Diwali, Ram and Secularism: Abrahmo-leftist error 999: Request Denied.
There are 2 types of insanities in this world:
1: Those found in people suffering from genuine mental health issues – for which we must treat these people with kindness and compassion because they really deserve it.
2. Then there’s ‘woke insanity’, for which we must use nothing except shock-treatment, daily. With full 440 volt Jhatka – since there’s no Halal version of it, thankfully.
Because Islamo-Leftist alliance’s woke hurry to ‘progressivism’ really does lead people to insanity. Insanities like peddling‘root-cause-theories as a quick fix to justify their side’s errorism.’
As against the traditional knowledge, which says:
“Patience is a virtue.”
Couldn’t agree more with the ancient wisdom these days!
These days, when the urge to comment on any hot-button topic is like a vampire’s bloodlust among people infected with “Social Media” virus all over the world.
But, by-the-by, I’m finding the uncomfortable, almost-choking-my-throat-and-punching-my-guts, waiting-game to be quite beneficial.
Take, for instance, the elite concern for pollution.
And how its annual anti-Hindu secular hate-fest is celebrated by world’s guardians of the moral galaxy, without fail, by their vicious and poisonous propagandizing against Diwali – and Hindus.
“Crackers bad! I CAN’T BREATHE!”
(It’s astonishing how antisemitic, pro Jihadi terrorist Black Lives Matter monsters haven’t picked up on it yet.)
If you listened and believed in Abrahmo-Leftist Secular propaganda about so many things that’s wrong with Hindus’ biggest festival, it’d look like as if Bhagwan Ram Himself is out there to kill paapi population of Delhi, instead of despicable Rakshas.
“But that’s months in the past, Bhrata. Why’re you bringing it up now?”
Because there’s no better time to do it than now.
That sounds motivational enough on its own, but really, that’s just a by-product of sticking to Dharma. Because in this specific case, there’s really no better time than now.
That’s the conclusion I reached when I finished this piece 2 months ago, a day after bhaidooj.
See, distance provides perspective. And I’m surely not alone in that.
For instance this report, published on 23 December 2023, talking about Delhi Commission for Air Quality management imposing GRAP 3 restrictions (that means ban on non-essential construction work and the operation of BS-III petrol and BS-IV diesel four-wheelers, with even schools’ closing) because the air-quality had reached “severe” category. Well past a whole bloody month after Diwali – Which was on November 12.
Then there was another one just a few days ago, on 14 Janaury 2024, detailing how – and quite surprisingly – Air-Quality in Delhi remained in “severe” category even 2 months after the sole-pollution-causing mega-Avengers-level event that marred the otherwise pristine blue skies and verdant green vistas of Delhi: Celebrating Bhagwan Shri Ram’s return to Ayodhya with Diwali.
Not to mention another on the 1st day of last year, on 1 January 2023, detailing how Delhi only had 1096 hours of ‘good’ Air-Quality in entire 2022. That’s 45 days in total 365 a year. And yet Diwali cannot be stretched more than 5, no matter how desperately we want, in that part of Bharat.
But these reports surely came either way back, or months after Diwali, busting the usual anti-Hindu pollution propaganda, that nevertheless, couldn’t have been written without actual data that was directly related to mysterious, yet inevitable wheel of time and dates.
Whereas what I had written, it was immediately after Diwali night.
And yet, I too, waited for 2 full months before putting any of it out.
Because of what’s going to happen on 22nd January 2024.
The glorious culmination of a 500-year-long wait.
A truly epochal Civilizational moment of “Dharm ki Adharm par Vijay.”
I’m obviously talking about Pran-Pratishtha of Ram-Lalla in Bhavya Ram-Mandir in Ayodhya.
No doubt it’ll be celebrated as a new Diwali in the entire Bharat. Even if PM Modi hadn’t said so. (It was a rare ‘duh…’ moment on his part, but we can certainly understand his intention in making it explicit.)
This Diwali, on 22nd January, will have its own new importance in our civilization’s history.
As such, the thing that prompted me to write these articles (in a strange mix of absolute rage and limitless laughter, I must admit), was something that went beyond just anti-Hindu standard-issue, Diwali-pollution-propaganda.
It sounded downright anti-Ram, anti-Bharat itself.
Enough to make me wait until the pran-pratishtha and Return of the King of Ayodhya.
So what was it?
An article published a day before Diwali-2023 in a fakestream newspaper (trying desperately to mould itself after New York Tripes) which ‘requests’ (See? Requests, with folded hands! Hence, later updated to ‘Wish’), that fresh air should NOT be linked with identity politics; that [nefarious and disgusting] environmental advocacy on Diwali should NOT be linked with ‘nefarious communal, political agendas.’
