“Sohail Hashmi, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Teesta Setalvad and NewsClick’s Chinese funding: Connecting the dots”, The Pamphlet, October 6, 2023:
“As soon as the news about investigation against online news portal NewsClick regarding alleged Chinese funding broke, a certain section of the media started crying foul. They took to various platforms to say that journalism isn’t crime and how the press in India is under attack.
To put things straight, these individuals are not being probed for their alleged journalism, but over allegations of having received funding from foreign land, illegally, for promoting stories and narratives that challenge the territorial integrity of India. If one identifies oneself as journalist that does not absolve them from following the law of the land.
Now that we have that important bit of information out of our way, let us talk about another narrative that is being talked about. A lot of the people who are being probed are claiming that they are not even associated with NewsClick and are ‘being hounded’ for ‘criticising Modi’. Let us break this down…..”
Read the full article at Thepamphlet.in