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Why Hindus venerate cows, and what other faiths can learn from this millennia-old knowledge

“Desi”/ Bharatiya origin cow- Bos Indicus

Does the whole chaos of sacredness is all about a creature called cow or the supportive element of life which sustained a grand civilization, culture and its ethics. The answer is YES, indeed a purely sacred divine being bestowed by Mother Nature for the sustenance of humanity.

Perhaps to indicate the value of the cow, our ancestors said, “A Person’s richness or wealth is counted by the number of domesticated cows he owns and not by property or gold”.

After we take mother’s milk, it is from Cow we drink and grow. Therefore, Cow has taken a position of Mother (Gaumata) in the hearts of Bharatiyas. The entire survival of mankind withstood by Cow’s milk and its products. Apart from dietary products, Cow’s urine and dung are high source of medicinal properties and agricultural purposes.

The five elements that come from the Bharatiya Desi cow gives strength, enhances the intellect, purify blood, and balances Vata, Pita and Kapha (Tri doshas). They cure all diseases, detoxifies the body and has high medicinal properties – Ayurveda.

Keeping aside its benefits, the nature of Cow among other species is so distinct. Its non-harming temperament, an embodiment of Satvik nature, makes it once again a nonearthly being, a divine being in completeness.

We see occasions where extreme emotional aspects of it is often revealed, a symbol of piousness and motherly attitude. A guru, a teacher, a father, a mother, a brahmana, a cow and a yogi all should never be killed – Manusamhita 4-162.

There are many vital characteristics which makes the Bharatiya origin Cows, Bos Indicus/ Zeebu Breed differ from any other foreign breed. The 21 lakshanas (characteristics) of Bharatiya origin Cows fail all other breeds. A hump on its back, soft skin hanging under its neck called dewlap, varied horns, long tails and sound of cow.

Another unique characteristic is the presence of “Suryaketu” nadi (nerve) in desi cows which runs through its spine makes it unparalled and superior class of its own.

The tej of the sun rays is more absorbent in Desi cow due to this lone factor. These have resistance to stay for hours in sunlight. ‘Suryaketu’ nerve comes into operation under the rays of the sun. The cow oozes out yellow fluids the moment ‘Suryaketu nadi’ starts functioning.

Milk yielding from such cows are golden yellow in color and thin in texture, competent of enhancing wisdom and vitality, a great immune booster and anti-cancerous. This nerve also absorbs harmful radiations and cleanses atmosphere. That’s the reason why in Bharat the cows are left for free movement. Its aura enhances the life of mankind.

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In the West, there used to be a meat-eating animal called ‘yoras’ living in jungles. It has three feet long horns with a heavy body of seven feet. People in West domesticated cows to majorly draw meat and its milk is just a byproduct, a sheer commercial entity. Many foreign breeds which fall under this Yoras are being fabricated just to fulfill craving appetite and do not belong to the race of cows.

The famous ‘jersey’ breed too does not fall under the category of Bharatiya origin Cows, reasons being the non-existence of principle elements in nourishing humanity and prominence in farming. Hence, their products too fall shortage of nutrition and cause hormonal imbalances.

The western origin cows have no sense of feeling unlike Bharatiya origin Cows who throng for their masters and calves though parted miles and months away.

Even after cow stops giving milk, years after its utility in agriculture, even when dead should be buried under earth generating to become an excellent manure. Whatever is beneficial to mankind is always regarded as the highest and safeguarded. Especially, a country like Bharat where each entity, right from sand particle till universe, is considered as manifested from Divine Being is indeed worshipped. Therefore, Bharatiyas venerate Cows.

Panchagavya/ Jeevamrutham 

In Ayurveda most medicines are made from Jeevamrutham. Typically made from certain portions of five major substances obtained from desi cow – milk, curd, ghee, urine and dung. Also added are water, jaggery, ripened banana and tender coconut. Jeevamrutham rejuvenates cells, acts as antivirus, capable in curing diseases, reduces dosage of antibiotics and stabilizes mental disorders.

1. Gaumutra (Cow Urine): Miraculous medicine and Restorative abilities

Cow’s urine occupies a unique place in Ayurveda. Commenting on the chemical analysis of Gaumutra, it is used to produce a whole range of Ayurvedic medicines, 148 diseases in humans are cured. It also balances the Tridoshas (Vaata, Pitta and Kapha) – Kamadhenu gaumutra arc – Medicine (U. S. Patent No. 6410059dt. 25/6/2002)

Agnihastrais another organic pesticide and fungicide prepared with the Bharatiya traditional methodology utilized in Agriculture. This consists of Gaumutra, neem leaves, garlic and other natural herbs. The greenery of plants increases. A best agent for terrace gardening too.. Besides, Gaumutra is a well-known disinfectant, saves 10 acres of crop from insects enriching the soil.

2. Gaumay (Cow dung): Agricultural Utility

One gram of desi cow dung consists of 3000 Million to 5000 million microbes to enrich and protect both soil and plant, unlike the western breed where one can hardly find 7 Million microorganisms. Farmyard manure is decomposed mixture of cattle dung and urine with straw used as bedding material on earth before sowing. Thereby, improving structure of soil, encourages microbial activity, making the land qualified. BARC acknowledges cow dung as an agent for functioning of bacterial activity in sewage.

As the PayPal tree and holy basil plant releases oxygen, similarly Cow is the only animal, which emits major amount of oxygen. Mere presence of desi cow is a great contribution to environment, that’s how circumambulating around Cow has evolved. 1 spoon of pure ghee poured to burning cow dung cakes produces 1 ton oxygen.

