“Manipur Needs To Worry”, Open The Magazine, December 8, 2024:
“Three Years after the military coup in Myanmar, Operation 1027 was launched against the military junta by the Three Brotherhood Alliance members comprising the Arakan Army (AA) based in Rakhine State, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) from the Kokang Region of Shan State, and The Ta’ang National Liberation Army, also from Shan State.
On October 27, the Alliance simultaneously attacked military outposts, police stations and took control of key cities and highways in the northern part of Shan State. The rebellion quickly spread to the Saigang region and by November 6 the second-biggest city in the country, Kawlin, had fallen to the ethnic armed organisations (EAOs), becoming the first district-level town to be taken by the insurgents.
By November 7, and with the launch of Operation 1107 in support of Operation 1027, many other insurgent groups across the country had joined hands. This was perhaps one of the rare occasions in the troubled history of Myanmar when insurgent groups from a variety of ethnic backgrounds had come together in a meticulously coordinated attack against the junta…..”
Read the full article at Openthemagazine.com