“A few basic guides for decolonising the Hindu psyche”, Dharma Dispatch, December 20, 2023:
“WE SEE THE EXACT OPPOSITE climate in India. Our Rishis and saints did not establish any individual-centric schools. They gave us living traditions, which were the consequence of years of contemplation and a philosophical realization of changeless universal principles.
These principles are Rta, Satya, and Dharma. Their practical application includes the whole of the Hindu ethical system or Dharmasastras. Some of the major ingredients of this ethical system are the triad of Yajña (sharing), Dāna (charity), Tapas (penance), and more generally, the ten traits that constitute Dharma as defined by Manu Maharshi:
dhṛtiḥ kṣamā damo’steyaṃ śaucaṃ indriyanigrahaḥ ।
dhīrvidyā satyaṃ akrodho daśakaṃ dharmalakṣaṇam । ।
Patience, forgiveness, self-restraint, non-stealing, hygiene, control of sense organs, courage, knowledge, truth, and non-anger constitute the ten traits of Dharma…..”
Read the full article at Dharmadispatch.in