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Sunday, June 16, 2024


Ex-policeman guilty in killing that ‘ripped blinders off’ US systemic racism

In a catharsis for a nation rocked by protests and racial tension for nearly a year, a White former policeman has been convicted of...

After shooting Black youth over traffic violation, US police fires rubber bullets at protestors

Police in Minneapolis, USA shot dead a young Black man on Sunday after stopping his vehicle for a 'traffic violation', having air fresheners dangling...

Hindu girl who won Oxford Students Union election bullied to resign by Hindumisic gang

After Hindu professionals at Cisco were targeted by liberals and organisations like Equality Lab in the USA with false accusations, the left-liberal cabal in...

Hindus of Greater Houston support BIPOC Yoga teachers

In response to calls for racial justice last summer, Hindus of Greater Houston (HGH) donated about $8,000 to fund yoga-teacher-training for four Black students,...

Divided States of America in Left grip

Not all the demonizing of Donald Trump for inciting the January 6 violence at Capitol Hill can remove the miasma of suspicion surrounding the...

Alibaba’s Jack Ma disappears : a lesson in how communists deal with dissent

Communists in Bharat are often the loudest voices in support of "right to dissent" and claim that Bharat is a "fascist" country even when...

Trumpism to the fore in Biden’s pyrrhic “win”

To reiterate what has been said in sections of the mainstream conservative media, Donald Trump “lost” the 2020 Presidential race but Trumpism won hands...

Brief history of Islamic slave trade in Bharat

Following the tragic murder and the lack of dispensation of justice in the case of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the #Blacklivesmatter movement stirred up,...

Countering Hinduphobia on Reddit

Reddit is a social media platform divided downstream into millions of communities (subreddits). Its front-page comprises of most upvoted (liked) posts from these communities....

All Rise For Hinduphobia: Sunita Viswanath And The Progressive ‘Hindus’

Many Hindus are quite gullible. They go above and beyond in accommodating those who hate them, even when doing so brings about their own...

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