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Monday, May 6, 2024

Eastern Ukraine Vs. Kashmir: West’s outrageous anti-Hindu hypocrisy in favor of their preferred Abrahamics! – Part 2

There’s a Christian faith and then …there’s Christian faith.

Remember, just like Islam, Christianity itself is not a uniform religion, despite it’s professed monotheism. And it’s differences are also not limited to divides between just Catholics and Protestants – or Shia and Sunnis, if we take Islamic view.

There are lots of sects within even these monotheistic religions.

Besides, Eastern Christianity was always drastically different than Western Christianity.

Eastern Orthodox Churches had their own rituals, doctrines and practices.

In fact, previously, Orthodox Church in Ukraine was under Russian Orthodox Church’s control.

But following the west backed violent coup in Ukraine in 2014, “secular liberals” who should’ve no business in church – in fact, who must detest it like a rabies-infected-dog – took increasingly darker interest in church affairs in Ukraine. With the whole thing finally ending up in a historical split between Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox churches in 2018. And formalized in early 2019.

Even back in the day, Ukrainian president poroshenko had called Russian-Ukranian religious unity and harmony a “direct threat to the national security of Ukraine” and insisted that it was “absolutely necessary to cut off all the tentacles with which the aggressor country operates inside the body of our state.”

(I’d like you all to keep this one in mind.)

Fast Forward to 2022-23 and the conflict in Ukraine, and there’s increasing pressure by ukrainian govt. For remaining priests and churches who follow Russian Orthodoxy to sever ties with their religion. zelenskyy’s govt. is sanctioning these people, arresting these people for their beliefs, raiding churches and monastries like they’re criminals and mobs, and their property is seized and distributed to Ukrainian Orthodox Church by force. Some 23 criminal cases are already going on in courts against them by april and now there’s a bill in parliament to ban belief in Russian Orthodox Churches altogether in Ukraine!

Keep in mind that they’re a minority, before the war they were 18%, which, following Ukrainian persecution, shrunk to mere 4%. Regardless, the math makes them a minority, and an endangered one after the recent crackdown, so might deserve special protection under far left-liberal consensus on minority rights over the majority.

And yet, what do we see in ISIS apologists’ favorite Guardian and its Editorial stance on the whole issue?

Amid a bitter backlash against pro-Russian “agents in cassocks” – several high-profile priests have been charged with treason – it would be understandable if Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, decided to back an outright ban of the UOC.

The Guardian says ‘it’s understandable,’ when their favorite proxy against Russia violates an inviolable rule of far-left liberal universal value of Human Rights. For the record, ISIS’s favorite Guardian does say that outright ban might raise questions about “religious freedom” but its mostly the danger that it might create a ‘martyr complex’… still, and surely, it remains understandable. Anything short of ban is entirely permissible. Like other harassment and persecution I listed above. And is cheered on by the far left colonial  propaganda outlets like The Guardian.

For far lesser actions against actual terrorist anti-Hindu mentality and actions of Jihadis, these far-left woke anti-Hindu monsters of the west are quick to call us Fascists and Nazis. When there are actual card-carrying, Hakencreuz wearing Nazis operating in Ukraine per ISIS’s favorite Guardian’s own reporting dating back to 2014 itself!

But let’s focus on the crux of this: What Ukraine is doing and why, to its ‘helpless religious minorities’, is exactly what and why behind Hindutva, namely: a political minded religious minority whose center of loyalty lies outside national borders.

And the result being a deeply localized religious nationalism that’s wedded to State.

If Ukraine is allowed, nay, encouraged by the western left-liberals, to, first, create an artificial schism between its traditional religious beliefs and communities and use this pretext to create an entirely new breed of fanatical sect, and then is further allowed to use this artificial new sect to justify the puppet State of the west starting to violently persecute what is, still, just another (and original) sect of the same religion with minor differences in rituals and language….all in the name of war, occupation, loot, plunder, and historical oppression…then, Islam is an entirely different religion with thoroughly incompatible and downright opposite beliefs to Sanatan Dharma.

West today is vehemently opposed to partition of Ukraine, and yet Bharat was cut off from its ancient territories precisely because of anti-Hindu Islamist separatist hatred of a religious minority in 1947. Overseen and instigated by yet another  Abrahamic colonial State.

Worse, even after history’s largest and most brutal mass migration killing a million and displacing 10 millions, Bharat lost yet more territory (and people, thousands of them) at the hands of this anti-hindu islamist separatist imperialist Jihadi minority based newly created nation’s patently illegal occupation of Kashmir, in violation of every UN resolution this treacherous snake itself crows about day and night in each world forum that’ll throw him a biskut or two and say ‘bark’!

