Delhi police have arrested three men while one is on the run for murdering a woman whose body had been discovered in a bag about two weeks ago in Bawana located in North Delhi. According to reports, Lukman along with his brothers had murdered his live-in partner Neha Patel after she expressed a desire to end the relationship.
The other accused have been identified as Noman (30), Arman (26), and Shamshad (30). DCP Gaurav Sharma has said that the main accused Lukman is on the run and the police are on the lookout for him.
Police investigations have revealed that Patel, a resident of Shakurpur Village, was involved in a live-in relationship with Lukman for the last one month. She was fed up with his behavior and reportedly wanted to end the relationship. As per certain reports, she wanted to return to her husband and children. Following her decision, an argument broke out between the two on the night of 16th October and she was murdered by Lukman who strangulated her. His brothers helped him dispose of the body.
Lukman and the others were caught in the CCTV footage around his house which shows them pulling a trolly bag on the night of the 17th. An unidentified person traveling in a rickshaw was caught dumping the suitcase in another CCTV footage. The body had been dumped in Pooth Khurd.
Noman, Arman, and Shamshad have been arrested by the police, and the search for Lukman is going on.
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