3. Gau Ksheer (Milk)

Easy to digest as a result used as a substitute to mother’s milk. Builds up immune system, fights against deadly viruses and is nonfattening. The milk of other animals can be taken only after boiling whereas Desi cow’s milk can be taken straight away.

4. Gau Dadhi (Curd) and Gau Takra (Buttermilk)

They improves appetite, help ease urination and suffering from haemorrhoid problems (act as purgative), blood disorders/ bleeding disorders, anemia and insomnia.

5. Gau Grutam (Ghee)

Cow’s ghee increases wisdom and memory. Ghee stored for long time serves as medicine in curing ear, eyesight and respiratory issues. 1 table spoon of ghee regularly, le plat principal, balances cholesterol levels and nullifies risk of heart diseases.

Civilizational and Vedantic inference

Primarily, there always is a prohibition in eating of the flesh of draught/ working animals usually domesticated ones (Cow, Bull and Ox), is member of a family. Some vedic texts (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4.18) and some Samhitas refer eating of beef. But never was the case with draught animals. No particular law-giver was imperative in Bharat; yet the custom of not taking beef was accepted gradually.

This was possible due to the following reasons:

  • The ever spreading ideal of asceticism, gaining momentum as the result of the reform movements represented by Jainism and Buddhism.
  • The coming to the core of Shiva followers associated with the Shiva’s bull.
  • The influence of Shakti followers in Bharat has taught Hindus to regard all female creatures, especially the women and the cow as the symbols of the gracious God conceived as the cosmic mother.
  • The influence of Vaishnava movements accentuating The pastoral elements in the Krishna legends made popular by certain Puranic literatures.
  • The Anushasana Parva of Mahabharata dedicates several chapters to cows, their importance to household’s food security, agriculture and
  • Last but not the least, the adoration of cow or ox or bull existed already in the Hindu psyche because of its importance as supplier of milk or its role in agriculture and

As important rivers, the river Jordan is adored by millions of Christians, were considered adorable gifts from God, the cow also gained a place of adoration in the heart of Hindus.

The Constitutional Act 48 prohibits cow slaughter (just like The Constitutional Act 1791 of Peacock). Cow flesh consumes 48 times more water than any other meat or vegetable. Slaughtered cows are highly dangerous to environment and its meat is hazardous to health.

So to see it as a mere religious symbol is a foolish, unworthy act.

Humble request

Ages ago rishi‘s said, first claim on cow’s milk is of the calf. Cow is satisfied only after calf drinks her milk and releases special chemicals which increases the nutrient value of its milk. When calf is kept hungry, cow becomes sad, oozes negative chemicals destroying the nutrient value.

Torch bearers like renowned Dr. B M Hegde and researcher Dr. Khader Valli remind us that consuming milk on a regular basis is not at all required. Milk as medicinal propose and its products alone are to be consumed.

Due to large scales of commercialization and industrialization of milk supply, the value of native breeds are neglected and foreign/ cross breeds are encouraged hugely. Hindu Dharma’s one of the most famous avatars, Bhagwan Sri Krishna is often found taking butter but never milk. Each individual has to dive deep to think and reflect what does our Shastra, Puranas and wise people hinting us.

For those with religious fervor Cow as a worshipping Goddess; for animal lovers, it is taking care of an animal with respect and dignity; for environmentalists, Cow is providing organic manure to strengthen Mother Earth; for health seekers its ambrosial products are reinforcing the nutrient values since time immemorial. To protect cow is the need of hour, our dharma and duty.

Humble request

Out of 70 Bharatiya origin cow variants only 30-40 are available to present day. If the onslaught of these indigenous cows is not eradicated then the whole of humanity has to undergo a severe deprivation.

In what way can a general Bharatiya citizen contribute to the wellbeing of Cows? Ample are the ways where one can extend their seva towards welfare of Desi cows, fortunately we find at least 2-3 gaushalas in urban cities. Cows survive on hay. To feed the cows with fodder available within the centers is the simplest deed individuals can render to Gaumata.

A far best, permanent and sustainable solution suggestable is; a group of likeminded folks sponsor any one variety of Desi Cow to their nearby temple and rise minimal amount towards basic necessities of a cow. “It is humans who are in need of Cows and not vice-versa. Cow need to be protected for us to survive.”


Text format:

  • Views from Vedantic Window – Book published by Vedanta Society, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • TTD publications, Cow our Mother.

Direct talks from:

  • Padma Bhushan Sri. B M Hegde, Cardiologist.
  • Padma Sri. Shri Subhash Palekar, Indian Agriculturist
  • Krishi Ratna Dr. Khader Valli, Independent Scientist

Few Gaushala information for donations or adoption 

GO-Vignan Anusandhan Kendra (GVAK) Neighborhood in Deolapar, Nagapur Maharashtra

Sri Krishna Datta Gaushala Peerzadiguda Muncipla, Medipally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500039

Contact person: Pawan Reddy, +91 9908016200 Sri Krishna Datta Gauseva Trust

Bank of India

Act No: 574010110000988 IFSC CODE: BKID0005740

Sevalaya Murali Campus, Kasuva village, Pakkam PO,

Tiruninravur, Tamilnadu – 602024 Contact person: Murali,+91 9444167625 (For USA donors) Act Name: SEVALAYA

Account No: 32237434192 Bank: State Bank of India IFSC CODE: SBIN0010666

Sri Sarada Ashram Trichy-Chennai highway, Trichy Trunk Road, Vivekananda Nagar,

New Edaikkal, Ulundurpet Tamilnadu – 606107

Contact number: +91 9487481452


By- Smt. Supriya  Bellamkonda (House wife and practitioner of Vedantic principles as expounded by Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa)

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Supriya Bellamkonda
Supriya Bellamkonda
House wife and practitioner of Vedantic principles as expounded by Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa


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