Naturally, that ‘request’, was summarily denied by raucous Delhites on the day of Diwali. (My heartfelt congratulations to them for the Hindu festival, by the way, even if its belated — or early, considering 22 January Diwali!)
Reading the article, a day before November 2023 Diwali, it left me breathless.
Because it was so full of gas-lightiing that it alone is enough to light a huge firework-show under restive masses’ collective intelligence; enough that it’d gas out the entire horizon of human logic and choke us all to a death of collective stupidity.
Really, it’s a much more painful way to die than even under a rule of Jihadi invader tyrants like Babur and Aurangzeb (who too, was apparently a tolerant Diwali celebrator straight out of Ganga-Jamuni sutli-bomb of secularism school.)
The article is so full of misinformation that perhaps it’s every sentence could be rebutted in its own separate article. (Which even the exceedingly generous editors of Hindupost would perhaps not allow.)
There are all sorts of other absurdities we can point out in that insane article published in the fakestream outlet, but for brevity’s sake, let’s frame it in terms of how I felt, after reading progressively more lunatic sections of it; reading it from top-to-bottom – and how it relates to Ctrl F. (We’ll come to that later, don’t worry.)
At the very start, the article left a cloud of confusion in my mind but whose exact contours I couldn’t exactly decipher, (maybe it was a sneaky little deliberate misinformation ploy.) The 1st para was dedicated to vexing eloquent for ‘What exactly is Diwali about?’ ‘What does it mean for Bharatiyas to have Diwali?’ It was a cute, little nod to a common nostalgia we might all identify with. ‘Back in those golden days…’ sort of thing.
Which was perhaps why I couldn’t see it initially.
I did feel there was something fundamentally wrong about it, some crucial ingredient missing, but my inherent good-faith (thanks to my dharma) even for these wretched Abrahmo-Leftists who want nothing except to Break-Bharat and Eradicate Sanatan Dharma from its land of origins… that good-faith always leaves me hopelessly naive for their ‘good-intentions.’
Then I moved on. It was time for the common lament that the golden past of anti-Hindu secular politics is gone. And how its linked all to Diwali. (See? Bad Hindus! They ruined the childhood memories of all Abrahmo-Leftists!)
Then the surprise, if perfunctory and grudging admission, that ‘Okay, it may not be entirely Diwali’s fault, and others are perhaps equally to blame, like stubble burning, industrial and vehicular pollution and geographical factors’, however, by the end of this para, the alleged ‘Journalist’ again insists that ‘Delhi residents cannot free themselves of responsibility’. Which was a dog-whistle to Diwali pollution because… erm, isn’t vehicular emissions and industrial pollution also a responsibility of Delhi residents? I mean, who sneaks into our national capital in the dead of night and leaves it polluted in winter? Illegal Bangladeshi and Rohingyas? But credit where it’s due – and Thank Bhagwan Ram for it! Because it was only a few years ago that for these Abrahmo-Leftists? Anti-humanity Hindus’ greatest festival Diwali was declared guilty of being the only and only thing responsible for a choking city.
Then one more snore-fest about the by-now completely unimaginative and boring attempt to drag us Hindus down through a guilt-tripping-lane; how Diwali brings absolutely no joy; it’s the worst festival to have in calendar; with proof attached about all the problems it causes to Abrahmo-Leftists – including sleep-deprivation due to noise pollution by crackers, for whole weeks! Sometimes…and, well, yada, yada, yada.
The blame-all-Hindus-who-won’t-bow-to-Abrahmo-leftist-moralizing continues in the next para, framed here as how the alleged journalist of fakestream newspaper ‘dreads’ the festival. But here again, she finishes it with something that once more rustled against my subconscious instinct, something that was just at the edge of my understanding but not really comprehensible. (Maybe it was due to all Diwali celebrations that day, smoking out institutionalized anti-Hindu hatred, if just for a day; or perhaps its just the usual Abrahmo-Leftist smoke-and-mirrors at play.)
Then it was again the lament for a foregone past (seriously, stop! It used to be that right-wingers who were obsessed with a ‘mythical past’), about how what we’ve learned in primary schools is the only thing we should believe in, even if we grow up.
This is a point that needs to be explored further, (which I’ll do in a next series of articles) but let’s move on for now.
The alleged journalist in the fakestream newspaper is ‘infuriated’ at the common-sensible deduction that ‘banning Diwali cracker is simply Anti-Hindu,’ and was called out as such by the BJP, when last year the equally Anti-Hindu AAP govt. banned all sorts of crackers – including green ones.
But then common-sense had always infuriated the Abrahmo-Leftists.
But… ah! Did you see? It’s not about common-sense. Instead, the completely rational way to discuss something that hasn’t even happened yet, is to bring up something that happened an entire 1 year ago.
Because that article, published a day before Diwali, was talking about BJP Vs. AAP slugfest about pollution from previous year.
