“Pakistan, 6-year-old Hindu Girl Sexually Assaulted Amidst Sectarian Tensions”, Bitter Winter, April 22, 2023:
“Human rights organizations and activists in Pakistan have called the attention on social media to the case of a 6-year-old girl nicknamed Ritu (real name omitted for privacy reasons), which was abducted and sexually abused by two 23-year-old Muslim men while she was playing outdoor in the village of Shaikh Bhirkio, Tando Allahyar district, Sindh province.
Ritu was found lying unconscious and injured around six kilometers from her home and taken to the local hospital. Although an arrest has been made, her parents complained that the police had been unsympathetic and uncooperative.
The village of Shaikh Bhirkio and the Tando Allahyar district have a sizable presence of ultra-fundamentalist Muslims, and have been the theatre of several incidents of sectarian violence targeting the Hindu minority….”
Read the full article at Bitterwinter.org