A 14-year old disabled girl was held captive and raped by her neighbor, Haider, in Meerut, UP. Hindu organizations have claimed this could be a case of Love Jihad or sexual grooming as the accused lured the victim into his home, before committing the rape.
The incident occurred on Sunday in a colony in Kharkhauda police station area, adjacent to Meerut town. The girl’s father works in the city, while her mother is a nurse. On Sunday, the girl’s parents were out for work while her 2 brothers stepped out to play. Haider, who is a resident of the same colony, called the girl to his home on some pretext, before holding her captive and raping her. He is currently on the run.
The girl’s family has registered a complaint with police – the girl has been sent to CHC (Community Health Centre) for a medical test. The accused’s brother is in custody and being interrogated.
(Source: amarujala.com)
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“Held captive.” That says it all. It shows just how spineless HIndus have become in dealing with Muslim aggression. How can a Hindu girl be held captive in a country that is 80% Hindu. Would such a thing even be conceivable if the demographics were 80% Muslim? Hindus have no one to blame but themselves if they continue to remain passive. They can come to the streets in large numbers for caste issues (Patel issue, Jat issue, Maratha issue) but not for a disabled Hindu girl?