News reports have emerged citing the possibility of the Gujarat government banning Holi celebrations across the state. Although rural areas are likely to get some relaxation, major cities including Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Vadodara, and Surat would face a total ban according to news channels.
The relaxation in rural areas would be subject to discussions and further orders by the government. In the meanwhile, municipalities in urban areas are set to ban Holi celebration parties including club and farmhouse parties involving large gatherings in view of the rising cases of the Chinese Virus pandemic.
As per available information, Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani is said to have taken stock of the situation. He held a review meeting with important officials and members of the core committee to decide on the matter. The quarantine and other pandemic rules put in place in the metro cities of Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Vadodara, and Surat would continue and are unlikely to be relaxed for the upcoming festive celebrations.
As per sources, it is unlikely that the government will even give permission to hold Holi celebrations in public places. Keeping this in view many clubs in Ahmedabad have already cancelled their Holi celebration plans. Rajpath Club and Karnavati Club have announced their decisions to call off the Holi celebrations.
Rural areas and housing societies may be given some relaxation to celebrate the festival. Additionally, possibility of exception being granted for performing religious rituals connected to the festival is also being expressed. However, an official government confirmation in this regard is still awaited.
The main question, however is, why is only the Hindu society subjected to such clampdown no matter how well intended they may be. If rising Chinese Virus cases are the chief concern then shouldn’t such restrictions be placed on every form of gathering? While on the one hand curbs are placed on Hindu festive celebrations, on the other we find political rallies, farmer protests and other forms of public gatherings allowed to continue unabated.
(Featured Image Source: Times of India)
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