Colonialism is Dead. Long Live Star-Dot-Star Colonialism? Unguarded slips reveal an inner mindset. The Queen of England’s comment on Chinese rudeness was one such. And then there was one from Marc Andreessen...
The Hindu counter-hegemony must be launched simultaneously on two fronts. Firstly there has to be a reinterpretation, reformation, reaffirmation and regrounding of its Dharmic institutions and traditions.
Bharatiya social science and humanities academics abroad are playing a role that is unprecedented historically, by straining nonstop to legitimize assault on Hindu Dharma...
When a people become uneducated about their own heritage, deracinated and unaware, it should not come as a surprise when perverts and impostors come to...
In November, 2009, a self proclaimed critic of Hindu Dharma, Prof. Kancha Ilaiah of Osmania University, brought the subject of discrimination against ‘Dalits’ in...