“Uttar Pradesh: “Caste is mere political tool for Samajwadi Party,” says CM Yogi Adityanath”, Organiser, December 2, 2023:
“Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on December 1, accused the Samajwadi Party of using caste as a political tool while doing nothing for the weaker sections of society when it was in power in the state.
He criticised Leader of Opposition Akhilesh Yadav, stating that he had forgotten PDA-Picchra (Backward), Dalits (Scheduled Castes) and Alpsankhyak (Minorities)- during his time in Government.
He stated that the misdeeds of these people, who create anarchy and familyism in the State in the name of caste, are not hidden from anyone. “Atal Ji had said that a person is neither high nor low, big nor small – everyone is equal.” CM Yogi Adityanath suggested that if this understanding had been present, the Opposition might not find itself in its current position…..”
Read the full article at Organiser.org