And if the western left-liberals shamelessly say that ‘oh, Ukraine is at war, with its territorial integrity at stake, you Bharatiyas aren’t going through any such thing’ then boss, isn’t Kashmir still illegally occupied by an islamist Jihadi nation?  Isn’t Ukrainian fight in crimea and Moscow backed ‘militants’ in eastern ukraine – in which Ukraine committed genocides against Russian speaking people – fully blessed by the west since 2014? In the name of fighting illegal occupation and crushing separatism? Why do anybody think that relations between Bharat and Pakistan are normal?

Besides, expanding the scope of larger argument, both geographically and politically to fit the ‘Universalist Zealotry of western Left-Liberals over any issue…’

Islamist Jihadi terrorist attacks kept happening in Bharat backed by Pakistan. Even after 1947. In which thousands more Hindus died.

Terror plots by Islamist Jihadi sleeper cell modules keep getting busted by NIA and Police in which more violent Muslims having Bharatiya citizenship keep getting implicated.

We keep hearing, regularly, that despicable treasonous chant of ‘Pakistan Z****bad’ from traitorous Muslims in full public view, all over Bharat.

How can relations between Hindus and Muslims be not hostile then?

Hell, islamist theology itself divides world in only 2 possible groups: Dar-Al-islam and Dar-Al-Harb. House-of-Islam and House-of-War. The areas already conquered and subjugated under Islamist rule; and the areas where Islam doesn’t rule yet and for which Jihad needs to be waged to bring them to their knees under Islamist control. And if an area once becomes Dar-Al-Islam, it forever becomes Islamic territory and all subsequent rule that’s not in accordance with Islamist doctrines, are illegitmate and violent Jihad against them is justified…

And so, just like (or maybe even more serious than) ukraine situation, a de-facto state of war exists between Islamists and Hindus…so long as Hindus remain, well, Hindus. Our mere existence is offensive and intolerable for them.

A state of war that exists not because we Hindus want to, but because Islamist doctrines originating from outside Bharat compel not just outside but Bharatiya Muslims to believe and do so.

It’s not us, it’s them.

Also, why single out Islam?

For all colonization, loot, plunder, violence, genocide, and all-around hatred and political instability of Bharat that was undertaken by europeans, it always was rooted in one foreign ideology or another. Religious or otherwise.

British Colonization of Bharat happened under an official Christian state, with the monarch sworn to protect this church.

But Christians were not the only european colonizers in Bharat.

There were colonizers from Denmark. Portugal. Dutch. Even Swiss and Austrians. Not to mention French.

Every single one of these nations had Christianity as State religion during colonization of Bharat. Some still are. Worse, even after the advent of secularism doctrine in the west, making formal separation between Church and State, colonization and exploitation of Hindus and of Bharat continued. The most zealous among them, France, with its militant secularism of Laicite, still didn’t formally left Bharatiya territory until 1962.

Heck, the Godless commies! Even they exposed their loyalties to be lying outside Bharat, 1st in 1947-48, and then once more in 1962 war with communist China. And if you think that’s too far down the history, look no further than Kavita Krishnan’s ouster from CPI ML because she questioned party line on China, Mao, Stalin, 1962 war and democracy itself!

So the anti-Hindu rot in white-west is inherent. I wish I could say it was racism, but it’s not. Because Jihadi Islamists of brown descent are well-received, in fact, worshipped in left-liberal circles.

It’s a specific prejudice, against an inherently tolerant, polythiest, idol-worshipping culture, in a west that itself is deeply monothiestic and imperialist even when it’s in fierce opposition to their own religion.

And that fierceness, may not be all that fierce at all, despite all appearances to the contrary. Despite all the attacks on Christianity through pop-culture and the suicidally opportunist alliance with Islamists that the corrupt western degenerate elites and left-liberals had forged, west remains, to this day, deeply Christian. There are very few countries in europe where christians are less than 50%. Where they are, its primarily those which had become thoroughly Islamist pre-WW-II. Because if they hated Christianity so much…well, did you see the speed with which they organized a “debate” and passed a “resolution” in EU parliament regarding Manipur issue? Framing it as purely Christian Vs. Hindu conflict and squarely blaming the latter in it?

And US… boss, the world’s most powerful and most hypocritically imperialist country USA, is deeply, deeply christian – and anti-Hindu. Look at the anti-Hindu hate-speech and vitriol Vivek Ramaswamy had to suffer at the hands of Christian pastors just because he wouldn’t convert and in fact proudly asserts his Hindu identity.

Result of all this is in front of us.

