the semi-autonomous...

US Presidential election and Hinduphobia

Ever since Tulsi Gabbard announced her intentions to run for the top US office, she has been subjected to some of the most vicious...

Rutgers Must Condemn Professor’s Hinduphobia

In the wake of my celebration of Diwali, one of the most popular Hindu festivals, I cannot help but consider the implications of what...

Watching the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s Hearing on Human Rights in South Asia was like having a front row seat to a Colonizer Board...

I knew going into the hearing that the master, Western narrative about Kashmir would dominate. I just had no idea how openly bigoted our...

Hindu Genocide in East Pakistan

This article deals with slaughter of about 2.5 million Hindus in East Pakistan in 1971. This article refers to information provided by Dept. of...

How the Dravidian leader Suba Vee seeds ideas of harm

Mr Suba Veerapandian runs an outfit called Dravida Iyakka Tamilar Peravai which is dedicated to spreading the Dravidian ideology and Periyar-ism. He is a...

Former Jehovah’s Witnesses speak out about childhood abuse, say it was ‘covered up’

Diane Lynn was just a toddler when her mother was door-knocked by a Jehovah's Witness, offering the hope of a future of paradise on...

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