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Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Young Muslim Writer in Kerala Attacked by Islamist Radicals For ‘Insulting’ God

A young Muslim writer was assaulted by 4 people - Jaffar and three unidentified men - in the Palakkad district of Kerala for allegedly...

Kashmiri Terrorist Burhan Wani Hailed as ‘Martyr’ in Valley, Glorified by Media

The Islamist radicalization of the Kashmir valley is so deep that each and every terrorist (whether local or foreign) who is eliminated by the security...

“Terrorists killed her for being a Hindu,” says kin of Tarishi Jain, 19 year old Murdered in Dhaka Attack

Tarishi Jain was just 19, a young adult enrolled in an economics course with one of the top colleges in the world, and with...

My Yajna and Indology

I will start with a powerful analogy. Imagine, hypothetically, that the streets in your neighbourhood are very dirty. This is because garbage was being...

Jisha & Champa: 2 More Victims of ‘Secular Progressivism’?

Two recent brutal rapes & murders - one in Kerala and the other in Assam - have again reignited the debate on women's safety...

Marxist Historians Insist on “Terrorist” Tag for Bhagat Singh

The recent controversy over freedom fighter Bhagat Singh being labelled as 'terrorist' in a Delhi University textbook, has once again revealed the way history is manipulated to serve political ends...

Islamization of Bharat By the Sufis – Part 3

Muinuddin Chishti, a hallowed name amongst Sufi saints, upon reaching Ajmer said, "If God and His Prophet so will, it will not be long before I raze to the ground these idol-temples.”...

PILs by Foreign Funded NGOs: Whose Interest is it Anyway?

In the historic judgment in the Judges’ Transfer case, the seven judge Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court held that any member of the...

Hegemony and Hindu Dharma in West Indies : Part 5

M.K. Gandhi   Gandhi, for mostly personal reasons of his own, accepted the British definition of Hindu ‘spirituality’ with its strong anti-physicality element. Initially, he defended...

Why is Lutyens’ Delhi So Angry With Narendra Modi?

That Delhi had sunk into a deep morass of sleazy deal-making during the UPA era became clear the moment the RadiaGate scandal broke in...

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