An animation series titled Sriman Rama (archived tweet) based on Prabhu Sri Ram’s childhood has been written and directed by Satyakashi Bhargava. Bhargava Pictures is producing the animated film in association with the cultural organization Daana Dharma.
Sriman Rama – book and animation series
National Award-Winning (Golden Lotus) Filmmaker Satyakashi Bhargava is a Ramayana speaker. He has also released a book with the same title available on Hindueshop. The first book of the 8-volume series was released this February while the animated movie trailer was launched in September 2021.
The 2D animated action series will bring to life the childhood adventures of Prabhu Ram along with his brothers and friends at Gurukul Ashram. It will be available on broadcast and digital platforms across the world.
“This is the first-ever series on the childhood of Rama. He is considered to be the greatest human to have ever lived owing to his superhuman qualities. He is the first action star of the universe and the greatest archer that the world ever knows. His qualities are as contemporary as they were some thousands of years ago. This series depicts the childhood adventures and engagements of Rama along with his three brothers and best pals during his stint at Sage Vasishta’s Gurukul, narrated in an exhilarating and enthralling way”, Bhargava has been quoted by the website AnimationXpress.
The filmmaker further emphasized that they intended to celebrate Prabhu’s childhood in an exuberant format that will leave today’s children with an experience they can cherish for a lifetime. They want to build a franchise on the show. Furthermore, they wish to familiarize the next generation with the values of Prabhu Sri Ram. Satyakashi believes if we can imbibe a minuscule of Prabhu’s characters and values then the world would be a better place.
“DaanaDharma is proud to announce this project and we want to explore more possibilities of this association with Bhargava Pictures. We have plans to extend this to multiple formats and are looking forward to more collaborations pan India. This will surely be a treasure for kids that entertains them like never before”, the Daana Dharma team told the AnimationXpress website.
Importance of introducing children to Dharma
Prabhu Sri Ram has been idolized by Bharatiyas for several centuries and every Hindu king wished to emulate Him. Bhagwan Ram is known as Maryada Purshottam meaning the best of men who perfected righteousness. An ideal son, brother, husband, king – He was all this and more. It is not for nothing that his rule is known as Ram Rajya and he is presented as an ideal for Hindus to emulate.
The Hindu society is faced with many challenges today that makes it all the more important to impart Dharmic values and root the future generations in Dharma. Wokeism is breaking families, the threat of conversion mafia (both Islamic and Christian) is forever knocking on Hindu doors, and the pseudo-secular forces constantly trying to divide Hindus are some of the issues that can be effectively dealt with through Dharmic education. What better way than to start with one of the most inspiring Hindu idols – Bhagwan Ram Himself!
(Featured Image Source: AnimationXpress)