Communists in Bharat are often the loudest voices in support of “right to dissent” and claim that Bharat is a “fascist” country even when they continue to criticize and abuse its ruling party and its supporters. However, history has shown that communists have dealt with even a minor dissent with a heavy hand. An example can be seen in the recent case of disappearance of Jack Ma.
Jack Ma is the second richest Chinese and one of the most wealthy men on the planet. A few months ago, he was a Chinese hero. He created Alibaba, Alipay and assorted companies that played an important role in building an indigenous digital ecosystem in China. Alibaba’s online sales and profits have surpassed all US retailers (including Walmart, Amazon, and eBay) combined since 2015 and Alipay overtook PayPal as the world’s largest mobile payment platform in 2013.
In a speech on October 24, Jack Ma critiqued China’s “pawnshop financial regulators and state-owned banks.” He requested for reform in the country’s regulatory system that according to him was stifling business innovation. “Today’s financial system is the legacy of the Industrial Age. We must set up a new one for the next generation and young people. We must reform the current system,” he said in the speech.
A simple recommendation from a businessperson and not even what would probably qualify as “dissent”. It must be noted that Jack Ma is also a member of the Communist Party of China and has supported it on all major issues. Yet, this speech was sufficient to stop the ANT Group’s proposed $35 billion IPO on the direct order of President Xi. But, that was not all. Various cases were opened against his group companies and current reports indicate that Jack Ma has been missing since making the speech!
The Communist way
“Disappearing” people is not new in communist countries. In fact, this started long ago in the USSR, the first communist country. Any person who was perceived as opposed to its supreme leaders magically vanished, not only from real life, but also from all official communications and even photos. An example of the “photoshop” before photoshop was invented can be seen below:-
The person vanishing in the photo above is Nikolay Yezhov, the head of Soviet NKVD during the Great Purge(from 1936-38), when Stalin basically killed more than a million Soviet citizens on mere suspicion of dissent. Later, Yezhov also disappeared. However, Stalin remains a hero of communists in Bharat. These disappearances of millions of people continued in USSR, lucky ones were killed and unlucky ones transported to a Gulag, the last of which was closed only in 1987.
China also learnt its lessons in communism from USSR and millions of its citizens continue to be in labour camps for no crime other than having a mind and an ideology of their own. The Laogai system, which can be described as “Gulags with Chinese characteristics” has been responsible for tens of millions of deaths! China has enforced disappearances of even high ranking officials and famous personalities. After taking power in 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping introduced new laws that essentially made arbitrary and secret detentions legal, without any trial. Many big names including actress Fan Bingbing and the then sitting Interpol president Meng Hongwei have disappeared under the laws since then.
In fact, where ever communism goes, the enforced disappearances of dissenters is the norm. In Combodia, they perpetrated a genocide that resulted in death of 25% of the population within 4 years! All intellectuals, artists, poets, educated people, people who knew a foreign language or even those who used reading glasses were declared “enemy of the people” and executed! This genocide was supported with funds by Communist China.
Even in our own country Bharat, critics of Communists keep paying the price of dissent by their life. The dissent has led to political murders and even massacres, specially in West Bengal and Kerala.
Controlling the narrative
However, surprisingly, the biased media, in Bharat as well as other countries, keeps such news away from public consciousness. This is probably because Chinese Communist Party gives sponsored trips and private dinners to all major American news outlets! It would not be surprising if a similar arrangement is found in Bharat’s media outlets.
The parties most vocal on dissent in Bharat make no statements on the atrocities of China. Take the example of Communist Party of India(Marxist). They regularly condemn USA and its policies on their official websites, and supporting the oppressive North Korean regime because it is communist. You can find the condemnation of George Floyd murder on their website. Their coverage of China on the other hand, has never mentioned atrocities on minorities and regime opponents.
Naturally, there would be no marches, candle light vigils, editorials or even mere statements against Chinese action against Jack Ma. The issue would probably fade away within a week. Chinese already know how to control social media narrative on the internet and it would not be a surprise if the internet buzz around Jack Ma also dies away soon.
Jack Ma’s disappearance has brought into light everything that is wrong with communism. Jack Ma would probably be seen again in a few months or years, or may again never be seen and heard of! Yet, in Bharat, the media seeks to present communism as a humane and pro-poor ideology. In the purest spirit of hypocrisy, Communists pretend to be vocal supporters of human rights, right to dissent and political liberalism. However, all these ideals are thrown into dustbin as soon as communist parties achieve power.
In Bharat, communists are doubly dangerous as apart from all these, they are also opposed to the ancient traditions and culture of Bharat. In China, the “cultural revolution” ensured that old traditions, religions and practices of Chinese were abolished. Now, Bharat remains the only place in the world, where ancient living culture and religions survive with an unbroken continuity.
From naxal activities to instigating farmers, Muslims and other vulnerable groups, communists have always been the common factor. For our ancient culture to survive, for the Bharatiya nation to grow strong and prosper, communism needs to be exposed and made powerless in Bharat.
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