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Wednesday, June 26, 2024



Beijing sending top CPC leader to Kathmandu as ruling NCP stares at split

China is sending one of its top party leaders to Kathmandu as part of its last ditch effort to save the ruling Communist party...

Ten things Bharat must do to stop being a soft state

Like it or not, Bharat is the quintessential soft state. It is unable (or unwilling) to project power beyond its borders, even in its...

Revealed: Why Genghis Khan refused to invade Bharat

799 years ago, in the year 1221, the great Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan  stood victorious at the western bank of the Indus river with 50,000...

US Congress passes landmark bill in support of Tibet and the Dalai Lama

Sending a clear message to China as the year ends, the United States Senate passed the Tibetan Policy and Support Act of 2020 (TPSA) earlier...

3,500-yr-old tomb in Xinjiang, China indicates sun worship

Chinese archaeologists examining an ancient tomb in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have conjectured that the site was dedicated to the worship of...

Tibetan reincarnation rooted in belief system, Atheist Chinese Communist Party has no say or sway: Buddhist scholars

In the 70 year-long occupation of Tibet, the Chinese Communist Party has consistently employed policies targetting systematic sinicisation of Tibetan Buddhism that is central...

Senior defence analyst slams Hindustan Times for carrying Chinese propaganda ‘paid news’

Bharat is involved in a tense stand-off with China at the Ladakh-Tibet border. This latest clash which began with China's ingress into Bharat's territory...

How communist China is infiltrating academia and media in US and the rest of the world

This article will shed light on the intimate ties that Harvard University shares with China which has doled out billions of dollars for the...

China’s hilarious loudspeaker propaganda at LAC reflects frustration at failure of their Indian proxies

The Chinese Army is now trying a new trick to lower the morale of Bharatiya Army troops during the ongoing stand-off between both Armies:...

उदारता के खिलाफ ‘सेक्युलर’ जमात

शिनजियांग प्रांत के जिन हिरासत केन्द्रों में चीन से आज़ादी पाने के लिए संघर्षरत उईघर और कजाख मुसलमानों को रखा गया है, वहाँ से...

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