“Bangladesh Mukti Diwas: Manekshaw won war, Indira lost to Bhutto”, Organiser, December 16, 2023:
“Till December 16, 1971, we had East Pakistan and West Pakistan on our Eastern and Western flanks. With the surrender of Lt Gen AKA Niazi, along with over 90,000 Pakistan soldiers at Dhaka that day, a nation named Bangladesh was born. The story is history now, and it explains how geography changed in our neighbourhood decades ago.
Turning Down Indira’s Diktat
Around this time of the year, we ordinary citizens need to bow our heads in memory of all those who laid down their lives in the countless battles. The military success in that 13-day war, which raged from December 3 to 16, was primarily due to the then Army Chief, General Sam Manekshaw. It is common knowledge now that he had stood up to then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and said no to waging a war in April 1971.
His refusal to start a war against Pakistan in April was based on sound logic and lack of preparedness of the Indian Army at that point of time. Over the next nine months (April-December 1971), stiff training, buying of ammunition, building up stocks all along the borders was what Sam ordered. Deft diplomacy leading to a Friendship Treaty with the USSR in August 1971 also helped…..”
Read the full article at Organiser.org