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Hindu Post is the voice of Hindus. Support us. Protect Dharma
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Sunday, June 23, 2024


Society & Culture

Hegemony and Hindu Dharma in the West Indies – Part 3

Defining the Hindu Identity As we mentioned earlier, the symbolic force is transmitted through a most wide array of apparatuses. One of the most effective apparatuses...

भोजशाला: हिंदुओं के लिए महत्वपूर्ण क्यों?

भोजशाला का निर्माण, महत्व और वैभव भोजशाला विश्व का एक मात्र माँ वाग्देवी (सरस्वती) का अतिप्राचीन और अलौकिक मंदिर है। जहां कभी माँ वाग्देवी की...

Has JNU Become A Den Of Anti-Nationals And Hinduphobes?

On the one hand we have men like Lance Naik Hanmanthappa who sacrifice the best years of their life guarding our borders in inhospitable...

10 Opportunities For Hindu Entrepreneurs To Create Value Engaging With Latin America

Latin America is a region that has the population of Western Europe and United States combined, a geographical area larger than Europe and United...

Rahul Gandhi Is Playing Politics With The SCs Of Bharat

It is distressing, to say the least, when one observes the actions and the utterances of Rahul Gandhi. And to think that he and...

Hindu Society – Transgenders And Homosexuality

As a Supreme Court bench headed by the Chief Justice TS Thakur agreed to hear the curative petition filed by gay rights activists and...

Namaskar – The Symbol Of Our Civilizational Consciousness

Namaste, Namaskar, Pranama What is the significance of these words? Are they merely social greetings or are they a means to a deeper meaning? Should we endeavour...

Hegemony and Hindu Dharma in the West Indies – Part 2

Symbolic Force The hegemon imposes the new paradigm of hegemony by utilizing the traditional methods of imparting information. In modern societies these include schools, bureaucracies, armies,...

Apex Body Of Hindu Sadhus Joins Battle For Sanskrit

In a significant development, the Akhil Bharatiya Akhada Parishad (ABAP), an apex orgnization representing Hindu Sadhus and Sants and composed of 14 Akharas, has...

Media And Dubious Activists Lead Yet Another Round Of Hindu Bashing Over Shani Shingnapur

What is the ‘controversy’ at Shani Shingnapur temple ? This ‘controversy’ is related to the Shani mandir in Shani Shingnapur village, Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra. This...

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