While on the one hand, anti-hindu non-religious left-liberals keep attacking Hindus using ‘minority’ card, and using forged statistics and bogus surveys to keep degrading Bharat’s sovereign ratings on every metric, not to mention how they keep inciting violent Jihadis to attack peaceful Hindus and then white-wash their genocidal crimes as ‘conspiracy theories/didn’t happen/Hindus themselves are to blame (Their repulsive rhetoric about Kashmiri Hindu’s ethnic cleansing at the hands of Jihadi Muslims for example)…

On the other hand, fanatically religious Christians among them keep issuing hate-speeches and act as covert conversion mafia against Hindus. What happened in Tamil Nadu? Recently a self-confessed Christian minister of an anti-Hindu dynasty openly called ‘Sanatan Dharma as malaria, dengue and corona’ and, as a solution, called for ‘eradication of Santan Dharma itself.’ And that’s not even the beginning or end. There was a priest who’d called ‘Bharat Mata and Bhumi Devi as something that gives scabies.’ So equating Hindu dharma and Gods to diseases and offering Christianity as the purifying salvation is not a new trick. It’s also an established fact how Christian Missionaries from the west had created artificial north-south divides in Bharat using linguistic Kung Fu and Genetic Mythology of long debunked Aryan Invasion Theories – justice how it happened in Ukraine.

Not to mention, where they’ve become a significant number – in North-East – we had faced, and are facing yet again, a violent secessionist terrorist campaign that’s accentuated by illegal-migration, narco-trafficking, gangsterism, and pakistan supported sabotage.

They’ve also allied deeply – and most ironically – with Left-Wing terrorists. Stan Swamy, a Bhima-Koregaon accused, was a Christian missionary. In Orissa, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Andhra-Pradesh, the tribal-belt affected by savage left-wing terrorists is a favourite conversion hunting ground of Christian missionaries. Who might choose to remain crypto-converts due to their desire of engorging both church charity and State benefits of reservation, thus creating another layer of inequality for those ST-SCs who truly stick to their Dharma and refuse to convert, and for whose welfare the actual reservation policies were 1st enacted.

Wherever State rule weakens due to any kind of crisis or instability, Christian missionary activities become astonishingly fast and furious.

There were reports of how entire villages were converted during wuhan coronavirus pandemic. Punjab, with its resurgent Khalistani threat thanks to left-wing alleged farmer unions who led an unconstitutional traitorous siege to our national capital against democratic majority opinion of the rest of the farmers of the nation (it was revealed later that 86% farmers were in favor of the now repealed 3 farm laws) for whole 1 year – even after a violent insurrection on a most symbolic day on 26 january 2021, that Punjab, is suffering alarming unease and unrest with missionary conversion activities.

And all this being allowed, in the name of western thoughts like ‘Democracy – where minority rights and secularism reign supreme over majority interests’.

There’s a general agreement among politically conscious Hindus that ‘Minority appeasement and Secularism’ had been death-knell of Sanatan Dharma.

Given all this, as a principle, for a country who’s territories remain still occupied; and in whose borders live significant number of people following foreign ideologies of the occupier; who’s suffered enslavement, colonization, and exploitation by these foreign ideologies in a millennia long dark past and against which it is still fighting… if western left-liberal warmongers find it okay and understandable for such a country and its victimized people to want to ban such foreign ideologies, and are perfectly okay and supportive of all such coercive steps by the victim nation to curb foreign malicious influence, treason and separatism even its in the form of religion (except an outright ban)…then Bharat has much, much greater claim to take exactly the sort of steps against Islam and christianity and even secularism and communism; that Ukraine is taking against Russian Orthodox Church and its followers – and be entitled to no-criticism, even encouragement from western left-liberals.

We’ve fought more wars than Ukrainians had; we had fought them longer than Ukrainians had, and we had lost more people than ukrainians had. Much, much more. Hindu people. Killed and intimidated by weapons and supplies provided by Ukraine to our historical Islamist oppressor – while Ukraine itself belongs to another oppressor faith.

And Bhagwan Bachaye …if that bill in Ukraine gets passed, banning outright Russian Orthodox Church or even effectively banning it, (while for appearances sake keeping it alive), Bharat should never let the western left-liberals live it down on any and all diplomatic forums. And push for complete erasure of all foreign cultures and influence from our traumatized land.

To western-backed die hard left-liberals and ISIS’s favorite sympathizers…I’m sure that’ll be perfectly understandable.

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Abhinandan Pande
Abhinandan Pande
Abhinandan Pande is an aspiring Spy Thriller writer who sees the threats to Bharat as they are - An institutionalized Abrahmic/Left-Liberal revulsion for Hindus' Right to Exist.


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