“Why a false portrayal of Hindu festivals?”, Organiser, November 9, 2023:
“Every religion believes in celebrating various festivals throughout the year. Hindus also hold festivals throughout the year. The main difference is that Hindu festivals are supported by strong scientific evidence and serve as the backbone of the Indian economy.
Ancestor designed the festivals in such a way that they have a positive effect on physical, mental, and social health, as well as nurturing and balancing the environment. Many western scientists have studied the scientific aspects of Hindu festivals and have clearly highlighted the importance of Hindu festivals for society and the environment.
However, a few organisations, political parties, and celebrities have a different agenda, and they raise concerns when a Hindu festival is approaching. Ignorance could be the cause, or they could be working to satisfy someone’s agenda who is working against Hindu culture 24 hours a day, seven days a week……”
Read the full article at Organiser.org