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Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Forgotten History of Hampi – Part 1 (Vijaya Vitthala Mandira)

The city of Vijayanagara, known today as Hampi is visited by many people from various parts of the world as a tourist spot. While...

Mobiles may make banks extinct

The mobile phone is now being used for small-time financial activities, such as information on prices, billing settlements, etc. We have service providers like...

Ban against Cow slaughter: Need for a Constitutional Mandate

There has been a lot of anger and outrage at the recent killing of a cattle rearer in Alwar. Such private violence is totally...

Bhuloka Vaikuntha Desecrated: Nothing is sacred for the Government

The land of Bharat is blessed with many ancient temples which stand as a testimony to the devotion and administrative and architectural skills possessed...

‘There’s Demonization Of Saffron In Bharat’- Dr. David Frawley Speaks On UP Politics

We speak to Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) regarding UP politics and the recent appointment of Yogi Adityanath as the CM of Uttar...

Global Bharatiya diaspora conference in Trinidad

The Indian Diaspora Councils of New York and Trinidad will be hosting an Indian Diaspora World Convention from March 17-20 at various venues in Trinidad. Speaking...

Rajdeep Sardesai makes a fool of himself, again

This article is not about Rajdeep Sardesai, per se, but about a whole ecosystem, primarily in Lutyen’s Delhi, that he is a part of. ...

Temple Elephants and the NGOs: A well orchestrated cultural attack

The NGOs in Bharat who are supported by the missionaries and corporate companies of the West have repeatedly been targeting the animals of Bharat, both...

Under Pinarayi Vijayan’s Watch, Another BJP Worker Murdered

The brutal oppression of Hindu activists in Kerala continues unabated under the ruthless communist hardliner CM Pinarayi Vijayan. Santhosh, a BJP worker who was...

Makar Sankranti is no Bakrid

Does anyone remember their school days when they were asked to write an essay on a festival, e.g. Holi, Deepavali, or Uttarayan? We used...

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