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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Busting the insane, anti-Diwali, secular-liberal propaganda: Part 3

In the last part, we saw how for alleged ‘journalist’ snakes – from a particularly poisonous woke Abrahmo-Leftist breed, working smugly for fakestream media – it’s entirely possible to put their fangs in between the not particularly fine-print of a newspaper and write a venomous article spreading anti-Hindu Diwali-pollution-propaganda that also pontificates on ‘What Diwali means?’ and ‘What it’s all about?’ without ever mentioning “Ram”, ”Ravan”, “Ramayan” or even “Hindu” in it, even once! – Or even any religious, cultural or historical significance of the festival in its own homeland: Bharat.


Let’s be honest.

People take sides.

In Ramayan, mighty Kumbhakarn scolded Ravan in his own royal court – twice – for abducting Sita ji yet chose to stay by his brother’s Dharmadrohi side.

Well, one can say that Kumbhakaran and Ravan were both Rakshas. Highly learned vedic scholars…but rakshas nonetheless.

So it was kinda straightforward.

Humans vs Rakashas.

But in the next yug, Dwapar, and its Mahabharat, a lot of human beings too, chose to side with evil, greedy, jealous Duryodhan.

Hence, its only natural that being a Dharmic Hindu in this ghor Kaliyug, I’m taking the side of the ancient tradition of our homeland when it comes to Diwali celebration and the ‘modern’ Kaliyugi globalist Abrahmo-Leftist alleged journalist from the fakestream newspaper is staunchly against Hindus and cracker-bursting.

Also, in this series of deploying a super-weapon called Ctrl F to prevent the nonsense Abrahmo-Leftist propaganda and discover the truths, we must acknowledge – in the spirit of ‘Celebration’ and ‘Gratitude’ – the help from computers and soulless machines.

And so, I guess it’d be only fair – if we were to take a 3rd , supposedly neutral opinion to settle the issue – then it’s the same computers and soulless machines, who’re allowed to offer an ‘honest’ opinion. Given the service they’d rendered to us and given how they’ve no stake at all in the debate.

And yes, I’m perfectly aware how the heinous woke had managed to corrupt even the machines with their extremist ideological viruses, what with self-learning-algorithms censoring ‘hate-speech’ right-right-and-center, but I guess that’d only prove the point.

So, I decided to give AI a chance to see whether I’m right or the alleged journalist is.

Here’s how that played out:

Hah! AI rated woke anti-Hindu anti-Diwali propaganda as a “level-7 insanity” – despite sticking to its own woke bias and taking jouranlist’s side, saying that it is possible, to write an article explaining what Diwali is and what its all about without mentioning “Ram”, “Ramayan” or “Hinduism” even once.

See? Even AI knows various sub-plots about the story of Diwali celebration – including the bursting of firecrackers.

But alas… see the next.

“Diversity”? “Environmental” and “social” issues? Pollution caused by fire-crackers? Child-labour in cracker industry? And…wait!


What in Bhagwan Ram’s name “more awareness and inclusion of marginalized and underprivileged sections of society” means here? When we’re talking about ‘What Diwali means?’ and ‘What its all about?’

And what’s it got to do with…!

And what the… !!

*Sighs loudly*

You just cannot rely on woke AI to be non-biased and expect it to not be inserting its woke agenda in questions that’s not even asked of it!

But I took a deep breath and said: “Patience.”

After providing more clarity about what I was asking of it, even the woke AI couldn’t dodge it anymore.

Without putting any spin on it, the AI straight up declared it a insanity level-10 non-sense! – on a scale of 1-to-10 – if a woke alleged journalist from a fakestream newspaper tries to explain secular-liberal, eco-friendly, anti-Hindu meanings of “What Diwali is?” and “What it’s all about?”

The AI had more nasty (but quite true – and hilarious) words to say about such filthy, disgusting attempts, going so far as to declare it something that’d have to “invent a completely new and fictional story for Diwali that has no connection to reality. It would also be misleading and disrespectful to the millions of people who celebrate Diwali for its spiritual and cultural significance.

Of course, it didn’t know that ‘Indian’ brown sepoys and Abrahmo-Leftists specialize in peddling secular fiction as ground reality. Majoring in Marxist history and impossible propaganda.

(See? I told you, like the Rang De Basanti said: Woke women can make impossible, possible.)

So…yeah, I’ll be honest.

I snickered a lot – and then, like an Anardaana going haywire, straight-up burst out laughing.

For quite a long time, sneaky seculars had me in splits!

But then I also felt a little bit…guilty.

(What can I do? I’m a Hindu after all! Being fair and honorable – no matter how much we hate it – is in our Aryan invading DNA.)

I thought I was misleading the AI myself. Trying to get a favorable outcome by feeding it biased, slanted and vague half-pictures that only spoke about my side.

So, I swallowed the bitter pill and – knowing full well that I’m dealing with a hyper woke AI itself that has a quite large potential to fly off the handle and insert ‘marginalized and underprivileged sections of society’ wherever the hell it wants and whenever the hell it sees an opportunity to make their forceful representations in any question for the sake of ‘diversity’ – I still decided to explain the full premise of the alleged journalist’s article, published a day before Diwali. In as best a summarization I could.

I told the AI that the article itself is about “pollution caused by Diwali crackers (something it had earlier mentioned all on its own) and political slugfest over it. And how the distressed authoress wishes the parties opposed to the ban would not frame the ban as “anti-Hindu” hatred.” I also told it that it was in this context, the word “Hindu” appears only in “anti-Hindu” phrase by pro-Hindu parties and the alleged journalist, and all historical, cultural, religious and spiritual meanings and/or origins of Diwali gets pushed into such a background, they are completely obliterated.