I thought that journalists were in the profession of reporting stuff after the fact, not before. I didn’t know that journalism has evolved to become a profession with intersectional linkages to…well, astrology. Predicting stuff before it’s even happened!
Or rather (because that’s probably a beheading offence, to link Abrahmo-Leftists to Hindu religious practices, even obscure ones like astrology)…Here I was, like an ostrich with my head buried in the sand, thinking (ignorantly) that “innocent until proven guilty’ was perhaps still NOT declared racist or Islamophobic, or a slogan of hate, by the news-speak overlords of the Abrahmo-Leftists.
That believing ‘a riot had happened 1 year ago, is a reason to fearmonger it’ll happen again this year…and the next, and the next,’ is an entirely legitimate (and more importantly: ‘Secular’ – hence absolutely, unquestionably right!) way of putting out an argument.
Especially if it’s something like Gujrat and/or run by people from Gujrat.
That used to be called prejudice.
Today it’s called ‘Social Justice.’
My bad.
So the real question is not cracker burning; that’s going to happen anyway. But how dare Hindus call out their persecution by anti-Hindu State and Lutyens Elite as, well, ‘Anti-Hindu?’
‘Don’t you dare do it this year!’ is the core message, I guess. ‘Be forewarned of our bigotry… err, ‘Social Justice.’
She plays the elite victim card when mere commoners dared to call out those sell-out anti-Hindu celebrities, whose love for environment – or frankly any social cause, only wakes up (with a jolt like that from inside our trains – which eco-fascists would probably never know because they all travel by super-polluting Hawai-Jahaz and its business class, too!) when it comes to restricting one or the other aspect of Hindu festivals.
Nothing’s more transparent on the issue when it comes to “protection of innocent life”, and the deafening silence of Abrahmo-Leftists, on mass slaughter of goats on Bakrid.
Or perhaps a rather more apt analogy would be the 5 times blaring of a supremacist message from loudspeakers on tall buildings and how it absolutely should be a normal routine for 365 days a year. One which Hindus should accept not just religiously but which also has nothing at all do with noise pollution! How it absolutely doesn’t disturb anyone’s sleep. If anything, it serves as a sweet lullaby – or perhaps, a gentle wake-up call!
The idiot Hindus! They just don’t know the approved way of protest!
What’s this online non-sense about ‘Anushka, apna ku*** sambhal?’
They should have taken out mass rallies, chanting STSJ right in front of Vruska house, maybe a violent riot or two wouldn’t have hurt either!
A beheading or two certainly would’ve been a joy to mark the spirit of the festival!
After all, it’s the standard regulatory requirement from left-liberals, you stupid heathens and kaffirs!
That’d have been completely ‘peaceful.’
Look at how Abrahmo-Leftists covered Nupur Sharma episode. Including that fakestream newspaper, as also the issue of loudspeakers.
But anyway, if we start talking about idiocy of Hindus, it’ll take another 1000 years to discuss their inherent beliefs in honor and righteousness.
The central point is that the moment I read that article, I decided to pray to Bhagwan Ram, on the day of Diwali, that all of it must turn out exactly the way alleged journalist’s ‘fearful predictions’ had fear-mongered about. Because, like a rule, all ‘fears’ of Abrahmo-Leftists are about something that’s inherently good for Hindus. And this year, her faith in astrology needed to be respected too! Whether people burst crackers or not, BJP and AAP must engage in ‘communal, political identity politics.’
Because frankly, these people need to get a taste of their own medicines who’d poisoned our culture and ‘Praja-Tantra’ with black-magic of foreign-imported identity politics.
So imagine my level of sheer contentment and satisfaction, at receiving the divine blessings, when Delhites blew up the bigoted bans in spectacular fireworks, smoked our the anti-Hindu elite arrogance, while anti-Hidnu State run by AAP again blamed Hindus out of their bigoted, anti-Hindu rotten heart and BJP again called out AAP’s anti-Hindu hatred by terming its rhetoric about pollution and Diwali as “anti-Hindu.”
It was the most beautiful ‘Error 999: Request Denied’ moment I could ever have hoped for our bigoted, anti-Hindu journalist peddling her anti-Hindu Lutyens elite propaganda in the form of a ‘request’, then a ‘wish’, in a fakestream media outlet.
And I thought that was it.
But wait!
There’s one more para in the propaganda piece; a kind of 2nd climax in a mind-bender novel or movie, that blew even the 1st one out of the water.
Reading it, I again felt that familiar flutter in my heart, about the elusive, smokey feeling that something wrong, something very wrong, is buried under the words. A dark, dangerous evil lurking under the subtext.
And this time I got it.
Because the alleged journalist had got so carried away with it, she had been absolutely brazen in her anti-Hindu evil-worship.
What it was?
We’ll see in the next part!
(To be continued…)