Tadipaar notice has been served to three youths belonging to the SC community in Maharashtra’s Ahmednagar. The youths have been identified as Swapnil Waghchoure, Pratap Bhingardive, and Nilesh Lahunde. The notice has been issued under the 1951 Maharashtra Police Act’s Section 51.
The notice says Nagar City Police’s Sub-divisional police officer was ordered to enquire into the matter of banishment on 8 April 2022. It further accuses the trio of running a gang and undertaking illegal activities in the city including assault, molestation, etc. The notice also accuses the ‘gang’ of possessing weapons and that their ‘goondagiri’ is on the rise. It cites these as reasons to banish the three youths.
SC ST Rights Forum, an indigenous organization working for the rights of SCs and STs, highlighted the issue on Twitter. They also pointed out that this was a politically motivated act of highhandedness that will not stand legal scrutiny. They have called for the interference of Maharashtra HM Devendra Fadnavis, National Commission for Scheduled Castes Chairman Vijay Sampla, and Maharashtra DGP to stop Hindu persecution.
In contrast to the highhanded manner in which the Maharashtra police served notice to Hindu SC youths, it has failed to stop the conversion mafia that is operational in the state. HinduPost had brought to light the case of forced conversions of more than 200 Hindus in Maharashtra’s Daund by Islamists in a span of one year.
Readers may recall incidents of violent clashes and stone-pelting were reported from Ahmednagar earlier this month. In February this year, reports emerged of Nanded police allowing eight cow smugglers to escape while arresting and brutally thrashing Gaurakshaks.
The notice given to the three youths appears to be nothing but an attempt to terrorize Hindus into submission. It is high time that the concerned authorities including the Maharashtra Home Minister step in and put an end to this police highhandedness.
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