And then I asked, again, whether in this background, such a framing of the issue by alleged journalist might still be considered grossly insensitive and biased, and whether even an objective audience would find it offensive and extremely insensitive?

Whether it’d still be classified as level-10 insanity? On a scale of 1-to-10?

I did it – knowing full well that I might as well have shot myself in the foot (or launched a flowering-rocket-cracker pointed downward, if you will) – and then held my breath.


Kripa ho Ram ji ki!


See for yourself!

I couldn’t believe my eyes!

And then quickly realized that I had some very solid reasons not to as well.

Not much, but what it was, could still be considered, perhaps, an attempt by the sneaky woke AI trying to dodge detection of its wokey-snakey under my radar.

The AI was quite verbose in its denunciation of woke anti-Hindu, Diwali-pollution-propaganda-peddlers, yes, but, it had failed to give the definitive, numerical ‘insanity rating’ to any such woke attempt.

*Sneaky, slippery son of a … rakshas!*

I called it out on that!

And was floored by the response!

It still maintained the woke anti-Hindu, Secular-Liberal, Abrahmo-Leftist, anti-Bharat, anti-Ram, Diwali-pollution-propaganda’s ‘level of insanity rating’ as a perfect 10 – on a scale of 1-to-10.

At this point, many of you might be itching to lay your eyes on this Chmatkari-in-itselfsecular-liberal anti-Ram, anti-Diwali article.

Sorry, but I care about you, as a Hindu.

I’m not going to burn your eyes by pointing you directly in the direction of this hellfire of words.

I’m not going to provide it more publicity than I already have.

Yes, I do wish for a simple fairytale world: in which, if the fakestream ‘newspaper’s’ editor had even the slightest bit of common-sense, they’d sack the alleged journalist who wrote that deeply disrespectful and utterly ludicrous article, retract it fully and publish an apology to all the Hindus.

But alas…

We live in the harsh Secular reality.

And given the raging level of secular non-sense in an article about Diwali that – even while peddling the usual anti-Hindu Diwali-pollution-propaganda – does manage to pontificate about ‘What it means?’ and ‘What it’s all about?’ without ever mentioning “Ram”, “Ramayan” or even “Hindu” or “Bharat” in it, even once…

How this level of disaster managed to pass editorial scrutiny of supposedly Diggajs in the field of word-jugglery, is quite beyond me.

The way I see it, there are only 2 possible scenarios:

One: the Editor is as stupid – or maybe a bigger fool – than the alleged Journalist herself (which is always possible when dealing with woke lunatics.) In which case, nothing more needs to be said. (Remember what I told you about ‘woke insanity’ in the 1st part: ‘Shock Treatment’, daily.)

Two (and it’s the darker possibility) : Given the usual level of intellectual expertise (which is actually the biggest source of their monumental intellectual dishonesty, when peddling their usual anti-Hindu propaganda about anything) we associate with the Diggaj word-masters serving as ‘Editors’ of these large, influential, privileged and powerful Soros fans and brown sepoys, selling defense-secrets or getting free 3BHK flats from secular Karsevak massacring parties; trying, desperately, in the process, to become brown copies of NewYork Tripes… it’s equally possible that such highly offensive, utterly ludicrous piece of anti-Ram, Diwali-pollution-propaganda managed to pass ‘Editorial-Scrutiny’ because the Editor wasn’t stupid.

They knew exactly what it was, and they knew exactly what it was going to imply.

In all probability, such a ridiculous piece of anti-Hindu propaganda that both starts and ends with ‘What Diwali is all about?’ and ‘What it means?’ without ever mentioning “Ram”, “Ramayan”, “Hindu” or indeed anything “Bharatiya” about it even once… it saw the light of the day precisely because woke Editors of fakestream ‘newspaper’ demanded that it be written as such, from the alleged journalist.

Truly, such an approach to explain away Diwali is quite remarkable and even ‘revolutionary!’ It couldn’t have been a natural occurrence to erase everything Bharatiya about it or ignore the natural impulse to completely disregard one word that naturally jumps to mind when we mention Diwali anywhere:


I refuse to be believe it.

And I refuse to believe that a dim-witted simple alleged ‘Journalist’ came up with such genius, ‘revolutionary’ idea all on her own.

In which case, instead of any sacking, she must’ve received a pat on the back… and perhaps a Diwali Bonus.

For ‘just following the orders.’

And if indeed it was her own invention, I refuse to believe that such a ‘revolutionary’ approach failed to attract notice of the fakestream newspaper’s editor.

So perhaps there’s no point in putting anyone else through the torture of reading this hateful, bigoted, transparently not just anti-Hindu but anti-Bharat propaganda.

Perhaps it was no mistake and actually intended that way by the highest authorities in the fakestream newspaper. (Obviously we’ll never know.)


If you still want to find it – on your own risk – then the hints are there in my own articles. It was published a day before 2023 Diwali, (11 November, to be precise) in a resolutely woke, infamously anti-Hindu fakestream newspaper, whose founder’s name itself, ironically, had Ram in it.

And so… yeah.

Jai Shri Ram!

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Abhinandan Pande
Abhinandan Pande
Abhinandan Pande is an aspiring Spy Thriller writer who sees the threats to Bharat as they are - An institutionalized Abrahmic/Left-Liberal revulsion for Hindus' Right to Exist.


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