“How the West has been insulting and abusing Hindu Gods for decades”, News 18, May 17, 2023:
“The portrayal of Indian culture (predominantly of Hinduism) in the West has long been a story of a negative depiction of caste dominations, worship of weird and unsightly pagan gods in primitive and grotesque ways, patriarchal domination where women face daily bias, the existence of Sati, rampant corruption, lack of hygiene, etc.
Beyond Buddha and Gandhi, it seems the West found nothing appealing in Indian heritage and culture, and this notion of India was fed to the West for many generations through various academic discourses and discussions. While most of these false views on India were propagated by Western academicians, some Indians, too, were and are still a part of this group that continues to denigrate India and Hinduism.
Until recently, the majority of the Hindus, fed on the British-created anti-Hindu educational system that was unfortunately continued in the post-independence era under the Nehru regime, had no way of countering the blatant bigotry and hatred that was being propagated worldwide against Hindus and Hinduism…..”
Read the full article at News18.com